The reported implication of brorphine in emergent intoxication cases and the possibility of its widespread use stress the importance of being able to detect this potent NPS in clinical intoxication cases and alternative specimens. The purpose of this contribution is to develop and validate a method based on FPSE and tandem LC-MS/MS, for the identification and quantification of brorphine in OF; the reported procedure has the potential for application of FPSE in the analysis of more NPS in OF.
2. Materials and Methods 2.1. Chemicals and ReagentsAll solvents and reagents used for LC-MS analyses were at least of high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) grade. Brorphine HCl (≥98% purity) was obtained from Cayman Chemical Company (Ann Arbor, MI, USA). Ammonium acetate (99%) was purchased from Fluka™ Analytical Standards (Steinheim, Germany). Dichloromethane was purchased from Fisher Scientific (part of ThermoFisher Scientific) (Waltham, MA, USA). Acetonitrile, methanol, water (all UHPLC-MS grade), and formic acid (99%) were obtained from CARLO ERBA Reagents GmbH (Cornaredo, Italy). Ultra-pure water was supplied by an Aquatron Water Still A4000D purification system from Bibby Sterilin Limited (Staffordshire, UK). Whatman microfiber glass filters (110 mm) and Whatman cellulose filter papers (125 mm), which were used for FPSE, were purchased from General Electric (Boston, MA, USA). The organic polymer polyethylene glycol (PEG 300) was from Sigma-Aldrich (Athens, Greece). Trimethoxymethylsilane (MTMS), trifluoroacetic acid (TFA), acetone, sodium hydroxide, and hydrochloric acid were supplied by Merck (Darmstadt, Germany).
2.2. Working/Standard Solutions and CalibratorsStock solution of 1 mg of brorphine dissolved in 1 mL of methanol was stored at −20 °C in the dark until analysis. Standard working solutions were prepared daily in methanol. Calibrators at seven concentration levels, 0.05, 0.25, 1.0, 5.0, 10.0, 25.0, 50.0 ng/mL, were prepared by spiking a pool of blank OF. Quality control samples were prepared at 1, 5, and 50 ng/mL in methanol by fortifying blank OF.
2.3. Pre-Treatment of Fabric for Sol-Gel CoatingsA Whatman Cellulose circular filter of 125-mm diameter and Whatman Microfiber Glass filter of 110 mm were put in a vial with deionized water and were soaked under constant sonication for 15 min. Then, the procedure was repeated with NaOH (1.0 M, 1 h) and HCl (0.1 M, 1 h). Washing with deionized water was followed in each step. Afterwards, the filter was left to dry at 25 °C for 24 h, in ambient air, and then followed by sol-gel sorbent coating. In our study, 5 gr of PEG 300 solution was developed, as the sol–gel precursor, using 5 mL of MTMS, 2 mL of TFA catalyst with 5% water, and a mixture of 10 mL of acetone and dichloromethane (50/50 v/v). The substrate was immersed into the sol solution for 4 h in room temperature. After sol-gel coating, the fabric was left to dry in the residual sorbents for 24 h; then, it was rinsed with a mixture of acetone and dichloromethane (50/50 v/v) under sonication for 30 min, air dried for 30 min, cut into circular pieces with a 1 cm diameter, and stored until use.
2.4. Preliminary ExperimentsTwo types of Whatman filters were examined in the preliminary experiments as an FPSE substrate: microfiber glass filter (FG) and cellulose filter (WC). The extraction times of 10, 20, and 30 min were tested. PH values were investigated at three different levels: acidic (4.5), neutral (7), and alkaline (9). For the most suitable back extraction, solvent methanol, acetonitrile, and their mixture of 50:50 v/v were tested. Finally, three different time intervals (5, 10, and 15 min) were examined in order to select the optimal back-extraction time.
2.5. Sample Collection and StorageOF was collected from drug-free donors, by a simple expectoration technique, which allowed it to accumulate in the lower part of the mouth while the subject spat into a pre-weighed test tube every 60 s. Then, the collected OF was vortexed for 30 s and put in an ultrasound bath for 60 s. Finally, aliquots of 10 mL of OF were stored in plastic tubes, frozen until analysis.
2.6. FPSE ProcedureOne mL of OF was treated with 100 μL of acetonitrile, then repeating vortex for 30 s and ultrasound bath for 60 s, and, finally, centrifugation at 15,000 rpm for 15 min, were applied. The supernatant was put in a tube with a glass microfiber filter (FG) coated with PEG300, and left for 30 min to interact by stirring at 300 rpm, pH = 7. Finally, 150 μL of methanol were added to achieve desorption under gentle stirring at 300 rpm for 10 min.
2.7. LC ConditionsAnalysis was performed on a Dionex UHPLC system (Thermo Scientific, Waltham, MA, USA) comprised of a degasser, a binary pump, an autosampler, and a column oven. The system was coupled to a Q-Trap 5500™ mass spectrometer (Sciex, Darmstadt, Germany), operated in multiple reaction monitoring (MRM) mode, and equipped with an electrospray ionization (ESI) Turbo V Source operated in positive mode. Separation was performed on an Accupore C18 column (50 mm × 3 mm, 2.6 μm particle size) equipped with a precolumn cartridge (2.1 mm × 0.2 μm) (Thermo Scientific, Waltham, MA, USA), both operated at 30 °C. Mobile phases were: 10 mM of aqueous ammonium acetate adjusted to pH 3.5 with 0.1% formic acid (eluent A) and acetonitrile UHPLC-MS grade with 0.1% formic acid (eluent B), degassed by Elmasonic S ultrasonic, Germany. The autosampler temperature was 5 °C; the injector’s needle was rinsed with 200 μL of methanol before and after each injection, and the injected sample volume was 5 μL. Gradient program was as follows: 0.00–1.00 min 12% eluent B; 1.00–2.00 min linear gradient to 50% eluent B, 2.00–3.00 from 50% to 100% eluent B; 3.00–5.00 min remained at 100%; 5.50 min returned to initial conditions; total run time of 6.50 min with a flow rate of 0.500 mL/min.
2.8. MS/MS ConditionsThe mass spectrometer was equipped with an electrospray ionization source (ESI) operating in positive mode. The applied ESI inlet conditions were as follows: gas 1, nitrogen (55 psi); gas 2, nitrogen (55 psi); ion-spray voltage of 5500 V, positive mode; ion-source temperature, of 550 °C; nitrogen as the curtain gas at 55 psi (Table 1). Optimization of the dwell times and all other settings were performed using the scheduled MRM algorithm incorporated into Sciex Analyst® software version 1.7.1 (Sciex, Darmstadt, Germany), in the automatic quantitative optimization mode. SciexOS 1.6 software 1 (Sciex, Darmstadt, Germany) was applied for data processing. 2.9. Method ValidationThe guidelines expressed by the Scientific Working Group for Forensic Toxicology (SWGTOX) were applied for validation of the analytical procedure [24]. Evaluated parameters were linearity, selectivity, bias, carryover, precision, sensitivity, recovery, matrix effect, and stability.Selectivity experiments were carried out with blank OF collected from at least ten different drug-free volunteers. The samples were tested to exclude any interference from the matrices and were then pooled. Three blank OF samples were prepared by fortifying with a mixture of 87 drugs (50 ng/mL of each drug) to study selectivity of the method. The evaluation of carryover was performed by analyzing blank matrix samples immediately after running triplicates of high-concentration-control samples (400 ng/mL). The method’s linearity was evaluated using triplicates of one of seven concentration levels, 0.05, 0.25, 1.0, 5.0, 10.0, 25.0, and 50.0 ng/mL of brorphine spiked in OF. Sensitivity was expressed by the limit of detection (LOD) and limit of quantification (LOQ), defined as the lowest concentration giving a signal-to-noise ratio of three (S/N = 3) and ten (S/N = 10), respectively. Criteria for identification were a symmetrical peak that eluted at the expected retention time ±2%, and an ion ratio of quantifier-to-qualifier MRM within ±25% of the established standard compound. Both LOD and LOQ were determined by analyzing three fortified OF samples at decreasing concentrations (1–0.001 ng/mL). Intra-day repeatability and inter-day reproducibility (precision), expressed as RSD %, were studied at three concentration levels (1, 5, and 50 ng/mL). Bias was measured in fortified OF samples at three different concentration pools (1, 5, and 50 ng/mL) using a minimum of three separate samples per concentration over five different runs; the maximum value of acceptable bias was ±20% at each concentration. Matrix effect (%) was evaluated in low and high concentrations of analyte, of 1 and 50 ng/mL, respectively, and positive results expressed ionization enhancement and negative results ionization suppression. Stability experiments were performed by using fortified OF samples (1 ng/mL and 50 ng/mL) to establish time-zero responses. Then, half vials were refrigerated at −20 °C, and the rest were stored on the autosampler at 5 °C. All the vials were then analyzed on LC-MS/MS in triplicate, after two and four weeks, and the average responses were compared to the time-zero ones.
2.10. Statistical AnalysisStatistical analysis of the results was carried out using Microsoft EXCEL for Windows to calculate means and standard deviations, and to conduct Student’s t-test to compare differences between groups (significant at p < 0.05).
4. DiscussionAlthough we are not aware of any intoxication case or police case involving brorphine in our country yet, the fact that this substance was identified in some European countries [8,9,10,11] indicates that it is possible for it to be spread widely to other countries. Therefore, the development of an analytical methodology to identify and quantify this NSO in clinical cases is essential. Moreover, the application of the FPSE sample preparation technique is employed for the first time to the analysis of an NPS, offering a new tool that could advance forensic research.The current contribution presents the development and validation of a simple, rapid, and sensitive method for the determination of brorphine in OF, by employing FPSE for the extraction of an analyte, engaged to LC-MS/MS for identification and quantification.
In a series of preliminary experiments, the extraction procedure was optimized regarding coating material, extraction time, pH, and extraction solvent. Methanol was proved to be an efficient back-extraction solvent at the extraction time of 10 min. Adsorption time affects the distribution of analytes between the solvent and the FPSE medium. The required time to reach extraction equilibrium is synergistically affected and reduced by factors such as the porous network of the sol-gel coating, the highly active surface of the FPSE apparatus, and the permeable fabric substrate.
According to literature, brorphine acts as a weak acid [24], so it is expected that the ionized form pKa + 2 (8.61) would provide the ideal outcome. However, it was observed that results with pH = 7 and pH = 9 were comparable to each other. The low viscosity of the solvents allows them to easily penetrate the thin layer of the adsorbent, and decompose quickly and quantitatively brorphine. Our results revealed that a shorter elution time did not demonstrate decent desorption capacity, while increasing the elution time slightly decreased the efficiency, which may be due to the reabsorption of the substances by the FPSE medium.The developed method shows acceptable analytical characteristics, according to the SWGTOX guidelines [25]. The linearity range in the OF is expected to be related to the concentrations of plasma analyte, a consideration that is confirmed by previous reported results [11]. The external-standard-absolute calibration with certified-reference material is used for the validation experiments of this relatively simple extraction technique [26]. The obtained recoveries, although not excellent (>95%), are considered relatively good and acceptable; they are comparable to relevant results from other studies on brorphine [5,8,11], or, on NPS in general [27]. Matrix effect is acceptable, and is recorded as ion suppression for both low and high concentrations. It is worth mentioning that the limits of detection (LOD) and quantification (LOQ) for brorphine for OF reported in this study are lower than those reported previously for serum and urine (0.05/0.03 ng/mL as the LODs and 0.1 ng/mL as the LOQs for serum and urine, respectively) [5]. The short- and long-term stability of brorphine in OF is acceptable at both −20 °C and at 5 °C.This is the first report of an analytical procedure for the determination of brorphine in OF; the reported analytical procedure introduces the application of an innovative micro-extraction technique of FPSE engaged to LC-MS/MS for quantification of an NPS. The characteristics of the FPSE technique show potential for application in the analysis of a wider scale of NPS classes. This relatively simple methodology is effective and reliable for identification and quantitation of brorphine in OF in routine clinical casework.
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