SCI Abstract

Impact of the COVID‐19 pandemic on perinatal care and outcomes in the United States: An interrupted time series analysis
Impact of the COVID‐19 pandemic on perinatal care and outcomes in the United States: An interrupted time series analysis
Abstract Background Hospitals quickly adapted perinatal care to mitigate SARS-CoV-2 transmission at the onset of the COVID...
Upright breech birth: New video research risks reviving Friedman’s curse
Upright breech birth: New video research risks reviving Friedman’s curse
Although national guidelines have supported a resurgence of vaginal breech birth since the publication of the two-year fol...
Determinants of elevated depressive symptoms in Chinese women with gestational diabetes mellitus
Determinants of elevated depressive symptoms in Chinese women with gestational diabetes mellitus
Abstract Background Pregnant women with gestational diabetes mellitus (GDM) have a higher risk of developing elevated depr...
Contributing indications to intrapartum and prelabor cesarean births in Iceland 1997‐2015
Contributing indications to intrapartum and prelabor cesarean births in Iceland 1997‐2015
Abstract Background More research is needed on the relative contributions of different indications for cesarean birth and ...
Implementing Essential Coaching for Every Mother during the COVID‐19 pandemic: A pre‐post intervention study
Implementing Essential Coaching for Every Mother during the COVID‐19 pandemic: A pre‐post intervention study
Abstract Objectives The primary objective of this project was to evaluate the preliminary impact of Essential Coaching for...
Mental health among pregnant women with COVID‐19–related stressors and worries in the United States
Mental health among pregnant women with COVID‐19–related stressors and worries in the United States
Abstract Background Few studies have evaluated whether pandemic-related stressors, worries, and social distancing have aff...
The structure of breech revolutions, a response to: “Upright Breech Birth: New Video Research Risks Reviving Friedman’s Curse”
The structure of breech revolutions, a response to: “Upright Breech Birth: New Video Research Risks Reviving Friedman’s Curse”
Thank you for inviting us to respond to the commentary, “Upright Breech Birth: New Video Research Risks Reviving Friedman'...
“How am I going to make it through pregnancy?” A qualitative examination of prenatal maternal stress
“How am I going to make it through pregnancy?” A qualitative examination of prenatal maternal stress
Abstract Background Prenatal maternal stress (PNMS) is common among childbearing women, and there is substantial evidence ...
Inequitable use of health services for Indigenous mothers who experience stillbirth in Australia
Inequitable use of health services for Indigenous mothers who experience stillbirth in Australia
Abstract Objectives The purpose of this study was to identify differences in health service expenditure on Indigenous and ...
Perinatal and postpartum care during the COVID‐19 pandemic: A nationwide cohort study
Perinatal and postpartum care during the COVID‐19 pandemic: A nationwide cohort study
Abstract Background This study aimed to analyze perinatal outcomes and adverse events during the COVID-19 pandemic's first...
Let complete numbers speak for themselves
Let complete numbers speak for themselves
Abstract The authors describe the challenges they encountered, having attempted to retrospectively complete a home birth o...
Essential newborn care practices in Benin: Are there differences by birth location?
Essential newborn care practices in Benin: Are there differences by birth location?
Abstract Background Annually, about 60 infant deaths occur per 1000 live births in Benin; nearly one-half of these deaths ...
Protocol versus practice: Deviations from guidelines in low‐risk twin deliveries in the United States
Protocol versus practice: Deviations from guidelines in low‐risk twin deliveries in the United States
Abstract Background Medical guidelines recommend vaginal delivery for low-risk twin pregnancies because cesareans increase...
The impact of family physicians in rural maternity care
The impact of family physicians in rural maternity care
Abstract Background Reduced access to maternity care in rural areas of the United States presents a significant burden to ...
Health care provider support and factors associated with breastfeeding beyond infancy: A cross‐national study
Health care provider support and factors associated with breastfeeding beyond infancy: A cross‐national study
Abstract Background Breastfeeding beyond infancy (12 months) remains atypical in the United States, United Kingdom, C...
Vaginal birth after cesarean in women with no prior vaginal delivery carrying a large for gestational age baby
Vaginal birth after cesarean in women with no prior vaginal delivery carrying a large for gestational age baby
Abstract Background To study the factors associated with successful labor after cesarean (LAC) among women with no prior v...
Cephalic marks and well‐being in newborns after operative vaginal delivery
Cephalic marks and well‐being in newborns after operative vaginal delivery
Abstract Objectives To compare the incidence of cephalic marks in newborns exposed to operative vaginal delivery and those...
Decreased incidence of cesarean surgical site infection rate with hospital‐wide perioperative bundle
Decreased incidence of cesarean surgical site infection rate with hospital‐wide perioperative bundle
Abstract Background Reduction in the incidence of surgical site infection (SSI) serves as a measure of patient safety and ...
Predictors of successful vaginal birth after cesarean without an epidural among women with no prior vaginal delivery
Predictors of successful vaginal birth after cesarean without an epidural among women with no prior vaginal delivery
Abstract Background Data are scarce on predictors for success of labor after cesarean (LAC) among women delivering without...
Meal patterning and the onset of spontaneous labor
Meal patterning and the onset of spontaneous labor
Abstract Background There is a lack of consensus in the literature about the association between meal patterning during pr...
Racial inequities in the course of treating perinatal mental health challenges: Results from listening to mothers in California
Racial inequities in the course of treating perinatal mental health challenges: Results from listening to mothers in California
Abstract Background Concern with depression during the perinatal period has resulted in multiple states enacting legislati...
A maternity care home model of enhanced prenatal care to reduce preterm birth rate and NICU use
A maternity care home model of enhanced prenatal care to reduce preterm birth rate and NICU use
Abstract Background Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services (CMS) funded 182 US health care sites to reduce preterm birth...
Successful vertical transmission of SARS‐CoV‐2 antibodies after maternal vaccination
Successful vertical transmission of SARS‐CoV‐2 antibodies after maternal vaccination
1 INTRODUCTION The severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) pandemic has resulted i...
Cultural competence and experiences of maternity health care providers on care for migrant women: A qualitative meta‐synthesis
Cultural competence and experiences of maternity health care providers on care for migrant women: A qualitative meta‐synthesis
Abstract Background The United Nations Sustainable Development Goals 2030 aim to reduce health care inequity and maternal ...
Pregnancy and birth in the United States during the COVID‐19 pandemic: The views of doulas
Pregnancy and birth in the United States during the COVID‐19 pandemic: The views of doulas
Abstract Background Much of the emerging research on the effects of SARS-CoV-2 disease (COVID-19) on pregnant people and t...
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