Figure 1. Flow diagram of participants in this study.
Figure 2. Average HL curves of the participants with normal hearing (NH).
Figure 3. Average HL curves of the hearing impaired (HI) participants.
Figure 4. (a) Scatter plot and (b) empirical cumulative distribution functions of baseline THI and TFI scores.
Figure 5. (a) Tinnitus severity reduction following the four-month treatment and (b) result of the application of the ANOVA test.
Figure 6. (THI, TFI) pair values at baseline (circles, blue) and after EAE treatment (diamonds, green) and their corresponding fitted lines.
Table 1. Tinnitus characteristics of participants.
Table 1. Tinnitus characteristics of participants.
Duration (Months)SoundLocationPossible AetiologyMean = 83Table 2. Categories of tinnitus.
Table 2. Categories of tinnitus.
THI [21]TFI [18]CategoryTHI RangeTFI Range CategorySlight0–160–17Not a problemMild18–3718–31Small problemModerate38–5632–53Moderate problemSevere58–7657–72Big problemCatastrophic78–10073–100Very big problemTable 3. Linear regression parameters of TFI versus THI at pre- and post-treatment.
Table 3. Linear regression parameters of TFI versus THI at pre- and post-treatment.
rmbRegression LinePre-EAE0.740.5925TFI = 0.59 THI + 25Post-EAE0.780.887.6TFI = 0.88 THI + 7.6
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