We acquired a dataset of the larval zebrafish hindbrain (mitfab692/+ (ABxWIK), 6 days after fertilization, sex unspecified, Zebrafish International Resource Center) that extends 250 μm rostrocaudally and includes R4 to R7/R8. The volume extends 120 μm laterally from the midline and 80 μm ventrally from the plane of the Mauthner cell axon. The serial-section Electron Microscopy dataset was an extension of the original dataset in Vishwanathan et al.22 and was extended by additional imaging of the same serial sections. The images were acquired using a Zeiss Field-Emission Scanning Electron Microscope using WaferMapper software65. Only a few tens of neurons had been manually reconstructed in our original publication on the ssEM dataset in Vishwanathan et al.22. The dataset was stitched and aligned using the custom package Alembic (see Code availability). The tiles from each section were first montaged in two dimensions (two steps) and then registered and aligned in 3D as whole sections (four steps). Point correspondences for alignment were generated by block matching via normalized cross-correlations both between tiles and across sections. Errors in each step were found by a combination of programmed flags (such as lower than expected correspondences, small search radius, large distribution of norms or high residuals after mesh relaxation) and visual inspection. They were corrected by either changing the parameters or by manual filtering of points. In most cases, the template and the source were both passed through a bandpass filter. The final parameters that were used are listed in Table 1.
Table 1 Parameters used for image alignmentStitching of tiles (montaging) within a single section was split into a linear translation step (premontage) and a nonlinear elastic step (elastic montage). In the premontage step, individual tiles were assembled to have 10% overlap between neighboring tiles, as specified during imaging and by fixing a single tile (anchoring) in place. They were then translated row by row and column by column according to the signal correspondence found between the overlaps. In the elastic montage step, the locations of the tiles were initialized from the translated locations found previously, and blockmatches were computed every 100 pixels on a regular triangular mesh (see Table 1 for the parameters used). Once the correspondences were found, outliers were filtered by checking the spatial distribution of the cross-correlogram (σ filter), height of the peak of the correlogram (Pearson r value), dynamic range of the source patch contrast, kurtosis of the source patch, local consensus (average of immediate neighbors) and global consensus (inside the section). After the errors had been corrected by filtering bad matches, the tiles were modeled as individual spring meshes attached via the matches66, and the linear system was solved using conjugate gradient descent. The mean residual errors were in the range of 0.5–1.0 pixels after relaxation.
The intersection alignment was split into a translation step (pre-prealignment), a regularized affine step (prealignment), a fast coarse elastic step (rough alignment) and a slow fine elastic step (fine alignment). In the pre-prealignment step, a central patch of the given montaged section was matched to the previous montaged section to obtain the rough translation between two montaged sections. In the prealignment step, the montaged images were offset by that translation, and then a small number of correspondences were found between the two montaged sections. The sections were then aligned using an affine transformation fit using least squares, regularized with a 10% (empirically derived) weighting of the identity transformation to reduce shear accumulating and propagating across multiple sections. Proceeding sequentially allowed the entire stack to get roughly in place. The mean residual errors after prealignment were in the range of 3.5 pixels after relaxation. In the subsequent rough and fine alignment steps, the blockmatches were computed and filtered between bandpassed neighboring sections in a regular triangular mesh, similar to the elastic montaging step, followed by a conjugate gradient descent on the linear system. Splitting the elastic step into rough and fine alignments allowed the search radius to be reduced during the fine alignment relative to what would have been necessary with a direct attempt, thereby lowering the likelihood of spurious matches as well as the computing time.
Convolutional net trainingDatasetFour expert brain image analysts (D. Visser, Princeton Neuroscience Institute; K.W.; M. Moore, Princeton Neuroscience Institute; and S.K.) manually segmented neuronal cell boundaries from six subvolumes of EM images with the manual annotation tool VAST67, labeling 194.4 million voxels in total. These labeled subvolumes were used as the ground truth for training convolutional networks to detect neuronal boundaries. We used 187.7 million voxels for training and reserved 6.7 million voxels for validation.
Network architectureTo detect neuronal boundaries, we used a multiscale 3D convolutional network architecture similar to the boundary detector in Zung et al.68. This architecture was similar to U-Net69 but with more pathways between scales. We augmented the original architecture of Zung et al.68 with two modifications. First, we added a ‘lateral’ convolution between every pair of horizontally adjacent layers (that is, between feature maps at the same scale). Second, we used batch normalization70 at every layer (except for the output layer). These two architectural modifications were found to improve boundary detection accuracy and stabilize/speed-up training, respectively. For more details, we refer the reader to Zung et al.68.
Training proceduresWe implemented the training and inference of our boundary detectors with the Caffe deep learning framework71. We trained the networks on a single Titan X Pascal GPU. We optimized the binary cross-entropy loss with the Adam optimizer72 initialized with α = 0.001, β1 = 0.9, β2 = 0.999 and ε = 0.01. The step size α was halved when the validation loss plateaued after 135,000, 145,000 and 175,000 iterations. We used a single training example (minibatch of size 1) to compute gradients for each training iteration. The gradient for target affinities (the degree to which image pixels are grouped together) in each training example was reweighted dynamically to compensate for the high imbalance between target classes (that is, low and high affinities). Specifically, we weighted each affinity inversely proportional to the class frequency, which was computed independently within each of the three affinity maps (x, y and z) and dynamically in each training example. We augmented training data using (1) random flips and rotations by 90°, (2) brightness and contrast augmentation, (3) random warping by combining five types of linear transformation (continuous rotation, shear, twist, scale and perspective stretch) and (4) misalignment augmentation73 with a maximum displacement of 20 pixels in the x and y dimensions. The training was terminated after 1 million iterations, which took about 2 weeks. We chose the model with the lowest validation loss at 550,000 iterations.
Convolutional net inferenceThe above trained network was used to produce an affinity map of the whole dataset using the ChunkFlow.jl package74. Briefly, the computational tasks were defined in a JSON formatted string and submitted to a queue in Amazon Web Services Simple Queue Service (AWS SQS). We launched 13 computational workers locally with NVIDIA Titan X GPU. The workers fetched tasks from the AWS SQS queue and performed the computation. The workers first cut out a chunk of the image volume using BigArrays.jl and decomposed it into overlapping patches. The patches were fed into the convolutional network model to perform inference in PyTorch75. The output affinity map patches were blended in a buffer chunk. The output chunk was cropped around the margin to reduce boundary effects. The final affinity map chunk, which is aligned with block size in cloud storage, was uploaded using BigArrays.jl. Both image and affinity map volumes were stored in Neuroglancer precomputed format (https://neurodata.io/help/precomputed/). The inference took about 17 days in total and produced about 26 TB of affinity map.
Chunk-wise segmentationTo perform segmentation of the entire volume, we divided the volume into ‘chunks’. Overlapping affinity map chunks were cut out using BigArrays.jl, and a size-dependent watershed algorithm76 was applied to agglomerate neighboring voxels to make supervoxels. The agglomerated supervoxels are represented as a graph where the supervoxels are nodes and the mean affinity values between contacting supervoxels are the edge weights. A minimum spanning tree was constructed from the graph by recursively merging the highest weight edges. This oversegmented volume containing all supervoxels and the minimum spanning tree was ingested into Eyewire (https://eyewire.org) for crowdsourced proofreading.
Semiautomated reconstructions on EyewireNeurons were chosen for proofreading in Eyewire based on an initial set of ‘seed’ neurons that were identified as carrying eye position signals by co-registering the EM volume to calcium imaging performed on the same animal22. All pre- and postsynaptic partners of the initial seed of 22 neurons were reconstructed. Following this, we reconstructed partners of the neurons that were reconstructed in the initial round in a random manner. Eyewirers were provided the option of agglomerating (merging) supervoxels using a slider to change the threshold of agglomeration. To ensure accurate reconstructions, we did two things: (1) only players who met a certain threshold (see below), determined by their accuracy on a previously published retinal dataset14,77, were allowed to reconstruct zebrafish neurons, and (2) the reconstructions were performed by two players in two rounds, in which the second player could modify the first player’s reconstruction (Supplementary Information). Finally, after two rounds of reconstruction, neuronal reconstructions were checked and if necessary corrected by expert in-house image analysts who each had more than 5,000 h of experience. The accuracy of the players in the crowd compared to experts (assuming experts are 100%) was >80% in the first round and ~95% after the second round of tracing. The validated reconstructions were subsequently skeletonized for analysis purposes. Player accuracy was calculated as an F1 score, where F1 = 2TP/(2TP + FP + FN), where TP represents true positives, FP represents false positives, and FN represents false negatives. All scores were calculated as a sum over voxels. TP was assigned when both the player and the expert agreed that the segmentation was correct, FN was assigned when the player missed segments that were added in by the expert, and FP was assigned when the player erroneously added segments that did not belong. Two F1 scores were calculated for each player, once for round 1 and once for round 2. No player played the same neuron in both rounds. Typically, at an agglomeration threshold of 0.3, the segmentation had an F1 score of 62%.
Only the most experienced players on Eyewire were allowed to participate. A small group of four highly experienced players received an invitation to test this new dataset. The players were given the title of ‘Mystic’, which was a new status created to enable gameplay and became the highest achievable rank in the game. Subsequent Mystic players had to apply for the status to unlock access to the zebrafish dataset within Eyewire. There was a high threshold of achievement required for a player to gain Mystic status. Each player was required to reach the previous highest status within the game as well as complete 200+ cubes a month and maintain 95% accuracy when resolving cell errors. Once a player was approved by the lab, they were granted access to the zebrafish dataset and given the option to have a live tutorial session with an Eyewire Admin. There was also a prerecorded tutorial video and written tutorial materials for players who could not attend the live session or who desired a review of the materials. Newly promoted players were also given a special badge, a new chat color and access to a new chat room exclusive to Mystics. These rewards helped motivate players by showing their elevated status within the game as well as giving them a space to discuss issues specific to the zebrafish dataset.
Cells were parceled out in batches to players. When a cell went live on Eyewire, it could be claimed by any Mystic. Each cell was reconstructed by only one player at a time. Once this player had finished their reconstruction, a second player would check over the cell for errors. After the second check, a final check was done by an Eyewire Admin. To mitigate confusion when claiming cells, a special graphical user interface was built into the game that allowed players to see the status of each cell currently online. A cell could be at one of the following five statuses: ‘Need Player A’, ‘Player A’, ‘Need Player B’, ‘Player B’ and ‘Need Admin’. These statuses indicated whether a cell needed to be checked or was in the process of being checked and whether it needed a first-, second- or Admin-level check. At each stage, the username of the player or Admin who had done a first, second or final check was also visible. It was made mandatory that the first and second checks were performed by two separate players.
Collaboration and feedback were important parts of the checking process. If a player was unsure about an area of the cell they were working on, they could leave a note with a screenshot and detail of the issue or create an alert that would notify an Admin. If a ‘Player B’ or an Admin noticed a mistake made earlier in the pipeline, they could inform the player of the issue via a ‘Review’ document or through an in-game notification (player tagging).
To differentiate the zebrafish cells from the regular dataset, each cell was labeled with a Mystic tag. This tag helped identify the cells as separate from the e2198 retinal Eyewire dataset and also populated them to a menu of active zebrafish cells within Eyewire.
Players were rewarded for their work in the zebrafish dataset with points. For every edit they made to a cell, they received 300 points. Points earned while playing zebrafish were added to a player’s overall points score for all gameplay done on Eyewire and appeared in the Eyewire leaderboard.
SkeletonizationThe neuron segmentation IDs were ingested to an AWS SQS queue, and multiple distributed workers were launched in Google Cloud using kubernetes. Each worker fetched the segmentation chunks associated with a neuron ID. The segmentation voxels were extracted as a point cloud, and the distance to boundary field (DBF) was computed inside each chunk. Finally, a modified version of the skeletonization algorithm TEASAR was applied78. Briefly, we constructed a weighted undirected graph from the point cloud, where the neighboring points are connected with an edge and the edge weight is computed from the DBF. We then took the point with the largest DBF as source and found the furthest point as the target. The shortest path from source to target in the graph was computed as the skeleton nodes. The surrounding points were labeled as visited, and the closest remaining unvisited point was taken as the new source. We repeated this process until all the points were visited. The skeleton node diameter was set as its DBF. The skeleton nodes were postprocessed by removing redundant nodes, removing ‘hairs’ based on diameter, removing branches inside somata, downsampling the nodes, merging single-child segments and smoothing the skeleton path. All skeletonization was performed at multum in parvo level 4.
Synapse detectionSynapses were automatically segmented in this dataset using neural networks to detect clefts and assign the correct partner as previously described30. Briefly, a subset of the imaged data (219 μm3) was selected for annotation. The annotations were performed using the manual annotation tool VAST67. Trained human annotators labeled the voxels that were part of the postsynaptic density and presynaptic docked vesicle pools. A convolutional neural network30 was trained to match the postsynaptic density, using 107 μm3 as a training set and 36 μm3 as a validation set and leaving the remaining 76 μm3 as an initial test set. All of these sets were compared to the predictions of the model tuned to an F-score of 1.5 on the validation set to bias toward recall, where recall = TP/(TP + FN). Biasing the predictor toward recall reduces false negatives at the cost of more false positives, which are easier to correct. Apparent human errors were corrected, and training was restarted with a new model. We also later expanded the test set by proofreading similar automated results applied to new sections of the datasets (to increase representation of rare structures in the full image volume). The final model used an RS-U-Net architecture73 implemented using PyTorch75 and was trained using a manual learning rate schedule, decreasing the rate by a factor of 10 when the smoothed validation error converged. The final network reached 86% precision and 83% recall on the test set after 230,000 training iterations.
A convolutional network was also trained to assign synaptic partners to each predicted cleft as previously described30. All 361 synapses in the ground truth were labeled with their synaptic partners, and the partner network used 204 synapses as a training set, 73 as a validation set and the remaining 84 as a test set. The final network was 95% accurate in assigning the correct partners of the test set after 380,000 training iterations.
The final cleft network was applied across the entire image volume and formed discrete predictions of synaptic clefts by running a distributed version of connected components. Each cleft was assigned synaptic partners by applying the partner network to each predicted cleft within nonoverlapping regions of the dataset (1,024 × 1,024 × 1,792 voxels each). In the case where a cleft spanned multiple regions, the assignment within the region that contained most of that cleft was accepted, and the others were discarded. Cleft regions whose centroid coordinates were within 1 μm and were assigned the same synaptic partners were merged together to merge artificially split components.
Finally, spurious synapse assignments (that is, postsynapses on axons and presynapses on dendrites) were cleaned by querying the identity of the ten nearest synapses to every synapse, where each synapse was associated with its closest skeleton node on both the pre- and postsynaptic sides. If the majority of the ten nearest neighbors were of the same identity (presynaptic or postsynaptic), then the synapse was assigned correctly. If the majority were of an opposing identity, these synapses were assigned incorrectly and were deleted. This process eliminated 1,975 falsely assigned synapses (~2% of the total).
Registration to reference atlasRegistration of the EM dataset to the Z-Brain reference atlas31 was performed in two stages. We created an intermediate EM stack from the low-resolution (270 nm per pixel) EM images of the entire larval brain tissue. This intermediate stack had the advantage of a similar field of view as the light microscopy reference volume while also being of the same imaging modality as the high-resolution EM stack. The low-resolution EM stack was registered to the reference brain (elavl3:H2b-RFP) by fitting an affine transform that maps the entire EM volume onto the light microscopy volume. To do this, we selected corresponding points such as neuronal clusters and fiber tracts using the tool BigWarp79. These corresponding points were used to determine an affine transform using the MATLAB least squares solver (mldivide). Subsequently, the intermediate EM stack in the same reference frame as the Z-Brain atlas was used as the template to register the high-resolution EM stack. This was performed in a similar manner by selecting corresponding points and fitting an affine transform. This transform was used to map the reconstructed skeletons from high-resolution EM space to the reference atlas space.
Identification of ABD neuronsWe identified ABDM neurons (Fig. 1), which drive lateral movements of the ipsilateral eye, by their overlap with the Mnx transgenic line (Supplementary Fig. 3a, left). ABDM axons exited R5 and R6 through the ABD (VIth) nerve (Fig. 1f, black box) as reported previously22.
Medial movements of the contralateral eye are driven by the medial rectus muscle, which is innervated by motor neurons in the contralateral oculomotor nucleus, which in turn are driven by internuclear neurons (ABDI) in the ipsilateral ABD complex (Fig. 1f). ABDI neurons were identified (Supplementary Fig. 3a, right) by their overlap with two nuclei in the Evx2 transgenic line that labels glutamatergic interneurons. The ABDI neurons were just dorsal and caudal to the ABDM neurons, and their axons crossed the midline80.
Identification of Ve2 neuronsWe identified a class of Ve2 neurons (Fig. 1h, dark brown) that received synapses from primary vestibular afferents. The latter were orphan axons in R4 identified as the vestibular branch of the vestibulocochlear nerve (VIIIth nerve) by comparison with the Isl2 line, which labels the major cranial nerves (Supplementary Fig. 3b, blue axons). We speculate that Ve2 neurons are descending octavolateral neurons but withhold final annotation until functional confirmation is available32.
Identification of RS neuronsRS neurons were divided into large and small groups (Fig. 1h). Large RS neurons were the M, Mid2, MiM1, Mid3i and CaD neurons. Small RS neurons were RoV3, MiV1 and MiV2 cells. These were identified by their stereotypic locations81 and by comparison with the Z-Brain atlas (Supplementary Fig. 4).
Centrality-based division into the center and peripheryThe division of the reconstructed wiring diagram into center and periphery is based on standard measures of ‘centrality’, which have been devised in network science82. We define the simplest measure, known as degree centrality, as the geometric mean of the in-degree and out-degree of a neuron (it is more common to choose one or the other). Another popular measure, known as eigenvector centrality or eigencentrality, is a neuron’s element in the eigenvector of the connection matrix Nij (the number of synapses onto neuron i from neuron j) corresponding to the eigenvalue with maximal real part; this measure extends the simpler concept of degree centrality by weighing a neuron’s connections by its centrality (a neuron is more central to the network if it receives inputs from other high-centrality neurons). Mathematically, this defines the eigenvector problem νi = ΣNijνj, where νi is the (input) centrality of neuron i. An analogous formula, but instead replacing Nij by its transpose (thus, defining left rather than right eigenvectors), can be used to weight output connections by the (output) centrality of the neuron to which output is projected. The eigenvector elements can be chosen non-negative by the Perron–Frobenius theorem. It is standard to use either the left or right eigenvector, but we use both for our definition by computing the geometric mean of the left and right eigenvector elements. Degree centrality and eigencentrality are correlated but not perfectly (Supplementary Fig. 1c). For a visualization of the network based on eigencentrality, see Supplementary Fig. 1e.
We define the periphery as those cells with vanishing (<10−8) eigencentrality but nonzero degree centrality. All but 62 of these 2,344 neurons had strictly 0 eigencentrality. The remaining 540 recurrently connected neurons are defined as the ‘center’ of the graph. See below for the effects of varying the eigencentrality threshold for center–periphery division.
Graph clusteringWe applied two graph clustering algorithms to divide the center into two supermodules and obtained similar results from each algorithm. The clustering from the Louvain algorithm is presented in the main text and that of the spectral algorithm in Extended Data Fig. 3. We further subdivided each supermodule into subclusters using an SBM, as described below.
Louvain clusteringGraph clustering was performed using the Louvain clustering algorithm83 for identifying different ‘communities’ or ‘modules’ in an interconnected network by optimizing the ‘modularity’ of the network, where modularity measures the (weighted) density of connections within a module compared to between modules. Formally, the modularity measure maximized is Qgen = ∑Bijδ(ci, cj), where δ(ci,cj) equals 1 if neurons a and b are in the same module and 0 otherwise, where \(_=\frac(_-\gamma \frac__})+}[\frac(_-\gamma \frac__})]\). Here, si = ∑cWic is the sum of weights into neuron i, sj = ∑bWjb is the sum of weights out of neuron j, ω = ∑cdWcd is the total sum of weights in the network, and the resolution parameter γ determines how much the naively expected weight of connections \(\gamma \frac__}\) is subtracted from the connectivity matrix. Potential degeneracy in graph clustering was addressed by computing the consensus of the clustering similar to Sporns and Betzel84. Briefly, an association matrix, counting the number of times a neuron is assigned to a given module, was constructed by running the Louvain algorithm 200 times. Next, a randomized association matrix was constructed by permuting the module assignment for each neuron. Reclustering the thresholded association matrix, where threshold was the maximum element of the randomized association matrix, provided consensus modules. We used the community_louvain.m function from the Brain Connectivity Toolbox package (https://sites.google.com/site/bctnet/home). In addition to the Louvain graph clustering algorithm, we also clustered the ‘center’ with an alternative graph clustering algorithm, spectral clustering, described below.
Spectral clusteringWe used a generalized spectral clustering algorithm for weighted directed graphs to bisect the zebrafish ‘center’ subgraph, as proposed by Chung39. Given a graph G(V, E) and its weighted adjacency matrix \(A\in }}_^\), where Aij indicates the number of synapses from neuron i to neuron j, one can construct a Markov chain on the graph with a transition matrix Pα, such that \(_]}_:= (1-\alpha )\cdot _/__+\alpha /n\). The coefficient α > 0 ensures that the constructed Markov chain is irreducible, and the Perron–Frobenius theorem guarantees that Pα has a unique positive left eigenvector π with eigenvalue 1, where π is also called the stationary distribution. The normalized symmetric Laplacian of the Markov chain is \(}=I-\frac\left(^_^+^_^^\right)\).
To approximately search for the optimal cut, we use the Cheeger inequality for a directed graph39 that bridges the spectral gap of \(}\) and the Cheeger constant ϕ*. As shown in Gleich85, the eigenvector v corresponding to the second smallest eigenvalue of \(}\), λ2, results in optimal clusters. We obtained two clusters by a binary rounding scheme, that is, S+ = and S− = .
We modified the directed_laplacian_matrix function in the NetworkX package (https://networkx.github.io) to calculate the symmetric Laplacian for sparse connectivity matrices, with a default α = 0.05. The spectral gap for the eigenvector centrality subgraph is \(_^}}=0.137\) and for the partitioned oculomotor (modO) module is \(_^}_}}}=0.256\).
Degree-corrected SBMUnlike the Louvain and spectral clustering algorithms that assume fewer intercluster connections than intracluster connections, SBMs assume only that there exist blocks such that the probability of two neurons being connected depends only on their block identities and degrees. SBMs are therefore capable of finding structures like cycles that Louvain clustering would not find because SBMs are built on intercluster connections. Starting with the two modules found by applying Louvain clustering to the ‘center’ subgraph, we applied an efficient statistical inference algorithm86 to obtain SBMs for each module.
The traditional SBM87 is composed of n vertices divided into B blocks with \(\left\_\right\}\) vertices in each block and with probability prs that an edge exists from block r to block s. Here, we use an equivalent definition that uses average edge counts from the observation ers = nrnsprs to replace the probability parameters, and we construct a degree-corrected stochastic block model88 that further specifies the in- and out-degree sequences \(\left\_^,_^\right\}\) of the graph as additional parameters.
To infer the best block membership \(\left\_\right\}\) of the vertices in the observed graph G, we maximize the likelihood \(}\left(G| \left\_\right\}\right)=1/\Omega \left(\left\_\right\},\left\_\right\},\left\_^,_^\right\}\right)\), where \(\Omega \left(\left\_\right\},\left\_\right\},\left\_^,_^\right\}\right)\) is the total number of different graph realizations with the same degree distribution \(\left\_^,_^\right\}\) and with \(\left\_\right\}\) edges among and within blocks of sizes \(\left\_\right\}\), corresponding to the block membership \(\left\_\right\}\). Therefore, maximizing likelihood is equivalent to minimizing the microcanonical entropy89\(}\left(\left\_\right\},\left\_\right\}\right)=\ln \Omega \left(\left\_\right\},\left\_\right\}\right)\), which can be calculated as \(}\simeq -M-_\left(_^!\right)-_\left(_^!\right)-__\ln \left(\frac_}____}\right)\), where M = ∑rsers is the total number of edges. We used the minimize_blockmodel_dl function in the graph-tool package (https://graph-tool.skewed.de) to bisect the central subgraphs by setting Bmin = Bmax = 2 and degcorr = true.
Shuffled networksTo test the degree to which network properties were determined by specific connections as opposed to statistical connections between blocks, we shuffled synapses while preserving a given block organization. For each cell, we initialized counters to the values of its blockwise in-degree and out-degree. We then randomly reassigned synapses in the following manner to shuffle connections while preserving these degrees. We picked a random presynaptic cell i and a random postsynaptic cell j under the constraint that the counter for the out-degree of cell i to the block containing cell j was greater than 0 and the counter for the in-degree of cell j from the block containing cell i was greater than 0. Each of these counters was then decremented by 1, and the process was repeated until all synapses were reassigned. In this way, once a cell had been selected enough times to reach its original in-degree and out-degree, it could no longer be chosen when assigning the remaining synapses. The shuffling procedure continued until all synapses were reassigned and the blockwise in- and out-degree of each cell was exactly preserved; if this became impossible midshuffle, the procedure was restarted. We considered three different organizations of modO into one, two and seven blocks and calculated each cell’s relative eye position sensitivity and best-fit double exponential decay dynamics as well as the variance explained by the leading eigenvectors and the eigenvalue distribution of the network for 100 random shuffles under each block organization (Extended Data Figs. 8 and 9).
Potential synapse formalismWe define a potential synapse as a presynapse–postsynapse pair within a certain threshold distance (Fig. 2d). This definition is somewhat different from the light microscopic approach, which defines a potential synapse37,90 as an approach of an axon and dendrite within some threshold distance. Also, we use neurons reconstructed from a single animal, whereas the light microscopic approach aggregates neurons from multiple animals or ‘clones’ a single neuron many times91.
Calcium imaging and eye position signalsThe complete methods for recording calcium activity used to create the functional maps are reported in Ramirez and Aksay50. Briefly, we used two-photon, raster-scanning microscopy to image calcium activity from single neurons throughout the hindbrain of 7- to 8-day-old transgenic larvae (sex indeterminate) expressing nuclear-localized GCaMP6f (Tg(HuC:GCaMP6f-H2B) strain cy73-431 from the laboratory of M. Ahrens, HHMI Janelia Research Campus). Horizontal eye movements were recorded simultaneously with calcium signals using a substage CMOS camera. We used CalmAn-MATLAB software to extract the neuronal locations from fluorescence movies92.
We analyzed STA activity to determine which neurons were related to eye movements50. For each cell, we interpolated fluorescence activity that occurred within 5 s before or after saccades to a grid of equally spaced, 0.33-s time points and then averaged the interpolated activity across saccades to compute the STA. Separate STAs were taken for saccades toward the left and right. We performed a one-way analysis of variance (ANOVA) on each STA to determine which neurons had significant saccade-triggered changes in average activity (P < 0.01 using the Holm–Bonferroni method to correct for multiple comparisons). To determine which of these neurons had activity related to eye position and eye velocity, we first performed a principal components analysis on the STAs from neurons with significant saccade-triggered changes. We found that the first and second principal components had postsaccadic activity largely related to eye movement and eye velocity sensitivity, respectively (see Fig. 3a in Ramirez and Aksay50). We characterized each STA using a scalar index, named ϕ in Ramirez and Aksay50, created from that STA’s projections onto the first two principal components. We found that this index provides a good characterization of the average eye position- and eye velocity-related activity seen across the population (see Fig. 3c in Ramirez and Aksay50 for a map of values and population average STAs). Eye position and eye velocity neurons were defined as neurons with an STA whose value of ϕ was within a specific range (–83 to 37 and 38 to 68, respectively). We removed any neurons with presaccadic activity that was significantly correlated with time until the upcoming saccade. The locations of each neuron were then registered to the Z-Brain atlas31 (see Ramirez and Aksay50 for complete details).
Categorization of functional cells into cell type was guided by
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