Correlation of protein binding pocket properties with hits’ chemistries used in generation of ultra-large virtual libraries

Target pockets (Table 2) were selected from PDB to represent two pocket types: small molecule (SM) pockets and protein–protein interaction (PPI) pockets. The majority of selected pockets bind well-characterized ligands that have advanced into the clinics. However, we also included several less studied but interesting and potentially impactful pockets that either are difficult to target, or which represent surfaces involved in protein–protein interactions. PPI-based inhibitors and modulators are the type of therapeutics that the scientific community is increasingly aiming at. To ensure that the structures were suitable for virtual screening, the ligands present in the chosen complexes were redocked into the corresponding pockets, and only structures that allowed for correct prediction of ligand poses were included in the analysis. For docking and virtual screens, we used the ICM-Pro software (Molsoft, San Diego, CA). Although the software has been benchmarked before [30,31,32], we have evaluated the correctness of docking poses for the pockets with known ligands (Table 1). Most of docked complexes had RMSD < 1 Å when compared to the experimental structures. In two cases where RMSD exceeded 1 Å (PDB:5i96 and 5vv0), all the differences were in the part of the molecules exposed to the solvent, while poses inside the pocket were determined with high accuracy. Although the structures used appeared to predict binding correctly when tested with “native” ligands, the presence of false positives in virtual screens is inevitable [33]. Testing binding properties experimentally for all identified virtual hits was not possible in the context of this study. We were able to verify binding for several top virtual hits for eight targets, which are currently studied in our lab, two of which have recently been published [34, 35]. It is reasonable to suggest, however, and the data generated for the eight targets confirms, that percentage of noise or false positives for a particular pocket is distributed evenly across the database and does not depend on the transform. Consequently, virtual hit rates can serve as surrogates of number of binders.

Table 2 Docking hits rates for SAVI-2020 transforms applied in the generation of the diversity set used for docking into 40 protein pockets

We chose the SAVI diversity set containing 2,955,416 compounds for the exploration because of practical considerations. Docking the entire SAVI database into just one pocket would take more than 280 days when running 1000 parallel processes on the NIH supercomputer cluster. Docking of the diversity set into one pocket requires around 50,000 CPU Hours, which is doable on a computer cluster. Although docking of larger sets may allow for more sensitive detection of differences between different transforms, it would require prohibitively large computational resources when used for the multiple pockets that we aimed to evaluate for this study.

Remarkably, virtual hit rates across 40 targets differed significantly between different transforms (Fig. 1, Table 2). Several transforms had to be excluded from further analysis because they were represented by too few compounds in SAVI as well as in the diversity dataset. This underrepresentation occurs due to the low number of available synthetic blocks that are needed for these "starved" transforms. The following “starved” transforms were excluded from the analysis because they produced less than 10000 compounds for the entire SAVI: Feist synthesis of pyrroles (1039), [2 + 2]-cycloaddition of allenes to alkenes (1391), synthesis of tetrazoles from azide and nitriles (2218), benzo[b]furans synthesis from 2-hydroxyphenyl acetylenes (2684), Hiyama aryl-alkenyl cross-coupling (6013), Hiyama allyl cross-coupling (6015), Hiyama cross-coupling with arylhydrazine (6017) and Liebeskind-Srogl nitrile formation (6024) (Table 1). The number of available building blocks for each transform can be found at: Several transforms had sufficient representation in the database but could not be used for reliable evaluation because they produced too few virtual hits across all tested targets and zero hits for many of them. Transforms that had to be excluded for this reason were: pyrazole synthesis from beta carbonyl carboxylic acid derivatives (1439), synthesis of fused aryl(2,3-H/R) pyridines by Pictet-Spengler reaction (2238), Kabbe synthesis of 4-chromanones (2269), Mitsunobu carbon–carbon bond formation (6032), and sulfonamide acylation (7018). Thus, they may be less valuable for the current drug discovery efforts in general (Fig. 1, Table 1). The weak performance of some of these transforms can be attributed to the small number of compounds for one of the two building blocks needed by the transform. Although instances of the second type of blocks needed (R2) could be plentiful in the building block set and the number of generated compounds therefore relatively large, the overall diversity of the products is limited if the R1 subset consists of, say, fewer than hundred compounds (and those may be structurally closely related). Transforms 1439, 2269 and 6032 are examples of such cases: Remarkably, several chemistries produced subsets with very high virtual hit rates. Suzuki–Miyaura cross-couplings (6004, 6005 and 6006) were among the most productive ones. Interestingly, Suzuki–Miyaura coupling is among the most frequently used reactions in current medicinal chemistry [36]. Our data shows that this chemistry deserves the attention it receives. However, the most frequently used reaction, amide bond formation (transform 6038) [36], was less productive with a virtual hit rate that was roughly three times lower than that for Suzuki–Miyaura cross-couplings.

Fig. 1figure 1

Virtual hit rates for 53 transforms used for SAVI generation. The hits were identified by docking 2,955,416 compounds of SAVI diversity set into 39 well characterized protein pockets. To compensate for differences in the occurrence rate of a particular transform in the diversity set, the total number of virtual hits for each transform has been normalized by dividing it by the number of compounds produced by the transform in the screening library

This should not be interpreted as a lower general usefulness of amides in drug discovery. This particular case emphasizes the differences in the impact of chemistries between traditional medicinal chemistry that employs multi-step synthesis and virtual libraries constructed using one- or two-step reactions. One of the possible reasons for the relatively poor performance of transform 6038 is suboptimal selectivity, which led to reduced scope, and exclusion of building blocks containing hydrogen bond donors that facilitate interactions with proteins, such as amino, carboxyl, hydroxyl and sulfonamide groups. In multi-step synthesis, protection/deprotection of these groups could preserve them, thus increase the protein interaction potential of the products. Selectivity of chemistries is likely to play a role in “productivity” of other transforms and it is an additional factor that needs to be considered during generation of custom libraries. Our data also suggest additional transforms that deserve efforts in expanding. For example, Hiyama carbonylative cross-coupling should be expanded by adding more aryl triethoxysilanes into the collection of the building blocks. Expanding the collection of arylboronic acids would benefit not only Suzuki–Miyaura cross-coupling, but also the highly productive Liebeskind–Srogl heterocyclic coupling (6025). It should be emphasized that the efficacy of a transform in producing potential virtual hits can depend not only on the properties/geometry of the bond it generates but also on reaction selectivity and diversity of the building blocks available. As discussed above, selectivity of the reaction allows to preserve the functional groups of the blocks that can be beneficial for protein binding while diversity increases the chances of finding a good fit for a particular pocket. Transforms 6004–6006 produce structurally similar di-aryl compounds through Suzuki–Miyaura cross-coupling. However, the virtual hit rates for 6004, which uses bromo aryl blocks, is about 40% higher than for 6005 or and 65% higher than for 6006 that use iodo and chloro aryls, respectively. The set of building blocks used for SAVI-2020 had a 7.3 times larger number of bromo aromatic compounds than iodo-derivatives (, thus allowing for higher diversity in the products of transform 6004 vs. 6005. Chloro-aromatic blocks are even more numerous than the bromo-derivatives. However, the reaction is less selective for chloro compounds, which results in a 44 times higher number of excluded products, effectively reducing the number of useful blocks for transform 6006. The diversity of the blocks that can potentially impact virtual hit rates is likely to change with time along additional synthetic efforts in building blocks generation. Thus, virtual hit rates can be improved for less productive transforms in the future.

The pocket properties evaluated for potential impact on the number of virtual hits included volume, area, radius, hydrophobicity, nonsphericity, aromaticity, buriedness, drug-like density (DLID [37]), the numbers of hydrogen bonds donors, and the number of acceptors. The hydrogen bond forming potential of each pocket was evaluated manually. The rest of the parameters were determined using the PocketFinder function of ICM-Pro. The correlation of these properties with the number of virtual hits for each transform was determined for the entire SAVI diversity set.

The binding score produced by docking for every molecule is influenced by many factors. That is why we did not expect strong dependencies for any single parameter, but rather tendencies. That is why we include correlations that have p > 0.05. For the whole database, the number of virtual hits showed a statistically significant positive correlation (with p-value < 0.05) with properties related to pocket size: volume and radius (Fig. 2). Most of the pockets with high numbers of virtual hits had volumes between 300 and 1000 Å3, and virtual hit rates were significantly lower both below and above this range. Similarly, the graphs suggest that the most productive values of the radius are between 4 and 6.2 Å and between 300 and 900 Å2 for the pocket surface area. This can be explained by the size distribution of the database entries as it contains only limited numbers of molecules with MW < 200 and > 550 [24]. The degree of hydrophobicity of the pocket did not yield any definite trends. Surprisingly, aromaticity appeared to have negative correlation, although aromatic interactions have been suggested to contribute to ligand–protein binding [38, 39]. However, the correlation was not statistically significant.

Fig. 2figure 2

Total number of virtual hits generated by virtual docking of SAVI diversity set into protein pockets with different properties. The parameters for each property were determined using the PocketFinder function of ICM-Pro software (Molsoft). Dotted lines represent linear trends with corresponding correlation coefficient (r), Student's t-distribution, and p-values shown

Nonsphericity and buriedness demonstrated positive correlation with the number of virtual hits (Fig. 2) but it was statistically insignificant for both parameters. The number of hydrogen bond acceptors (HBA) in the pocket did not show any significant correlation. In contrast, the number of hydrogen bond donors (HBD) had significant positive correlation with the number of docking hits (Fig. 3). The observed dependencies on HBD could be caused by prefiltering of the database building blocks for “drug-like” properties. Hydrogen bond acceptors of potential drugs are widely believed to be less detrimental than hydrogen-bond donors with regards to solubility, cell permeability and bioavailability [40]. Lipinski’s rule of 5 is more restrictive to hydrogen bond donors than to hydrogen bond acceptors allowing no more than 5 HBDs vs. up to 10 HBAs [41]. Consequently, the database will have more HBA-rich compounds that prefer HBD-rich pockets.

Fig. 3figure 3

The impact of hydrogen bond-forming capacity of the pockets on the total number of virtual hits for the entire SAVI diversity set. The number of hydrogen bond donors had a positive, statistically significant, correlation with the number of docking hits

To compare the degrees of dependencies for different transforms, we used correlation coefficients (Tables 3 and S1). Correlations with pockets’ properties differ for different transforms (Table 3) and frequently have opposite signs. The relatively small number of pockets screened does not allow one to make statistically justified conclusions for many correlations as p-values fall short, sometimes just slightly above 0.05. The data shows that those differences do exist, and additional future screens will permit to establish comprehensive correlations. Nevertheless, several dependencies could be established. Pocket sizes showed positive correlations with virtual hit rates for all transforms, with transforms 1171, 2201, 6003, 6004, 6005, 7013, 7014 and 7022 showing the strongest correlations, suggesting that they could work better for larger pockets, but not for the small ones. Although the number of virtual hits increased with an increase of pocket buriedness and nonsphericity for the majority of transforms, only transform 2267 had statistically significant correlation with buriedness in this study.

Table 3 Pearson’s coefficients for correlations between protein pocket properties and the number of docking hits in SAVI diversity set

Aromaticity had negative, but insignificant, correlation for all transforms (Table 3). Although the number of hydrogen bond acceptors in the pocket did not show any definite correlation for the whole diversity set, it demonstrated strong positive correlation for transforms 2875 (copper[I]-catalyzed azide-alkyne cycloaddition), 6031 (Mitsunobu reaction) and Wittig ketone synthesis (7020). Transform 2875 produces heterocycles with hydrogen-donating properties that can explain this trend. For transform 6031 and 7020 the reason could be the properties of the blocks that they utilize. The number of hydrogen bond donors appeared to have positive correlation with the number of virtual hits for all transforms. The strongest correlations were found for transform 7021 (Horner–Wadsworth–Emmons olefination). Hydrogen bonds are strong contributors to the binding energy. Thus, hydrogen bond-forming capacity of the pocket can be expected to have a positive effect on the number of virtual hits. However, as discussed before, prefiltering of the building blocks for “drug-like” properties, which excludes hydrogen bond donor-rich compounds to avoid cell permeability and bioavailability issues, limits the number of HBD-rich compounds, making the observed dependences less pronounced. The hydrogen bond forming capacity of a transform can be impacted by reaction selectivity. For example, both transform 7013 and 7014 generate benzimidazoles from aromatic o-diamines and aldehydes. However, 7014 uses boric acid to produce a reactive intermediate while 7013 uses molecular iodine under basic conditions. Consequently, the sets of restrictions for the starting blocks are different. As a result, 7013 generated almost twice as many compounds as 7014, but has a significantly lower overall virtual hit rate (Table 1). Nevertheless, the correlations with pocket properties are similar for these two transforms. All observed trends can assist in generation of optimally targeted virtual libraries and thus, reduce time and effort required for lead identification.

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