SCI Abstract

Development and growth of cavernosal sinusoidal endothelia in the external genitalia of human fetuses
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Morphological assessments of the oropharyngeal isthmus in professional singing
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The impact of the styloid process angulation on the carotid arteries
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Microvasculature and trabecular bone in beagle proximal femur: Microstructural insights
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AI-powered techniques in anatomical imaging: Impacts on veterinary diagnostics and surgery
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Exploring the potential and limitations of artificial intelligence in animal anatomy
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Prevalence of coeliac trunk variants: A systematic review with meta-analysis
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Topographic and anatomical variability of the facial artery: Structure and physiology
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3-dimensional investigation of the vascular anatomy of the triquetrum with micro-computed tomography
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Beyond two heads: An imaging-based analysis of the lateral pterygoid muscle’s heads
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Investigating the expression and role of N-Myc in spermatogonial stem cells and male infertility
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Investigating the surface topography of human acellular and cellular tooth cementum by atomic force microscopy
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Mapping the neural substrate of high dual-task gait cost in older adults across the cognitive spectrum
Mapping the neural substrate of high dual-task gait cost in older adults across the cognitive spectrum
The dual task cost of gait (DTC) is an accessible and cost-effective test that can help identify individuals with cognitiv...
Is there something sexual in the ventral midline thalamus?
Is there something sexual in the ventral midline thalamus?
This mini-review explores sexual dimorphism in the ventral midline thalamus, focusing on the reuniens nucleus and its role...
Maternally activated connections of the ventral lateral septum reveal input from the posterior intralaminar thalamus
Maternally activated connections of the ventral lateral septum reveal input from the posterior intralaminar thalamus
The lateral septum (LS) demonstrates activation in response to pup exposure in mothers, and its lesions eliminate maternal...
Neural correlates of auditory comprehension and integration of sanskrit verse: a functional MRI study
Neural correlates of auditory comprehension and integration of sanskrit verse: a functional MRI study
In this investigation, we delve into the neural underpinnings of auditory processing of Sanskrit verse comprehension, an a...
Early childhood stress and amygdala structure in children and adolescents with neurodevelopmental disorders
Early childhood stress and amygdala structure in children and adolescents with neurodevelopmental disorders
Children and adolescents with neurodevelopmental disorders such as autism spectrum disorder (ASD) and attention deficit hy...
Basal forebrain innervation of the amygdala: an anatomical and computational exploration
Basal forebrain innervation of the amygdala: an anatomical and computational exploration
Theta oscillations of the mammalian amygdala are associated with processing, encoding and retrieval of aversive memories. ...
Enlargement of the human prefrontal cortex and brain mentalizing network: anatomically homogenous cross-species brain transformation
Enlargement of the human prefrontal cortex and brain mentalizing network: anatomically homogenous cross-species brain transformation
To achieve a better understanding of the evolution of the large brain in humans, a comparative analysis of species differe...