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Kuhn JH, Lauck M, Bailey AL, Shchetinin AM, Vishnevskaya TV, Bào Y, Ng TFF, LeBreton M, Schneider BS, Gillis A, Tamoufe U, Diffo JLD, Takuo JM, Kondov NO, Coffey LL, Wolfe ND, Delwart E, Clawson AN, Postnikova E, Bollinger L, Lackemeyer MG, Radoshitzky SR, Palacios G, Wada J, Shevtsova ZV, Jahrling PB, Lapin BA, Deriabin PG, Dunowska M, Alkhovsky SV, Rogers J, Friedrich TC, O’Connor DH, Goldberg TL. 2016. Reorganization and expansion of the Nidoviral family Arteriviridae. Arch Virol 161:755–768.
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