SCI Abstract

Religious Fundamentalism, but Not Centrality of Religiosity, is Related to Online Conformity: A Study Based on Asch’s Paradigm
Religious Fundamentalism, but Not Centrality of Religiosity, is Related to Online Conformity: A Study Based on Asch’s Paradigm
Humans are inherently social beings and are often subject to social influence, a phenomenon known as conformity. But what ...
Polish Employees’ Religiosity and Finding Meaning in Work: The Role of Gratitude Toward the Organization
Polish Employees’ Religiosity and Finding Meaning in Work: The Role of Gratitude Toward the Organization
Religion can serve as a framework for finding meaning in life. There is a lack of research regarding the mechanism underly...
Ibn ‘Arabī’s Mystical Pedagogy of Death
Ibn ‘Arabī’s Mystical Pedagogy of Death
One of the most important mystical thinkers in the Islamic tradition, Muḥyī al-Dīn ibn ‘Arabī (...
Displaying Altruism as a Sexual Signal in Human Mate Choice is an Adaptation – An Interdisciplinary Overview of the Evidence
Displaying Altruism as a Sexual Signal in Human Mate Choice is an Adaptation – An Interdisciplinary Overview of the Evidence
Numerous studies in humans have shown that altruism may influence mate choice decisions, highlighting its potential role a...
Investigating Potential Interactive Effects Between Limbal Rings and Facial Attractiveness
Investigating Potential Interactive Effects Between Limbal Rings and Facial Attractiveness
Limbal rings are dark bands in the eyes that circle the iris. Previous research suggests that the presence of limbal rings...
The Structure of Child Adoption Based on the Relationship Between Adoptive Parents and Adoptive Children in Finland
The Structure of Child Adoption Based on the Relationship Between Adoptive Parents and Adoptive Children in Finland
Humans, like many other primates, possess the ability to adopt, and the practice of child adoption exists across human soc...
The Adaptive Function of Veiling: How Women Use Religious Veiling to Secure Male Protection
The Adaptive Function of Veiling: How Women Use Religious Veiling to Secure Male Protection
This study explores veiling from an adaptive perspective, examining how the practice may serve women’s interests. Th...
Explaining the Links Between Narcissism and Fertility: Are There Differences Between the Grandiose and Vulnerable Component?
Explaining the Links Between Narcissism and Fertility: Are There Differences Between the Grandiose and Vulnerable Component?
The main goal of the present research was to explore the links between grandiose and vulnerable narcissism and fertility (...
Perception of Tactile Disgust: The Role of Object Characteristics, Sensitivity to Different Disgust Subscales and Fear
Perception of Tactile Disgust: The Role of Object Characteristics, Sensitivity to Different Disgust Subscales and Fear
Disgust plays a significant role in pathogen protection, with research highlighting the distinct contributions of various ...
Quality of Paternal Investment and Adult Sons’ Beliefs About Romantic Relationships
Quality of Paternal Investment and Adult Sons’ Beliefs About Romantic Relationships
Patterns of paternal investment, including low quality of father involvement and biological father absence, tend to repeat...
Does the Conservativeness of Religious Veiling Signal Trust and In-Group Commitment?
Does the Conservativeness of Religious Veiling Signal Trust and In-Group Commitment?
This research explored whether the conservativeness of religious veiling among Muslim women acts as a costly signal of tru...
Teaching Justice-Involved Adolescents Basic Financial Literacy Skills: A Preliminary Investigation
Teaching Justice-Involved Adolescents Basic Financial Literacy Skills: A Preliminary Investigation
There are approximately 423,000 adjudicated delinquency cases each year in the United States. Previous research indicates ...
Reinforcement of Majority and Minority Conformity in a Single-Subject Design
Reinforcement of Majority and Minority Conformity in a Single-Subject Design
Conformity can be understood as an increased probability of imitating the most frequent peer behavior observed within a gr...
Editorial: Identifying Barriers for Behavior Scientists Working on Social Issues
Editorial: Identifying Barriers for Behavior Scientists Working on Social Issues
Alavosius, M. P., Gelino, B. W., & Rakos, R. F. (2022). Culturo-behavior science practicum: Analyses and intervention ...
Increasing Culturally Responsive Behavior among Graduate Students Preparing for Careers with Neurodiverse Clients
Increasing Culturally Responsive Behavior among Graduate Students Preparing for Careers with Neurodiverse Clients
The field of behavior analysis is continually evolving and there has been a call to action for increased culturally respon...
Increasing Independence in Meals Using Say-Do Correspondence Training
Increasing Independence in Meals Using Say-Do Correspondence Training
Children on the autism spectrum who avoid or refuse certain foods are at an increased risk of developing nutritional defic...
A Behavioral Systems Approach to a Brazilian Restorative Justice Organization
A Behavioral Systems Approach to a Brazilian Restorative Justice Organization
Restorative justice (RJ) corresponds to a set of actions, programs, and practices to promote a more autonomous conflict re...