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A. Biological barriers
As shown in Fig. 1, biological barriers present a challenge for the nanocarriers to effectively convey the drug to the target site. When the therapeutic nanocarriers are loaded into the blood vessel, they first face the intravascular barrier, i.e., the mononuclear phagocyte system. The blood contains extracellular proteins referred to as opsonins forming the intravascular barrier. When the nanoparticles enter the bloodstream, these proteins quickly bind to the surface of the nanoparticles.29,3129. Q. Huang and J. Du, in New Nanomaterials and Techniques for Tumor-Targeted Systems (Springer, 2020), pp. 5–26.31. R. K. Jain and T. Stylianopoulos, Nat. Rev. Clin. Oncol. 7, 653 (2010). The opsonins make the nanocarriers more visible to macrophages, which recognize and remove the nanocarriers before they reach the tumor tissue. This biological process is known as opsonization, and it decreases the therapeutic efficacy.Once the nanocarriers pass the intravascular barrier, they face the endothelial barrier, a semi-permeable layer of cells that line through the inner walls of the blood vessels. It prevents the extravasation of nanocarriers to the target site. For example, the endothelial layer between blood flow and the brain is highly restrictive because of the high density of endothelial cells and tight junctions between cells that prevent extravasation.
Solid tumors comprise tumor cells, stromal, extracellular matrix (ECM), vasculature, and immune cells. After crossing the endothelial barrier, the nanocarriers pass through the ECM, referred to as the extracellular barrier. The ECM comprises a collagen network, glycosaminoglycan, microfibrillar elastins, and proteoglycan, forming a cross-linked gel-like viscous structure. The viscous nature of the extracellular space or the interstitium limits the fluid flow and the diffusion of the nanocarriers from blood toward the targeted cells. ECM in the tumor microenvironment has poorly functioning vasculature, which causes high interstitial pressure.37,3837. Z. Zhang, H. Wang, T. Tan, J. Li, Z. Wang, and Y. Li, Adv. Funct. Mater. 28, 1801840 (2018). S. Barua and S. Mitragotri, Nano Today 9, 223 (2014). The interstitial pressure is measured between 10 and 40 mmHg for a wide range of tumor types.3939. Y. Boucher, J. M. Kirkwood, D. Opacic, M. Desantis, and R. K. Jain, Cancer Res. 51, 6691 (1991). High interstitial pressure is an essential barrier to drug delivery, especially for macromolecular drugs whose transport is mainly by convection. Finally, the nanocarriers enter the cell to release the drug into the cell membrane; therefore, the cellular barrier starts. Nanoparticles cannot simply enter the cells by diffusion. Instead, they are internalized by endocytic processes, comprising phagocytosis, pinocytosis, or endocytosis. The size, shape, and charge of nanocarriers can affect the internalization process.4040. N. Oh and J.-H. Park, Int. J. Nanomed. 9, 51 (2014). Types of nanocarriers
The main challenge in the clinical applications of drug-delivery systems is to overcome the biological barriers. For this purpose, the use of different types of nanocarriers is proposed. In Table I, different applications for different nanoparticle types are given, which are recently approved by the Food and Drug Administration (FDA). In this section, the types of these nanocarriers are reviewed.41–4841. X. Lin, R. Gao, Y. Zhang, N. Qi, Y. Zhang, K. Zhang, H. He, and X. Tang, Expert Opin. Drug Deliv. 9, 767 (2012). B. Lasa-Saracibar, A. Estella-Hermoso de Mendoza, M. Guada, C. Dios-Vieitez, and M. J. Blanco-Prieto, Expert Opin. Drug Deliv. 9, 1245 (2012). M. T. Ansari, T. A. Ramlan, N. N. Jamaluddin, N. Zamri, R. Salfi, A. Khan, F. Sami, S. Majeed, and M. S. Hasnain, Curr. Pharm. Des. 26, 4272 (2020). N. Avramović, B. Mandić, A. Savić-Radojević, and T. Simić, Pharmaceutics 12, 298 (2020). R. Tong and J. Cheng, J. Macromol. Sci. Polym. Rev. 47, 345 (2007). J. Chen, F. Saeki, B. J. Wiley, H. Cang, M. J. Cobb, Z.-Y. Li, L. Au, H. Zhang, M. B. Kimmey, X. Li, and Y. Xia, Nano Lett. 5, 473 (2005). L. R. Hirsch, A. M. Gobin, A. R. Lowery, F. Tam, R. A. Drezek, N. J. Halas, and J. L. West, Ann. Biomed. Eng. 34, 15 (2006). A. A. Yetisgin, S. Cetinel, M. Zuvin, A. Kosar, and O. Kutlu, Molecules 25, 2193 (2020). As shown in Fig. 2, the most widely used drug carriers are polymeric, inorganic, and lipid-based nanocarriers.C. Targeting strategies
As mentioned in Sec. , nanocarriers face different biological barriers when injected into the body. Various strategies are used to overcome these biological barriers to improve the accumulation and retention of the nanocarriers in the targeted area. There are currently three types of targeting strategies. The first one is the passive targeted drug delivery, known as the enhanced permeability and retention effect (EPR-effect). The second one, active targeted drug delivery, includes the delivery systems conjugated with a specific ligand. In the third one, active triggered targeting, an external field or physical stimuli, is applied to the target area to increase drug accumulation (Fig. 3).Nanoparticles, generally bigger than 10 nm, cannot cross healthy vessels through the continuous endothelium cells. However, the endothelial cells become more permeable under different pathological states, such as inflammation, infarcts, and the development of tumors. This phenomenon is named the EPR-effect.88–9088. Y. Matsumura and H. Maeda, Cancer Res. 46, 6387 (1986).89. J. Fang, H. Nakamura, and H. Maeda, Adv. Drug Deliv. Rev. 63, 136 (2011). A. K. Iyer, G. Khaled, J. Fang, and H. Maeda, Drug Discov. Today 11, 812 (2006). Molecules of certain sizes, e.g., nanoparticles, liposomes, and macromolecular drugs, accumulate in tumor tissues more than in normal tissues due to the EPR effect. This targeting type is referred to as passive targeting, whose success is related to the circulation time of the nanocarrier in blood. The charge of the nanoparticles affects the stability and distribution of the nanoparticles in blood. For example, positively charged nanoparticles are more stable in blood; however, after extravasation of nanoparticles from tumor vessels, neutral nanoparticles diffuse better through tissue.91–9391. C. R. Miller, B. Bondurant, S. D. McLean, K. A. McGovern, and D. F. O’Brien, Biochemistry 37, 12875 (1998). S. E. Gratton, P. A. 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Furthermore, the nanoparticles’ shape and coating material affect the effectiveness of passive targeting. The best cellular uptake is obtained by rods, followed by spheres, cylinders, and cubes.92,9692. S. E. Gratton, P. A. Ropp, P. D. Pohlhaus, J. C. Luft, V. J. Madden, M. E. Napier, and J. M. DeSimone, Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. U.S.A. 105, 11613 (2008). A. Albanese, P. S. Tang, and W. C. Chan, Annu. Rev. Biomed. Eng. 14, 1 (2012). Parveen and Sahoo9797. S. Parveen and S. K. Sahoo, Eur. J. Pharmacol. 670, 372 (2011). determined that coating PLGA nanoparticles with poloxamer 188 shows a decrease in macrophages.9898. D. Jain, R. Athawale, A. Bajaj, S. Shrikhande, P. N. Goel, and R. P. Gude, Colloids Surf. B 109, 59 (2013). second method, active targeting, is achieved by a conjugated ligand on the surface of the nanoparticles. The active targeting mechanism relies on the interaction between the ligand of the nanoparticle and the cell surface receptors or the antigens on the tumor cell’s surface. Active targeting of the drug-loaded nanocarriers overcomes the drawbacks of passive targeting by making the nanoparticle more specific to a target site. Consequently, active targeting results in higher drug accumulation increases in the tumor cells, reducing chemotherapeutic treatments’ side effects9999. R. Bazak, M. Houri, S. El Achy, S. Kamel, and T. Refaat, J. Cancer Res. Clin. Oncol. 141, 769 (2015). compared to passive targeting. Watanabe et al.100100. K. Watanabe, M. Kaneko, and Y. Maitani, Int. J. Nanomed. 7, 3679 (2012). studied folate-polymer-coated liposomes for targeted delivery of doxorubicin. Their results show that doxorubicin-loaded folic acid conjugated with liposomes exhibited twofold higher cytotoxicity. Rana et al.101101. S. Rana, N. G. Shetake, K. Barick, B. Pandey, H. Salunke, and P. 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It is known that the tumor microenvironment is quite different from normal tissues, e.g., different expression levels of some enzymes and its acidic environment108–110108. M. Shahriari, M. Zahiri, K. Abnous, S. M. Taghdisi, M. Ramezani, and M. Alibolandi, J. Control. Release 308, 172 (2019). Z. Cao, W. Li, R. Liu, X. Li, H. Li, L. Liu, Y. Chen, C. Lv, and Y. Liu, Biomed. Pharmacother. 118, 109340 (2019). Q. Hu, P. S. Katti, and Z. Gu, Nanoscale 6, 12273 (2014). and pH values. The pH value in tumor tissues is lower than in blood and normal tissues (7.4), and the acidic cellular environments exhibit even lower values, e.g., 4.5–5.0 for lysosomes and 5.5–6.0 for endosomes.111111. Q. Yang, S. Wang, P. Fan, L. Wang, Y. Di, K. Lin, and F.-S. Xiao, Chem. Mater. 17, 5999 (2005). The pH values in various segments vary in a wide range from the small intestine (pH 5.5–6.8) to the colon (pH 6.4–7.0) and the stomach (pH 1.5–3.5).112112. V. Balamuralidhara, T. Pramodkumar, N. Srujana, M. 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Rapid Commun. 31, 1163 (2010). showed that the micelles exhibit excellent anti-tumor efficacy with folate-mediated cancer targeting and pH-triggered intracellular drug delivery. The drug loading contents of 20:80 (20% β-amino ester in the mixed micelles), 50:50, and 80:20 mixed micelles and pure micelles are studied. Compared to pure micelles, the 20:80 mixed micelles show decreased drug release at pH 7.4. Drug release can also be governed by an increase in the temperature of the tumor environment. The stimulus may be extrinsic or intrinsic, which provides hyperthermia. The local application of heat, ultrasound, or light is examples of extrinsic stimuli. The intrinsic temperature increase around the tumor environment controls the drug release from the thermoresponsive carrier. The nanocarrier releases the drug at a location where the temperature is higher, e.g., 41°C at the tumor cell, higher than the body temperature of around 37°C. Thermosensitive liposomes are a recent example of the application of thermal drug delivery.115–117115. K.-C. Liu, A. Arivajiagane, S.-J. Wu, S.-C. Tzou, C.-Y. Chen, and Y.-M. Wang, Nanomed.: Nanotechnol. Biol. Med. 15, 285 (2019). B. Dorjsuren, B. Chaurasiya, Z. Ye, Y. Liu, W. Li, C. Wang, D. Shi, C. E. Evans, T. J. Webster, and Y. Shen, Int. J. Nanomed. 15, 8201 (2020). K. Koga, T. Tagami, and T. Ozeki, Colloids Surf. A: Physicochem. Eng. 626, 127038 (2021). Liu et al.115115. K.-C. Liu, A. Arivajiagane, S.-J. Wu, S.-C. Tzou, C.-Y. Chen, and Y.-M. Wang, Nanomed.: Nanotechnol. Biol. Med. 15, 285 (2019). developed liposomes based on gold nanorods and manganese-doped magnetism-engineered iron oxide nanoparticles for efficient photothermal therapy and magnetic resonance imaging. Liposomes are stable at physiological temperatures and release drugs upon laser irradiation. 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In Table II, the advantages and disadvantages of different triggered targeting methods are shown.
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