SCI Abstract

Optical skyrmions: from fundamentals to applications
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Orbital angular momentum of polarization distributions of light
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Propagation of optical pulses in a spatiotemporal dispersive medium
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Control of electro-optic sideband spectrum using sequential modulators
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Observation of robust polarization conversion via topological edge states in dimer chains
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Multiband dielectric metasurface in sandwiched scheme fashioned in the visible range
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Sensing the polarization of visible light with optimized absorbing nanorods
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Stochastic Stokes origami: folds, cusps and skyrmionic facets in random polarisation fields
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Ultra-broadband dual-functional metamaterial based on vanadium dioxide for adaptive terahertz wave manipulation
Ultra-broadband dual-functional metamaterial based on vanadium dioxide for adaptive terahertz wave manipulation, Guo, Xuny...
Beam-steering by a phase-transition metal-based 1-bit programmable metasurface
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Corrigendum: Internal flows and energy circulation in light beams (2011 J. Opt. 13 053001)
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Reordering of point-vortex lattices under anisotropic diffraction: far-field analysis
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Effect of wavefront distortion on focusing performance of long-focal-depth mirror
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Optical trimer: a theoretical physics approach to waveguide couplers
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Generating real-scene hologram through light field imaging and deep learning
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Low-complexity EVM estimation based on artificial neural networks for coherent optical systems
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Design and implementation of a polarization-encoding system for quantum key distribution
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Tunable atomic spontaneous radiation in cylindrical waveguide
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Filter-free lens-free polarimetric incoherent digital holography
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Double Hanle resonance dependence on light polarization angle and transverse magnetic field direction
Double Hanle resonance dependence on light polarization angle and transverse magnetic field direction, Pooja Kumari, Shrey...
Tripartite entanglement in a detuned non-degenerate optical parametric oscillator
Tripartite entanglement in a detuned non-degenerate optical parametric oscillator, Jun Guo, Jianfeng Tian, Hengxin Sun