1.Lung cancerA5491–20 μM24 h♦ Fas/FasL apoptotic system and the p53 pathway, ◙ G1-phase ◘, proliferation restraint.[
48]2.Lung cancerA549,
H12995–20 μM24 h◙ STAT3 pathway, ◘ G0/G1-phase arrest, ◙ proliferation, ◘ apoptosis.[
49]3.Lung cancerHCC827,
HCC827/GR5–40 μM24 h◙ STAT3 pathway, ◙ proliferation, ◘ apoptosis, Chemosensitization (gefitinib).[
50]4.Lung cancerA5492 μM48 h◘ ROS accumulation, Enhancement of apoptosis, Chemosensitization (CDDP).[
51]5.Lung cancer A5490.5, 2 μM12–48 h◙ Proliferation and migration by diminishing the JNK/pJNK negatively regulating p53, ◙ G1 and G2 cell cycle.[
52]6.Lung cancerHELF2.5, 5, 10 μg/mL 96 h◙ Proliferation and TGF-β1 expression, ◙ epithelium-mesenchymal transition and alveolar epithelial cells.[
53]7.Breast cancerMCF-7,
RAW 264.7 LO-20–60 μM 24 or 48 h◘ Cell death, ◙ PI3K/Akt and MAPK/ERK pathways.[
54]8.Breast cancerHCC193713–100 μM2–24 h◙ Wnt/β-catenin pathway, ◙ proliferation, ◘ apoptosis.[
55]9.Breast cancerSK-BR-3, MCF -7, HBL-1002.5, 5, and 10 mM 48 h. Bcl - 2, proto-oncogenetyrosine-protein kinase src are regulated, ◙ cell proliferation by estrogen receptors.[
56]10.Breast cancerMDA-MB-2316–15 μM24 h♦ p38 pathway, ◙ viability, ◘ apoptosis.[
37]11.Breast cancerMCF-740 μg/mL72 h ◙ P-gp in MCF-7/Pac, amplify the antiproliferative impact, MDR reversal in MCF-7 sublines that are resistant.[
57]12.Breast cancerMCF-710 μM4 h◙ SERCA, ♦ CaMKKβ-AMPK-mTOR signaling cascade, ER stress, and UPR, ◘ apoptosis and autophagy.[
38]13.Breast cancerMCF-7/ADR0.13–0.6 μM48 h◙ P-gp expression, MDR reversal without harmful consequences, Chemosensitization (doxorubicin).[
58]14.Breast cancerMCF-7/ADR,
MCF-70.13–0.6 μM48 h▼MDR1/P-gp, Reversal of MDR without toxic effect, Chemosensitization (ADR).[
59]15.Breast cancerMDA-MB-231 6.25 μmol/L–12.50 μmol/L12, 24, 48 h◙ MDA-MB-231 cells in G2 phase, cell cycle arrest, ▼cyclin A1, cyclin A2, cyclin B1, and cyclin B2.[
41]16.Liver cancerSMMC-77213.2–19.2 μM24 h, 48 h, 72 h◙ p-STAT3/HIF-1α pathway and ◘ Suppression of COX-2 expression, ◙ proliferation.[
60]17.Liver cancerSMMC-7721, MHCC97L3 μg/mL 2 h▲ Radiation, ◘ apoptosis by promoting autophagy via ◙ mTOR phosphorylation[
61]18.Liver cancerSMMC-7721,
HepG23.2–19.2 μM24 h, 48 h, 72 h◙ p-STAT3/C/EBPβ pathway and COX-2 expression, ◙ proliferation, ◘apoptosis.[
47]19.Liver cancerHepG21.75, 3.75, 7.5, 15 μM24 hNRP -1 knockdown dramatically changed the lipid transport, phospholipid metabolism, and enhanced anti-hepatoma action.[
62]20.Liver cancerHepG2, Hep3B1–10 μM12 h–48 h♦ p53 and Fas/FasL pathway, ◙ NF-κB pathway, ◘ G1- cell cycle arrest, ◙ proliferation, ◘ apoptosis.[
63]21.Liver cancerHepG22.5, 5 and 10 μM 16 h◙ Hepatic FA biosynthesis, PPAR activation modifies the INSIGs/SREBP1c pathway.[
64]22.Liver cancerHepG210 μM24 h◙ NF-κB ♦, ◙ proliferation, angiogenesis, and invasion, ◘ apoptosis.[
34]23.Liver cancerHepatocyte100, 200, and 400 ng/mL 24 hEnhance cell viability, ◙ apoptosis, ◙ mortality of hepatocytes.[
65]24.Liver cancerSMMC-7721
HepG21.28, 3.84 μM
3 μg/ml2 h♦ p53 pathway, ▲ G0/G1 arrest, ◘ G2/M-phase arrest under hypoxia, ◘ apoptosis, Radiosensitization. Bax▲, HIF-1α▼.[
40]25.Liver cancerHep3B5 μM 24 h◘ Cell apoptosis via both mechanisms reliant on and independent of caspase-3.[
66]26.Liver cancerSMMC-7721,
MHCC97L3.84 μM24 h, 48 h, and 72 hSuppression of mTOR pathway, ◙ proliferation, ◘ autophagy formation, radiosensitization.[
67]27.Liver cancerHep3B2–15 μM48 h▲SENP5 expression and subsequent ◙ Gli1 SUMOylation, ◙ SHh pathway, ◙ viability, invasion and migration, ◘ apoptosis, chemosensitization (HSVtk/GCV).[
68]28.Liver cancerHepG25 μg/mL–20 μg/mL6 h◘ Apoptosis, ♦ caspases-3 and caspases-7.[
69]29.Liver cancerHSC-T6
LO21 μM
0.4 μM24 h▼ Expression of a smooth muscle actin, TGF-β1, ERK1/2, PDGFR, TGF-β1R, extracellular matrix regulated kinase 1, and connective tissue growth factor.[
70]30.Liver cancerSMMC-77215.0, 7.5, 10.0, 12.5, 15.0, and 17.5 mg/L24 h, 48 h, and 72 h◘ Autophagy through ▲ expression of BECN1, ◙ SMMC-7721 proliferation.[
71]31.Liver cancerHep3B--Hep3B cells may be made to undergo apoptosis by using caspase-3-independent mechanisms.[
72]32.Kidney cancerMouse renal tubular epithelial (mTE) cells--Prevents AKI via ◙ NLRP3 inflammasome by SIRT1, ROS ◙ [
73]33.Kidney cancerLLC-PK11 or 3 μg/mL24 h▲ Expression of anti-oxidant enzymes (SOD, CAT, GPx) and HSP72.[
74]34.Kidney cancerUCL93 and OX1615.0 μM 24 hCaMKK-AMPK-mTOR signaling pathway to ◘ autophagy, ◙ SERCA to increase calcium levels.[
75]35.Kidney cancerNRK-52E45 and 60 μM24 h or 48 hAttenuates oxidative injury via ▲ of SirT3, SOD activity▼ and SIRT3 expression ▲.[
76]36.Kidney cancerHK-220–150 μM0–48 hROS-mediated ♦ of MAPK and NF-κB signal pathways.[
77]37.Kidney cancer769-P, 786-O10–20 μM48 h◙ EGFR/p38 pathway, ▲ p53. ◘ apoptosis, ◘ G0/G1-phase arrest, ◙ proliferation.[
78]38.Cervical cancerHeLa,
Siha2 μM24 h, 36 h◘ Intracellular ROS accumulation, Enhancement of apoptosis, Chemosensitization (CDDP).[
51]39.Cervical cancerHeLa10 μM24 h◙ SERCA, ♦ CaMKK-AMPK-mTOR kinase signaling cascade, ER stress and UPR, ◘ apoptosis and autophagy.[
38]40.Cervical cancerHeLa10 μM0–24 h◙ NF-κB pathway, ◙ proliferation, angiogenesis and invasion. ◘ apoptosis, Chemosensitization (TNF-α).[
34]41.Blood cancerNB4, Kas-1, MV4-11, and U9370.5 to 1 μM 48 hBy concentrating on FTO/m6A and its ancillary pathways and ◙ AML leukemogenesis.[
79]42.Blood cancerHL6012.8–19.2 μM48 h▲GR mRNA expression, ◘ G0/G1- phase arrest, ◙ proliferation.[
80]43.Blood cancerNB41.56, 3.12, and 6.25 μg/mL5 days▲Bactericidal activity, ◘ granulocyte differentiation via ▲PU.1, CEBPβ, and activating CBL-ERK1/2 pathway, ◙ proliferation.[
81]44.Blood cancerTHP-11.8, 3.0, and 4.3 μM48 h◙ Selectin-mediated cell adhesion.[
82]45.Brain cancerU871–8 μM48 h▼ PI3K/Akt and ERK pathway, ♦ JNK, ◙ proliferation, Enhancement of apoptosis.[
83]46.Brain cancerPrimary microglia cells0, 0.1, 0.25, 0.5, 1, 2, 4 μM24 h◘ Acute inflammatory depressive-like behaviors and microglia ♦, ◙ downstream TLR4/ NF-κB pathway.[
24]47.Brain cancerC62.8–128 μM4 days◘ Differentiation, ◙ growth.[
84]48.Brain cancerShh Light II and DAOY3 μM 36 h◙ Cell proliferation, ▼ mRNA in Gli1 and Ptch1, GLI-luciferase activity and Hh signaling.[
85]49.Brain cancerC6 rat glioma cells 1–20 μM [PGE2]
10–100 μM [Ca2+]24 h◙ PGE2 production, ◙ cyclooxygenase activity, and an elevation of [Ca2+].[
86]50.Brain cancerPC120.125–2 μg/mL24 hControls nuclear and mitochondrial GR translocation, partially reversing mitochondrial dysfunction, ◙ mitochondrial apoptotic pathway, ♦ GR-dependent survival pathway.[
87]51.Brain cancerPC12200, 300, and 400 μg/mL6–96 h▼PC12 cells’ apoptosis by reducing ROS and ◙ oxidative damage caused by MAPK.[
29]52.Ovarian cancer SKOV32 μM48 h◘ Intracellular ROS accumulation, Enhancement of apoptosis, Chemosensitization (CDDP).[
51]53.Ovarian cancerA2780s, A2780cp, Hey, SKOV31, 2 μM24 h▲ Ca2+ concentration, ◘ MMP loss, ♦ CaMKI, ◙ PPM1D, Promotion of mitochondrial fission, ◘ G2/M arrest. Chemosensitization (CDDP).[
88]54.Prostate cancerDU1452.5–50 μM24 h▲ p53, ◙ proliferation, ◘ G0/G1-phase arrest, ◘ of apoptosis.[
89]55.Prostate cancerDU145,
CWR22Rv15, 10 μM24 h, 48 h, 72 h◙ GSK3β/β-catenin pathway in CWR22Rv1, Suppression of proliferation, metastasis and invasion.[
MG-6380 μM24 h, 48 h, 72 h♦ p53 pathway, ◘ apoptosis, ◘ G0/G1-phase arrest, ◙ proliferation.[
91]57.OsteosarcomaU25–20 μM24 h, 36 h, 48 h◙ Akt and ERK pathway, ◙ proliferation, invasion, and migration, ◘ apoptosis.[
92]58.Colon cancerSW480 and SW62050 μg/mL 24 hPromote apoptosis, ◙ PI3K/Akt/mTOR pathway and proliferation.[
93]59.Colon cancerHT-2910 μg/mL24 hApoptosis of HT29 ▲, TRAIL, TRAIL-R and caspase10 and/or caspase8 ▼.[
94]60.Lymphoid tissueMouse T cells5–15 μM48 h◙ T cell proliferation, ♦ NF-κB, NF-AT, and AP-1 signal pathways, ◙ cytokine secretion, IL-2 receptor expression.[
95]61.Lymphoid tissueRat basophilic leukemia-2H3 cells50 μg/mL1 h◙ Intracellular calcium mobilization, ROS, cell degranulation, and tyrosine phosphorylation, ◙ gene ♦ of Cdc42 and c-Fos.[
96]62.Thyroid carcinoma ARO, 8305C, SW17365–20 μM12 h, 24 h, 48 h♦ p53 pathway, ◙ proliferation, ◘ G1-phase arrest, ◘ apoptosis.[
97]63.MelanomaA375.S25–20 μM30 min♦ JNK, p38, and p53, ◙ proliferation, ◘ apoptosis.[
98]64.Pancreatic cancerBxPC31–8 μM48 h and 72 h♦ MKK4-JNK pathway, ◙ proliferation, ◘ apoptosis.[
99]65.Gastric cancerSGC-7901, MGC-803, and HGC-272.5 μg/mL 72 h◙ IKK β/NF-κB pathway, ◘ both cell autophagy and apoptosis.[
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