SCI Abstract

Optical skyrmions: from fundamentals to applications
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Orbital angular momentum of polarization distributions of light
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Propagation of optical pulses in a spatiotemporal dispersive medium
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Control of electro-optic sideband spectrum using sequential modulators
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Observation of robust polarization conversion via topological edge states in dimer chains
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Multiband dielectric metasurface in sandwiched scheme fashioned in the visible range
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Sensing the polarization of visible light with optimized absorbing nanorods
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Stochastic Stokes origami: folds, cusps and skyrmionic facets in random polarisation fields
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Ultra-broadband dual-functional metamaterial based on vanadium dioxide for adaptive terahertz wave manipulation
Ultra-broadband dual-functional metamaterial based on vanadium dioxide for adaptive terahertz wave manipulation, Guo, Xuny...
Attosecond electron dynamics in solid-state systems
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Berreman-assisted optical characterization of sub-percolation threshold, ultrathin near-zero-index films
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Implementation of reflection matrix microscopy: an algorithm perspective
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Rubyene: a promising platform for quantum technologies and optical nanosensing
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Non-conventional ultrasound transducer geometry facilitates remote light control within samples
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Highly efficient terahertz dark-field imaging system with 3D-printed components
Highly efficient terahertz dark-field imaging system with 3D-printed components, Chung, Bryce, Lees, Harrison, Ibrahim, Ma...
Aerosol Sounding of the Troposphere and Stratosphere by Lidar and Aerological Technologies
Aerosol Sounding of the Troposphere and Stratosphere by Lidar and Aerological Technologies
Weather conditions are a natural limitation of the use of remote lidar sensing methods of the atmosphere, while the direct...
Cloud Recognition in Hyperspectral Satellite Images Using an Explainable Machine Learning Model
Cloud Recognition in Hyperspectral Satellite Images Using an Explainable Machine Learning Model
Problem of developing algorithm based upon neutral networks and machine learning to find clouds on hyperspectral images ar...
Wind Effect on H2O Absorption Lines Perturbed by He, Ar, Kr, and Xe Pressure
Wind Effect on H2O Absorption Lines Perturbed by He, Ar, Kr, and Xe Pressure
The effect of two factors, i.e., the dependence of the broadening coefficients γ and shifting coefficient δ on t...
Ground-Level Atmospheric Turbulence in the Sayan Solar Observatory in Summer 2023
Ground-Level Atmospheric Turbulence in the Sayan Solar Observatory in Summer 2023
Estimating the influence of atmospheric turbulence on the quality of astronomical images requires appropriate investigatio...
Polar Stratosphere Dynamics During Early Sudden Stratospheric Warmings
Polar Stratosphere Dynamics During Early Sudden Stratospheric Warmings
Sudden stratospheric warming (SSW) significantly impacts the weather in the troposphere and the dynamics of the upper atmo...
Effect of Diffusion Doping of ZnGeP2 with Mg and Ca Atoms on the Optical Properties of Single Crystals
Effect of Diffusion Doping of ZnGeP2 with Mg and Ca Atoms on the Optical Properties of Single Crystals
The effect of impurity Mg and Ca atoms on the optical breakdown threshold of a nonlinear ZnGeP2 crystal at a wavelength of...
Penning Neon Laser Pumped by a Pulsed Inductive Longitudinal Discharge
Penning Neon Laser Pumped by a Pulsed Inductive Longitudinal Discharge
Laser radiation in the yellow wavelength range is widely used in ophthalmology due to its effectiveness and unique propert...
Scaling of Europium Vapor Laser
Scaling of Europium Vapor Laser
IR lasers are widely used in various fields of science and technology. In this regard, expanding the spectral range and ob...
The Use of the Turbulent Lidar for Aviation Safety
The Use of the Turbulent Lidar for Aviation Safety
Clear air turbulence (CAT) constitutes the highest danger for aviation in the free atmosphere in the altitude range 6̵...