SCI Abstract

An unsupervised automatic texture classification method for ultrasound images of thyroid nodules
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Monte Carlo in the mechanistic modelling of the FLASH effect: a review
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An ℓ 1 ...
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Deep proximal gradient network for absorption coefficient recovery in photoacoustic tomography
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Timing offset calibration for TOF PET using stationary line source scans at multiple positions
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Modelling radiobiology
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Noise-imitation learning: unpaired speckle noise reduction for optical coherence tomography
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Anatomy-guided multi-resolution image reconstruction in PET
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Pixel-by-pixel correction of beam hardening artifacts by bowtie filter in fan-beam CT
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Ultra-fast in vivo directional dark-field x-ray imaging for visualising magnetic control of particles for airway gene delivery
Ultra-fast in vivo directional dark-field x-ray imaging for visualising magnetic control of particles for airway gene deli...
DFUSNN: zero-shot dual-domain fusion unsupervised neural network for parallel MRI reconstruction
DFUSNN: zero-shot dual-domain fusion unsupervised neural network for parallel MRI reconstruction, Shengyi Chen, Jizhong Du...
An improvement method for pancreas CT segmentation using superpixel-based active contour
An improvement method for pancreas CT segmentation using superpixel-based active contour, Huayu Gao, Jing Li, Nanyan Shen,...