SCI Abstract

Religious Fundamentalism, but Not Centrality of Religiosity, is Related to Online Conformity: A Study Based on Asch’s Paradigm
Religious Fundamentalism, but Not Centrality of Religiosity, is Related to Online Conformity: A Study Based on Asch’s Paradigm
Humans are inherently social beings and are often subject to social influence, a phenomenon known as conformity. But what ...
Polish Employees’ Religiosity and Finding Meaning in Work: The Role of Gratitude Toward the Organization
Polish Employees’ Religiosity and Finding Meaning in Work: The Role of Gratitude Toward the Organization
Religion can serve as a framework for finding meaning in life. There is a lack of research regarding the mechanism underly...
Ibn ‘Arabī’s Mystical Pedagogy of Death
Ibn ‘Arabī’s Mystical Pedagogy of Death
One of the most important mystical thinkers in the Islamic tradition, Muḥyī al-Dīn ibn ‘Arabī (...
Decalcomania and Anticipatory Aesthetics: Envisioning Days of Future Past
Decalcomania and Anticipatory Aesthetics: Envisioning Days of Future Past
Physicians and healthcare professionals are tasked with prioritizing their own self-care while also caring for patients an...
Art of the Spirit: Cultural Awareness and Wellness
Art of the Spirit: Cultural Awareness and Wellness
Artistic expressions provide visual stimulation and information, promote cultural awareness, and evoke thoughts and feelin...
Emotional Stability and Grit Among Individuals From Different Professions: Does Religiosity Mediate Their Relationship?
Emotional Stability and Grit Among Individuals From Different Professions: Does Religiosity Mediate Their Relationship?
Grit, defined as patience and perseverance for long-term goals, has been explored with various traits in the past decade. ...
The Role of Religious Belief in COVID-19 Vaccine Hesitancy
The Role of Religious Belief in COVID-19 Vaccine Hesitancy
With the global outbreak of COVID-19, it is important that vaccination be emphasized to build herd immunity. However,&...
The Devil Is in the Details: How Clergy Tasks Became Stressors During COVID-19
The Devil Is in the Details: How Clergy Tasks Became Stressors During COVID-19
COVID-19 presented a difficult environment for care workers, including clergy, as they sought to address human needs withi...
Betwixt and Between: Playing with Liminality and the Liminoid in Before Your Eyes, a Transformative Video Game on the Transience of Life
Betwixt and Between: Playing with Liminality and the Liminoid in Before Your Eyes, a Transformative Video Game on the Transience of Life
Aesthetic experiences can serve as powerful catalysts for emotional, psychological, and spiritual transformation. More rec...
Spiritual/Religious Readjustments Among Iranian War Veterans
Spiritual/Religious Readjustments Among Iranian War Veterans
There is growing evidence that the spiritual/religious (S/R) beliefs of war veterans change, even years after the war. Res...
Bereavement and Critical Incidents Involving Healthcare Professionals in Italy During COVID-19: The Importance of the Spiritual Dimension
Bereavement and Critical Incidents Involving Healthcare Professionals in Italy During COVID-19: The Importance of the Spiritual Dimension
This exploratory research investigated the work of healthcare professionals during the COVID-19 pandemic, highlighting the...
Overcoming Spiritual Dryness: Transformative Processes Among Religious Brothers and Sisters in Germany
Overcoming Spiritual Dryness: Transformative Processes Among Religious Brothers and Sisters in Germany
One should not regard the experience of spiritual dryness as an insurmountable obstacle in one’s spiritual journey; ...
Returning to Faith: A Q Methodology Analysis of Messages that Resonated with Individuals Who Had Experienced and Resolved a Faith Crisis
Returning to Faith: A Q Methodology Analysis of Messages that Resonated with Individuals Who Had Experienced and Resolved a Faith Crisis
Research grounded in religious studies and attachment theory demonstrates links between experiencing and resolving faith c...
Use of the MMPI-3 with Catholic and Episcopal Seminary and Religious Life Applicants
Use of the MMPI-3 with Catholic and Episcopal Seminary and Religious Life Applicants
Psychological evaluations and testing using the Minnesota Multiphasic Personality Inventory (MMPI) among other instruments...
Assessing Religious Leadership: A Scoping Review of Leadership Effectiveness Criteria and Current Trends in the Academic Literature
Assessing Religious Leadership: A Scoping Review of Leadership Effectiveness Criteria and Current Trends in the Academic Literature
A clear understanding of what constitutes effective religious leadership in the context of faith communities is essential ...
Identity Crisis and the Formation of Homo Religiosus: A Decolonial Reflection on Erik H. Erikson’s Young Man Luther
Identity Crisis and the Formation of Homo Religiosus: A Decolonial Reflection on Erik H. Erikson’s Young Man Luther
This paper delves into Erik H. Erikson’s psychohistorical analysis of Martin Luther, thereby highlighting the existe...
Affect in Narrative Spiritual Care
Affect in Narrative Spiritual Care
This article examines the adaptation of theory and practices from narrative therapy for pastoral and spiritual care, here ...
Potential Benefits of the Jesuit Examen for Psychological Health and Well Being: A Pilot Study
Potential Benefits of the Jesuit Examen for Psychological Health and Well Being: A Pilot Study
The Jesuit Examen is a form of prayerful reflection on daily experiences that was introduced five centuries ago by St. Ign...
Survival Migrancy and the Political Self: A Nascent Construct from Pastoral Care With Venezuelan Men in Ecuador
Survival Migrancy and the Political Self: A Nascent Construct from Pastoral Care With Venezuelan Men in Ecuador
When men migrate from Venezuela for survival, they bring with them a forming political self related to local daily encount...
Developing Women in Senior Leadership: A Case Study of the Australian Christian Churches in South Australia
Developing Women in Senior Leadership: A Case Study of the Australian Christian Churches in South Australia
The research is a case study of the Australian Christian Churches in South Australia concerning the development of women i...
The Mechanism Underlying the Relationship Between Positive References to God and Sobriety in Alcoholics Anonymous in Poland
The Mechanism Underlying the Relationship Between Positive References to God and Sobriety in Alcoholics Anonymous in Poland
Spiritual struggles are common for religion-affiliated and non-affiliated individuals, religious skeptics, agnostics, and ...
The Effects of Centering Prayer on Well-Being in a Sample of Undergraduate Students: A Pilot Study
The Effects of Centering Prayer on Well-Being in a Sample of Undergraduate Students: A Pilot Study
Contemplative practices have likely been used for self-awareness, concentration, creativity, and well-being since the dawn...
Resilience Among the Religious During the COVID-19 Pandemic: Perspectives of Catholic Sisters in Kenya, Uganda and Zambia
Resilience Among the Religious During the COVID-19 Pandemic: Perspectives of Catholic Sisters in Kenya, Uganda and Zambia
The COVID-19 pandemic affected many sectors of humanity across the world. Personal and organizational lives were affected ...
How Military Chaplains Strengthen the Moral Resilience of Soldiers and Veterans: Results From a Case Studies Project in the Netherlands
How Military Chaplains Strengthen the Moral Resilience of Soldiers and Veterans: Results From a Case Studies Project in the Netherlands
In spiritual care research, studies on military chaplaincy are underrepresented, and most available studies center on mora...
Relationships Among Religiosity, Impulsivity, and Delayed Gratification in Brazilian Adults
Relationships Among Religiosity, Impulsivity, and Delayed Gratification in Brazilian Adults
Religiousness generally favors self-control and is associated with fewer occurrences of impulsive behavior. Religions ofte...