SCI Abstract

Attosecond electron dynamics in solid-state systems
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Berreman-assisted optical characterization of sub-percolation threshold, ultrathin near-zero-index films
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Implementation of reflection matrix microscopy: an algorithm perspective
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Rubyene: a promising platform for quantum technologies and optical nanosensing
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Non-conventional ultrasound transducer geometry facilitates remote light control within samples
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Highly efficient terahertz dark-field imaging system with 3D-printed components
Highly efficient terahertz dark-field imaging system with 3D-printed components, Chung, Bryce, Lees, Harrison, Ibrahim, Ma...
STAR-FDTD: space-time modulated acousto-optic guidestar in disordered media
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A practical guide to digital micro-mirror devices (DMDs) for wavefront shaping
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A modular GUI-based program for genetic algorithm-based feedback-assisted wavefront shaping
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Highly reflective and high-Q thin resonant subwavelength gratings
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An efficient compact blazed grating antenna for optical phased arrays
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Wavefront shaping simulations with augmented partial factorization
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Angular excitation of exceptional points and pseudospetra of photonic lattices
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High-precision alignment of optoelectronic devices for optical phase conjugation
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A methodical approach to design adiabatic waveguide couplers for heterogeneous integrated photonics
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Dynamic control of spontaneous emission using magnetized InSb higher-order-mode antennas
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Brillouin scattering from biomedical samples: the challenge of heterogeneity
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MetaPhyNet: intelligent design of large-scale metasurfaces based on physics-driven neural network
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High-performance electro-optic switches with compact multimode interference and Bezier S-bend waveguides
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Enhancing hyperspectral imaging through macro and multi-modal capabilities
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The elastic stiffness tensor of cellulosic viscose fibers measured with Brillouin spectroscopy
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Shaping the spatial correlations of entangled photon pairs
Shaping the spatial correlations of entangled photon pairs, Patrick Cameron, Baptiste Courme, Daniele Faccio, Hugo Defienne
Brillouin spectroscopy for accurate assessment of morphological and mechanical characteristics in micro-structured samples
Brillouin spectroscopy for accurate assessment of morphological and mechanical characteristics in micro-structured samples...