JCM, Vol. 12, Pages 183: Deep Learning with a Dataset Created Using Kanno Saitama Macro, a Self-Made Automatic Foveal Avascular Zone Extraction Program

1. IntroductionWith the advent of optical coherence tomography angiography (OCTA), studies on the foveal avascular zone (FAZ) have been actively conducted and yielded various findings in healthy eyes [1], retinal vascular diseases (e.g., diabetic retinopathy and retinal vein occlusion) [2,3], vitreous interface lesions (e.g., epiretinal membrane and macular hole) [4,5], hereditary degenerative diseases (e.g., retinitis pigmentosa) [6], glaucoma [7] and others [8]. In these studies, the methods used to extract FAZ features included manual methods with tools for manual selection, conventional automatic methods executed by algorithms, and deep learning [9,10], which has attracted increasing attention in recent years. Although the manual method is considered the gold standard for examination because it enables more detailed extraction, it imposes a heavy burden on the examiner performing the extraction and does not guarantee reproducibility. Conventional automated methods were developed to overcome the problems associated with manual methods. These included analyses using the device’s built-in software. For example, several studies have reportedly used Python, which is a programming language and MATLAB® (MathWorks) numerical analysis software, as well as ImageJ (https://imagej.nih.gov/ij, accessed on 8 February 2021), an image processing software distributed free of charge by the National Institutes of Health [11,12,13,14]. The advantage of these automated methods is that good-quality extraction can be obtained with a simple procedure. Previously, we also reported on automated extraction (Kanno Saitama Macro, KSM) using ImageJ Macro [15]. The advantage of KSM is that it can facilitate extraction that closely approximates the manual method with extremely high reproducibility with one click of a button. Furthermore, automatic extraction with a deep learning technique known as semantic segmentation is being actively promoted for medical imaging research in other specialties [16,17,18,19,20,21]. Although this method enables the simultaneous extraction of a large number of images, it requires a vast dataset and tremendous labor for the creation of the dataset (i.e., annotation). The dataset used in semantic segmentation consists of images pertaining to the question and the correct answer. In FAZ extraction, the question is the OCTA image (original image) and the correct answer is the image (label image) showing only the FAZ area. Extracting FAZ from en face images obtained with OCTA has conventionally been done manually, requiring 50 to 100 plots per image, which requires an enormous amount of time. Therefore, we investigated whether a useful data set could be created using automated methods. We used the dataset we created for training and testing using a typical U-Net. We then compared the results with the manual method to determine the usefulness of the dataset.Although automatic extraction using artificial intelligence (AI) on healthy and diseased eyes has been introduced [9,10], to our knowledge, there are no previous reports in deep learning for FAZ extraction that aimed to automatically create FAZ datasets. Thus, we propose a method to reduce the burden of annotation using the ImageJ macro. The purpose of this study was to examine the utility of the dataset created by KSM for FAZ extraction. 2. Materials and Methods 2.1. Study Population

This study was conducted according to the Declaration of Helsinki after obtaining approval from the Saitama Medical University Hospital Ethics Committee (No. 19079.01). The study sample included 40 healthy volunteers, aged 20 years and above, who provided written informed consent for participation in the study between October and December 2017. Participants underwent comprehensive ophthalmic examinations including visual acuity measurement, visual field testing, slit-lamp examination, non-contact tonometry (TONOREFRII, Nidek, Gamagori, Japan), fundus photography (CX-1, Canon, Tokyo, Japan), axial length and central corneal thickness measurement (Optical Biometer OA-2000, Tomey Corporation, Nagoya, Japan), static visual field testing (Humphrey field analyzer, Carl Zeiss Meditec, Jena, Germany), retinal nerve fiber layer analysis using spectral-domain OCT (SD-OCT, Spectralis®HRA2, Heidelberg Engineering, Heidelberg, Germany), and swept-source OCTA (SS-OCTA) photography (PLEX® Elite 9000, Carl Zeiss Meditec, Jena, Germany).

Patients with a spherical equivalent of +3 D or more or −6 D or less; axial length of 26 mm or more; suspected glaucomatous change in the visual field test, fundus photograph or retinal nerve fiber layer analysis; ocular diseases, such as diabetic retinopathy, macular disease, severe myopia, pseudoexfoliation; and those with a history of ocular surgery, were excluded. The training and validation data were obtained from each fellow eye of patients with unilateral ocular diseases (idiopathic macular hole, vitreomacular traction syndrome, glaucoma, central serous chorioretinopathy, idiopathic epiretinal membrane, and rhegmatogenous retinal detachment) who visited our clinic and underwent SS-OCTA imaging between February 2018 and September 2019. A total of 227 of 257 eyes (from 257 patients) were used to create the training dataset and the remaining 30 eyes were used to create the validation dataset. Only images with an OCTA signal strength of 8/10 or higher were incorporated into the dataset.

2.2. Optical Coherence Tomography AngiographyAn image, measuring 3 mm × 3 mm, that was centered on the macula was acquired using SS-OCTA, with a central wavelength of 1060 nm and scanning speed of 100,000 A scan/s. Each 3 mm × 3 mm OCTA image consists of 300 pixels × 300 pixels, and is output as a 1024 pixels × 1024 pixels image. The algorithm for creating vascular signals uses optical microangiography, which measures changes in both phase and amplitude [22]. The original image used in this study was an en face image of the superficial retinal layer (SRL), defined as extending from the inner limiting membrane to the inner plexiform layer, constructed using the OCTA device’s built-in segmentation software. 2.3. KSM (Modified Version) and Annotation SimplificationKSM is a method that utilizes the dilation-erosion [23] morphological process, which is usually used in multiple consecutive processes, such as opening and closing, and is effective for noise reduction and edge detection [24]. In KSM, the interruptions in the vascular signal are connected with successive dilations, and the FAZ region is reproduced with successive erosions. Moreover, KSM can be customized using various processes implemented in ImageJ, since KSM is part of the ImageJ Macro. We added noise processing and changed the area expansion value to 4 pixels because the previously-reported macro did not include noise processing and had a slightly narrower extraction area. Changing these settings ensured improvements in the extraction of uneven areas and the extraction of high-brightness images (Figure 1).(1)

Noise processing

It was inserted in the first line of the previously-reported macro.

Run (“Bandpass Filter…”, “filter_large = 1024 filter_small = 3.5 suppress = None tolerance = 5 process”).


Area expansion

The enlarged setting on the 9th line was changed to 4 pixels.

Run (“Enlarge…”, “enlarge = 4 pixels”).

Furthermore, since the previously-reported macro extracted images one-by-one, we created a macro to simplify the annotation process. In addition to the setting changes, the macro for continuous extraction was executed using the “stack” function that displays the images in the folder in one window and the “region-of-interest (ROI) set” that specifies each slice.


The interpolation processing setting was changed to “none” when enlarging/reducing the image.


Extraction was performed with “analyze particles” instead of the wand tool and the size of the extraction area was specified.

In this study, continuous extraction was performed for every 5 images, and the ROI was saved after confirming the extraction. The procedure for dataset creation is as follows. (1) The FAZ was extracted. (2) The label image was created. (3) The label image was saved. The above-mentioned steps were repeated for the number of datasets. However, the repetition of these steps is monotonous and time-consuming even if the extraction is performed automatically. Therefore, each process was divided, and a macro of the process up to the saving step was created.


The folder containing the original image was loaded and displayed as a stack.


The FAZ was extracted from all the original images using the continuous method for every 5 images using ROI sets that specified the slices and the ROI sets were saved.


The entire window was selected and the “fill” command was used to suffuse all the original images with black (brightness value: 0). This image served as the background of the label image.


The ROI set saved in step 2 was loaded. The ROI for each slice was specified and the images were filled with white (luminance value: 255) (completion of label image).


The completed label images were saved one-by-one using the ROI sets specific to the slices.

The mechanism of label image creation is based on stack-based processing and extremely simple macros. Using this mechanism, dataset amplification can also be performed automatically using inversion and rotation. Creating training and validation datasets from 257 eyes, including the annotation process and FAZ extraction using KSM, required approximately 4 h—that is, approximately 1 min per eye.

Moreover, the dataset created in the above-mentioned process has a large image size of 1024 pixels × 1024 pixels, which was reduced to 512 pixels × 512 pixels to accommodate the deep learning networks. These were subsequently cropped to 256 pixels × 256 pixels.

2.4. Deep Learning NetworkWe used a typical U-Net for the semantic segmentation network [25]. The U-Net architecture is based on the fully convolutional neural network, which does not use fully-connected layers and allows images to be used as input and produces binary maps as output. As shown in Figure 2, the U-Net consists of a contracting (encoding) path and a symmetric expanding (decoding) path. In the contracting path, successive convolution layers are followed by pooling operations. In the expanding path, pooling operators are replaced by upsampling operators. The combination of the upsampled output and high-resolution features from the contracting path can supplement the information lost in the pooling process. The U-Net exhibits satisfactory performance in biomedical image segmentation because of its special structure [26]. This study used a 4-layered U-Net, binary cross entropy as the loss function, Adam [27] as the optimization algorithm, and binary accuracy as the evaluation function. Moreover, the environment was built using a graphics processing unit in Google Colaboratory Notebook. Python 3 was used as the programming language and Keras was used as the library. 2.5. The FAZ Extraction Method

The 3 types and 4 methods of extraction used in this study are described below.

2.5.1. The Manual Method (Examiner 1 and Examiner 2)

The SRL image was imported into ImageJ. Subsequently, two examiners (H. Ibuki and H. Ishii) used the polygonal manual selection tool to trace the FAZ boundaries and save the ROI sets. An FAZ mask image was created using the above-mentioned method for the label image using the previously-obtained ROI sets.

2.5.2. The Conventional Automatic Method (ARI)The Advanced Retina Imaging Zeiss Macular Algorithm (ARI; v 0.6.1) [15] is a prototype of Carl Zeiss’s proprietary algorithm, which is available online and can be used to extract the FAZ in the SRL. Uploading an anonymized raw file to the ARI network portal causes an FAZ mask image, measuring 512 pixels × 512 pixels, to be downloaded in the Portable Network Graphics format. 2.5.3. Automatic Methods Using Deep Learning (U-Net)

The dataset created by KSM was used to train and test the U-Net. First, we performed several training sessions and adjusted the number of epochs to 20 and the batch size to 12. After setting the brightness of the output image to 0 for the background and 1 for the extraction area, training and testing were performed 5 times, and all the results were acquired. The extracted image obtained was captured in ImageJ, converted into an FAZ mask image, and compared with the mask image of the manual method. The images that possessed the best results in comparison with the manual method were used in this study.

2.6. Evaluation of the Extraction Accuracy

The FAZ mask image obtained by each method was imported into ImageJ and converted to the same size as the extracted image obtained by the U-Net. This was followed by the evaluation of the extraction accuracy using the following indices, with the manual method as the gold standard.

2.6.1. Coefficient of Variation and Correlation Coefficient of the AreaThe area of the FAZ on the OCTA image was calculated using the correction formula of the magnification based on the axial length [28]. The area was quantified by inputting the measured values into a “set scale”, followed by correction. The coefficient of variation (CV) and the correlation coefficient of the area obtained, were evaluated. CV was calculated from the mean and standard deviation of the area per subject between methods. 2.6.2. Measures of SimilarityThe extraction accuracy is often evaluated using two measures of similarity [29,30]. However, since the evaluation differs due to the difference in the nature of the indices, both values were calculated. The similarity index evaluates the extraction target, extraction result, and the overlap between the two areas. Using the “image calculator,” we calculated and quantified the intersection and union, and the false negative (FN) and false positive (FP), and evaluated the excess and deficiency of the extraction. The above-mentioned quantification was calculated from the number of pixels in each region. Jaccard Similarity CoefficientThe Jaccard similarity coefficient (Jaccard index), [11,31] which is also called Intersection over Union, is calculated by dividing the intersection of two regions (extraction target: A, extraction result: B) by the union. The results are expressed as numerical values between 1.0 to 0.0, which are graded as follows: 0.4 or less, poor; 0.7, good; and 0.9 or more, excellent.

Jaccard (A,B)=A∩BA∪B

Dice Similarity CoefficientThe Dice similarity coefficient [32,33] (DSC) is calculated by dividing the twice the value of intersection by the sum of the two regions. It is expressed as a numerical value between 1.0 to 0.0; the closer the value is to 1.0, the better the similarity. It is expressed as a higher value than the Jaccard coefficient due to the difference in the nature of the two indices. 2.7. Statistical Analysis

The participants’ background variables were expressed as the median and interquartile range, and the FAZ area was expressed as the mean and standard deviation (SD). The CV, Jaccard coefficient, and DSC were represented as the mean and 95% confidence interval (CI). The FN and FP values were expressed as percentages (%).

We evaluated the extraction accuracy of the automatic method using the manual method as the gold standard, and also examined the accuracy between the manual methods. Nonparametric analysis was used for the obtained results since normality was rejected by the Shapiro-Wilk normality test. The area correlation coefficient was tested using Spearman’s rank correlation coefficient, and each extraction method was compared using the Friedman and multiple comparison tests (Bonferroni). The FN and FP values were compared using the Wilcoxon signed rank sum test. A p-value of <0.05 was considered statistically significant. All statistical analyzes were performed using the R software (version 3.6.3; R Foundation for Statistical Computing, Vienna, Austria).

4. DiscussionIn this study, we used the dataset created by KSM to extract the test data (40 eyes from 20 healthy subjects) with the typical U-Net and compared the extraction results with the manual method to verify its usefulness. The U-Net results trained from this dataset were as good as or better than the manual results in terms of the CV of the area, correlation coefficient, and similarity evaluation. Diaz et al. [11] stated that the results of correlation coefficients between manual methods used as a gold standard will affect the performance evaluation of automatic methods. The correlation coefficient between the manual methods in this study was 0.995, which represented a strong association and seemed to be sufficiently accurate for use as the gold standard. The correlation coefficient between the manual method and ARI was also good at 0.987, but the correlation coefficient between the manual method and the U-Net was higher or equivalent to that of the than that of ARI and manual method (Table 2).In some images, we have shown that the boundaries are different even between manual methods (Figure 5 and Figure 6). Although relatively clear images were used in this study, such errors were also observed between the manual methods. Moreover, the evaluation of the CV revealed that the combination of the manual method and the U-Net elicited the same or better results compared to the combination of the manual methods. The CVs of the manual method and ARI were more than 4%, while the CVs of the manual method and the U-Net were less than 1.5%. These findings suggest that the CVs of the manual method and the U-Net were significantly better than those of the manual method and ARI (Table 2 and Figure 3B). Similar results were obtained for the evaluation of the degree of similarity. The combination of examiner 1 and the U-Net had the best value (Table 3 and Figure 4), which differed from the results of the CV. The reason for the difference in the combination with the best values may be attributed to the nature of CV evaluation. Evaluation based on the above-mentioned characteristics of manual extraction and the results of FP and FN (Table 4) showed that the extraction of the U-Net was similar to that of examiner 1 with respect to the shape, but the area obtained with U-Net was smaller than that of examiner 1 because the FN was significantly larger than the FP in the extraction achieved by the U-Net and examiner 1 (Table 1 and Figure 3A). The area measured by the U-Net was almost the same as that of examiner 2 (Table 1 and Figure 3A), probably because there was no significant difference between the FP and FN of U-Net and examiner 2. Hence, the CV of the FAZ area was lower for the combination of the U-Net and examiner 2 than that for the combination of the U-Net and examiner 1.Currently, reports of automated FAZ extraction include both conventional automatic methods (built-in program) [11,12,13,14,15,34] and methods using deep learning [9,10]. Table 5 presents the details of previous studies that used the Jaccard index and DSC as indicators, as well as the maximum average for each similarity [9,10,11,12,14,34]. This study was the only one to obtain an excellent (0.9 or higher) value for the Jaccard coefficient from amongst the previous studies. The lowest value was reported by Diaz et al. [11] but the correlation coefficient between the manual methods was also low in that study, which seems to be the result of the influence of the accuracy of the gold standard (as mentioned in a previous study). Moreover, ARI, which showed the lowest value in this study, also seemed to show a good result compared to previous studies.Previous studies that employed the DSC investigated conventional automated methods and deep learning. Lin et al. [14] used Level Sets, a plugin of ImageJ, to study the extraction accuracy for images with an image quality index of 6 to 10, obtained with the Cirrus HD-OCT 5000. The extraction accuracy of Level Sets was comparable to that of the manual method, and the results were stable with various image quality levels. KSM was also used for comparison in their study. The extraction accuracy of KSM was poor at low image quality and showed inadequate reproducibility, which seemed inappropriate for the Cirrus HD-OCT 5000. The authors speculated that this was due to the false extraction caused by high-luminance noise. We assumed that the images presented in the previous study seem to be strongly affected by noise. We opine that good results can be obtained by performing noise processing (Figure 1E,F) in such cases. We recommend adjusting the number of times “dilate” and “erode” are used in the event of poor extraction, since noise processing also affects the blood flow signal. The results of Lin et al. were the lowest among the previous studies that used DSC, but even in that study, the similarity between the manual methods was also low. In other words, the accuracy of the gold standard could have affected the results in the current study, as well as that undertaken by Diaz et al. [11]. Based on the results of these two studies, there is also a need for a way to evaluate the accuracy of the gold standard in the future.Guo et al. [9] used an improved U-Net in their study. Interestingly, that study used a dataset that included a group that edited the OCTA image and changed the brightness/contrast (B/C) to flexibly handle the extraction of OCTA images with different levels of B/C. The appeal of deep learning is that it allows for the creation of models for various conditions using datasets that have been edited to meet this purpose. Moreover, Guo et al. [9] stated that the extraction accuracy would plummet significantly in the case of conventional automatic extraction if the B/C differs from the default settings. The extraction disorder becomes stronger as the setting tolerance is exceeded in the conventional automatic method. However, images whose signal strength is reduced to the point that extraction fails are usually excluded from the study because they adversely affect the reliability of the results. Rather, the major factor that causes poor extraction seems to be a localized decrease in signal strength.Zhang et al. [34] reported a method to deal with localized signal intensity reduction in conventional image analysis. Such local signal intensity reduction can cause extraction failure if it interferes with the FAZ. Semantic segmentation may be able to deal with local signal strength degradation that interferes with FAZ by devising the dataset. Therefore, to perform ideal extraction for various OCTA images, it is necessary to create datasets according to various requirements. To reduce the burden of creating these datasets, there is also a need for an efficient way to reduce the burden of annotation. In this study, we used ImageJ macro to simplify the annotation process; ImageJ macro is a recommended tool for annotation because it can easily automate various processes.In the comparison of similarity, the past studies using deep learning (Guo et al. [9] and Mirshahi et al. [10]) showed good results, but this is due to the performance of the deep learning network, probably because FAZ extraction of the dataset containing the test labels was also performed by the same person. In this study, we used a typical U-Net, the FAZ extraction of the data set was performed by KSM, and the test label was extracted by the manual method. In other words, the evaluation was performed using a test label that differed from the dataset. Therefore, the results obtained in this study are excellent, and the utility of the dataset created by KSM is high.This study has some limitations. First, all images used in the dataset, including the test data, were images with OCTA signal strength of 8/10 or higher. As shown in the study by Guo et al. [9], there are images with different luminance and B/C variations in clinical practice, and this dataset is not sufficient to deal with images with various variations. Second, the cases used for the test data included only healthy subjects. In the future, studies including diseased eyes are warranted, as in the study by Diaz et al. [11]. Regardless, the results obtained in this study are still useful based on the accuracy of the extraction and the simplification of the annotation. The next step is to evaluate the feasibility of the current method for diseased eyes. Future studies should also examine whether KSM is useful for images with lower signal strength, and whether the dataset obtained by KSM from lower signal images is useful as a dataset for deep learning. Furthermore, we aim to follow the method of Guo et al. [9] to create a dataset that can handle images with various variations. The Training: Testing ratio in this study was 8.7:1.3; Guo et al. [9] reported a ratio of 8:2, and Mirshahi et al. [10] reported a ratio of 7.7:2.3, which is close to the present study. Third, this study aimed to test the usefulness of the KSM dataset, not the performance of the neural network, and we used a typical U-Net. Other practice may have yielded different results. We plan to conduct research using other programs in the future. Fourth, another limitation is the small sample size. Further studies with a larger number of cases are needed in the future. Finally, we compared the results of the measurement method proposed in this study with those of the manual method in the same way as previous reports. The manual method is not always correct. Automated methods have reproducibility and rapidity advantages. Establishment of a measurement method that requires less manual intervention is awaited. The current study demonstrates the validity of reducing the intervention of manual methods in establishing measurement methods using AI.

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