SCI Abstract

Using the Woolley Motivation Typology to Heal Infidelity With Emotionally Focused Therapy
Algelt, E. E., McNulty, J. K., & Meltzel, A. L. (2022). Are certain people more prone toward inf...
Early Maladaptive Schemas' Associations with Big-Five Personality Traits in a Non-Clinical Adult Sample
Dirzyte, A., Perminas, A., Skarnulyte, A., Gajdosikiene, I., Bitinaite, R., & Patapas, A. (2024). Early Maladaptive...
The Role of Emotion Dysregulation In Problematic Alcohol Use and Coping with Problems
Simonič, B., Poljak Lukek, S., Valenta, T., Jerebic, D., Jerebic, S., Rijavec Klobučar, N., Repič Slavič, T., Gostečnik...
The Role of Social Comparison and Online Social Support in Social Media Addiction Mediated by Self-Esteem and Loneliness
F. Pikó, B., Kiss, H., Hartmann, A., Hamvai, C., & M. Fitzpatrick, K. (2024). The Role of Social Comparison and Onl...
The Psychological Immune Competence Inventory: A Pilot Validation Study in Slovakia
Introduction: Psychological immunity refers to an individual’s potential to cope with psychological risk factors, as...
Mental Health Literacy Regarding Depression and Suicide
Mental Health Literacy Regarding Depression and Suicide David Dias NETO & Pramod Lacmane MAUGI EJMH Vol 17 Issue 3 (20...
An Empirical Study of Anasakti (Non-Attachment) and Ahamkara (Ego) Amongst Indians
An Empirical Study of Ancient Wisdom. Effect of Anasakti (Non-Attachment) and Ahamkara (Ego) on Well-Being Amongst Indians...
Recovery of Depressive Symptoms in Art and Dance Schools
“Performing Emotions and Suffering.” Recovery of Depressive Symptoms Involving Adolescent Intervention in Art and Dance Sc...
Development and Validation Regarding the Lithuanian PANAS-X
Development and Validation Regarding the Lithuanian Version of the Positive and Negative Affect Schedule (PANAS-X) Karolin...
Care Management and Support for Older Adults in Nigeria
Exploring Care Management for Older adults with Ill-health as Family Members’ Responsibility. The Need for Social Workers’...
Experiential Knowledge of Mental Health Professionals
Experiential Knowledge of Mental Health Professionals. Service Users’ Perceptions Simona KARBOUNIARIS, Jean Pierre WILKEN,...
Experiencing Mental Health when Treating Others
Experiencing Mental Health when Treating Others. Experiences of Mental Health Workers in Relation to Mental Health Problem...
Changes in publishing
From 2023, the journal will introduce a new plan of continuously publishing 1-3 articles per month.
Features of Anesthesiologists-Reanimatologists’ Emotional States
Features of Anesthesiologists-Reanimatologists’ Emotional States in Different COVID-19 Pandemic Periods in Russia Maria KO...
Cross-Cultural Differences in Psychological Health
Cross-Cultural Differences in Psychological Health, Perceived Stress, and Coping Strategies of University Students During ...
“This doesn’t feel like living”
“This doesn’t feel like living”: How the COVID-19 Pandemic Affected the Mental Health of Vulnerable University Students in...
Feelings Related to the Academic Path
Feelings Related to the Academic Path in Virtue of the COVID-19 Pandemic: Testimonies from Portuguese Higher Education Stu...