Unlocking CD8+ T cell potential in chronic hepatitis B virus infection

The authors thank M. Tinelli and S. Cristiano for secretarial assistance and the members of the Iannacone laboratory for helpful discussions. M.I. is supported by European Research Council (ERC) Advanced Grant 101141363, ERC Proof of Concept Grant 101138728, Italian Association for Cancer Research grants 22737 and 15350, Italian ministry for University and Research (Project no. PE00000007 INF-ACT), Italian Ministry for University and Research (PRIN 2022FMESXL), and Funding Research Agreements from BlueJay Therapeutics, VIR Biotechnology and Gilead Sciences. V.F. is supported by ERC Synergy Grant 101118936, Italian Ministry for University and Research Grants (Project no. PE00000007 INF-ACT) and Fondazione Prossimo Mio.

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