SCI Abstract

The evolution of sports psychiatry: a clinical intersection of mental health and physical activity
The evolution of sports psychiatry: a clinical intersection of mental health and physical activity
Long before the term ‘sports psychiatry’ was first introduced nearly 40 years ago,1 2 clinicians and academics recognised ...
Nurturing nature: the greenhouse concept for health and performance
Nurturing nature: the greenhouse concept for health and performance
Coaches of multiple Olympic medal-winning athletes have described the ‘greenhouse effect’ as the result of creating a stab...
WHO guidelines on waist circumference and physical activity and their joint association with cancer risk
WHO guidelines on waist circumference and physical activity and their joint association with cancer risk
WHAT IS ALREADY KNOWN ON THIS TOPICAbdominal obesity is associated with an increased risk of cancer, while physical activi...
Does sedentary behaviour cause spinal pain in children and adolescents? A systematic review with meta-analysis
Does sedentary behaviour cause spinal pain in children and adolescents? A systematic review with meta-analysis
IntroductionRationaleSpinal pain, encompassing discomfort in the neck, mid back or low back, exhibits an increasing preval...
There and back again: navigating disordered eating and body dysmorphia as a pre-professional ballet dancer
There and back again: navigating disordered eating and body dysmorphia as a pre-professional ballet dancer
My relationship with food was never complicated growing up. My grandma always teased at dinners that I had a ‘hollow leg’ ...
Unleashing the champion mindset among Melakas para athletes of the Malaysia Games
Unleashing the champion mindset among Melakas para athletes of the Malaysia Games
BackgroundSukan Para Malaysia (Para Sukma) is a multisport event for disabled athletes in Malaysia, established in 1982. I...
Hypothalamic-pituitary-ovarian axis suppression is common among women during US Army Basic Combat Training
Hypothalamic-pituitary-ovarian axis suppression is common among women during US Army Basic Combat Training
IntroductionUS Initial Military Training is a rigorous 6 to 13-week period at the beginning of a servicemember’s career th...
Considerations for the care of transgender patients in orthopaedics and sports medicine: a narrative review
Considerations for the care of transgender patients in orthopaedics and sports medicine: a narrative review
Orthopaedic and sports medicine clinicians can improve outcomes for transgender patients by understanding the physiologica...
Subsequent musculoskeletal injury after concussion in National Football League players
Subsequent musculoskeletal injury after concussion in National Football League players
IntroductionConcussion can be associated with transient alterations in neuromuscular control, cognitive processing speed, ...
Mission impossible--maybe not? Preventing hip osteoarthritis in athletes
Mission impossible--maybe not? Preventing hip osteoarthritis in athletes
IntroductionHeerey et al recently published a valuable article regarding the reactive nature of current approaches to hip ...
Rehabilitation from the perspective of a hijabi: a tale of finding myself while navigating unchartered territory--Dr Aminah Amer
Rehabilitation from the perspective of a hijabi: a tale of finding myself while navigating unchartered territory--Dr Aminah Amer
My initial injury and consultationIt was New Year’s Eve, and in a few hours, we would be heading into 2014. It was going t...
Exploring usability in exercise interventions: from conceptualisation to measurement and application (PhD Academy Award)
Exploring usability in exercise interventions: from conceptualisation to measurement and application (PhD Academy Award)
What did I do?A literature review and three consecutive studies were developed to offer insights into usability testing an...
Highlighting equity in physical activity, sport and clinical practice
Highlighting equity in physical activity, sport and clinical practice
Health equity, as defined by the WHO, ensures that all participants, regardless of background or ability can access and be...
Active travel and health equity: towards an intersectional approach
Active travel and health equity: towards an intersectional approach
Population health, physical activity and active travelActive travel covers walking, cycling and for instance, push-scootin...
First, do no harm: a call to action to improve the evaluation of harms in clinical exercise research
First, do no harm: a call to action to improve the evaluation of harms in clinical exercise research
Exercise as medicine has emerged as an independent discipline in clinical research. Over the last decades, numerous rando...
We stand with the players: a call to action for the football community
We stand with the players: a call to action for the football community
IntroductionOn 19 November 2023, Gavi the teenage phenomenon of FC Barcelona tore his anterior cruciate ligament and later...
Evaluation of the SCAT 5 tool in the assessment of concussion in Para athletes: a Delphi study
Evaluation of the SCAT 5 tool in the assessment of concussion in Para athletes: a Delphi study
If you wish to reuse any or all of this article please use the link below which will take you to the Copyright Cleara...
Regional Indigenous Sports Championship, Malaysia
Regional Indigenous Sports Championship, Malaysia
BackgroundSports in Asia have a key part in fostering social integration as well as the formation of national identities.1...
How my ACL injury recovery journey led me to the medical field?
How my ACL injury recovery journey led me to the medical field?
During a basketball game, I was hit on the inside of my left knee by an offensive player, resulting in an anterior cruciat...
Melting pot medicine
Melting pot medicine
A melting pot is a metaphor for a group where many different types of people blend to make a cohesive community. This BJSM...