There has been a rapid onset of deep learning applications in pathology. Although achieving the full potential of artificial intelligence (AI)-assisted histopathology is some distance away, research in this area is expanding and providing promising results. Progress in the digitization of histological samples has resulted in the production of so-called ‘virtual slides’ or ‘whole-slide images’ (WSI). The trend to digitize the whole laboratory workflow [1, 2] has the potential to substantially change the profession, especially when practically useful AI assistance algorithms are developed, validated, and implemented [3, 4] to support pathologists in routine tasks, such as finding carcinoma micrometastases in lymph nodes or small foci of prostate carcinoma in core biopsies, or in tasks requiring quantification, such as precise evaluation of different antigens by immunostaining, location, and counting of different cell populations [5, 6]. Unfortunately, developing AI algorithms requires large volumes of learning and validation data. For supervised learning, these are created mostly by manual annotation of histological images, requiring substantial time and effort from experienced pathologists, representing a roadblock for their development, validation, and implementation.
Solid tumors of epithelial origin (carcinomas) represent a major part of the workload in diagnostic histopathology laboratories. These tumors are composed of malignant epithelial cells arranged in more or less cohesive clusters of different sizes and shapes, together with admixed stroma including fibroblasts, adipocytes, endothelium, and inflammatory cells, and variable amounts of extracellular matrix. Various types of inflammatory cells may also infiltrate the epithelial islands.
The manual identification of tumor areas is often a relatively simple process for a trained pathologist and, by default, surrounding stromal areas are also identified. Such manually created data have been useful for developing AI applications, especially in the diagnosis of malignancy per se, tumor typing, and prognostication. On the other hand, there are applications that require precise identification and annotation of carcinoma cells and stromal cells within tumor islands, at the tumor/stroma interface, and more distant stromal cell populations devoid of carcinoma cells (e.g. counting mitoses, nuclear morphometry, enumerating intraepithelial and stromal lymphocytes, and evaluating the topographical distributions of specific inflammatory cell populations). These applications require the identification of an ‘epithelial mask’ that accurately delineates the areas of epithelial cells. Due to the complexity of carcinoma structures, manual creation of a precise epithelial mask is challenging if representative areas of tumor are to be identified for a large number of samples, such as required for AI training. This differentiation of cancer cells from stroma is recognized as an important problem, to which solutions using staining of consecutive tissue sections have been proposed [6, 7]. A recent paper [8] demonstrated an approach to manual annotations supervised by an epithelial mask based on re-staining of hematoxylin and eosin (H&E)-stained slides using immunohistochemistry (IHC) to visualize cytokeratins, cytoskeletal components specific to epithelial cells.
Aims and scopeThe idea behind our project was to develop a simple, rapid, and robust working procedure that is able to create precise epithelial masks in WSIs and to use these masks to train a neural network. Once trained, the procedure can then create ‘virtual’ epithelial masks in previously unseen H&E-stained WSIs. These virtual masks have immediate utility in AI-mediated diagnostic applications in cancer detection and can also be employed to co-localize carcinoma epithelium/stromal regions to a second WSI produced for any additional marker, obtained by de-staining the original H&E section and re-staining for the marker of choice. In this way, the procedure can be employed both for training AI-based methods with minimal expert annotation to simplify and speed up the learning process, and for further sophisticated analysis of multiple parameters of interest both clinically and in research.
Materials and methods Experimental designThe study includes (a) development of a method for automated pan-cytokeratin re-staining of previously digitized H&E-stained sections; (b) an automated method for aligning re-stained pan-cytokeratin immunohistological images to the original H&E images, in spite of shifts and nonlinear tissue distortions that occur during re-staining; (c) automated mask generation based on thresholding; and (d) the demonstration that these masks serve as a guide for machine learning to detect and label epithelium in previously unseen H&E-stained tissue sections of carcinomas.
We decided to use tissue microarrays (TMAs) as the source material in phases (a)–(c). These compound blocks containing multiple tissue cores collected from routine diagnostic samples ensure adequate numbers of tumors and with a range of growth patterns for training and validation. In addition, that these samples were obtained and processed under real-world clinical conditions, rather than idealized and highly controlled model systems, ensures easy transition into the clinical setting. In phase (d), we used both TMA sections and whole block tissue sections to test whether the trained method independently identifies tumor/stroma areas in H&E sections, applicable for automated quantitation of additional immunohistochemical or molecular pathology markers of interest for diagnosis and research.
MaterialThe source material originated from diagnostic cases evaluated at the Department of Pathology, MMCI. All patients provided written informed consent to use their leftover material for research. Staining of breast carcinomas was performed on residual excess slides from IHC quality control procedures, using two TMAs representing 12 tumor samples in total. Patient details are provided in Table 1. These tumors included the most frequent histological patterns from dissociated lobular carcinoma, through trabecular and solid, to medullary growth. The five H&E-stained breast cancer WSIs used for performance evaluation are part of routine case documentation in the MMCI Biobank and were selected randomly from the collection. The colon carcinoma TMA samples represent residual material from a retrospective immunohistochemical study of consecutive colon carcinomas. Patient details are given in Table 2. Each of the five TMAs originally contained 24 tumor samples, each represented by two 1.4 mm cores. After evaluation of H&E- and cytokeratin-stained scans, this number was reduced to a total of 85 tumors represented by 141 cores. Four TMAs were used for U-Net learning and the fifth TMA was used to evaluate the performance of the trained network. These TMAs were manufactured by a homemade tissue arrayer.
Table 1. Details of breast cancer samples. Grade Grade 1 Grade 2 Grade 3 1 6 10 Morphology Lobular NST Mucinous Micropapillary Medullary 1 13 1 1 1 Estrogen receptor Positive Negative 13 4 HER2 Positive Negative 4 13 Format/use TMA core Full section scan Learning 12 0 Evaluation 0 5 NST, No Special Type / No Specific Type. Table 2. Details of colon cancer samples. Age Range Mean Median 30–92 65.4 66.5 Sex Male Female 56 32 Location Right colon Left colon Indetermined 35 47 6 Clinical stage Stage I Stage II Stage III Stage IV 15 27 35 11 Grade Grade 1 Grade 2 Grade 3 23 46 19 Morphology Tubular Tubopapillary Cribriform Medullary Dissociated 16 28 37 5 2 Format/use TMA core Full section scan Learning 67 0 Evaluation 18 3Additional scans of full-block H&E sections of one breast carcinoma and three colon carcinomas were selected from the collection of MMCI biobank to evaluate the efficacy of mask generation to demonstrate the U-Net performance online (Figure 1). The materials used at each step of method development are summarized in Figure 2 and details are provided in the supplementary material.
Flowchart of the automated annotation system for cytokeratin re-staining. Colors serve as a visual aid for related parts of the system.
Re-staining protocolSections of 5 μm thickness were collected onto positively charged slides for IHC (TOMO, Matsunami Glass IND LTD, Osaka Japan). The H&E staining protocol was performed according to the standard laboratory protocol using a Leica Autostainer XL5000 (Leica Biosystems, Wetzlar, Germany), followed by cover glass mounting with Solakryl BMX (Draslovka, Kolín, Czech Republic) on a Leica CV500 mounting machine. Details are given in the supplementary material. The slides were left for 1 h to dry and then scanned using a Pannoramic® MIDI (3DHistech, Budapest, Hungary) with ×20 objective lens at a resolution 0.172 μm/pixel. The WSIs were uncompressed in PNG inside Mirax format. After scanning, slides were placed in xylene to remove the coverslips, washed in xylene to remove the remaining mountant, and re-hydrated through graded alcohols before returning to water. IHC with a cocktail of cytokeratin antibodies was performed in a Dako Autostainer Link 48 (Agilent, Santa Clara, CA, USA) using a standard staining procedure including high pH antigen retrieval. The cytokeratin antibody cocktail used to stain breast carcinoma samples consisted of Ba-17, DC10, C-11, and C-43 antibodies (Masaryk Memorial Cancer Institute, Brno, Czech Republic). A pan-cytokeratin cocktail AE1/AE3 (Agilent) was used for colon cancer samples. Antibody binding was detected with Envision HRP-labeled polymer secondary antibody with DAB as chromogen (Agilent), and nuclei were counterstained with hematoxylin before dehydration and mounting. Details are given in the supplementary material. The WSIs were checked in the Automated Slide Analysis Platform (ASAP) (available at and were manually annotated to exclude unacceptable cores or major artifacts from further analyses.
Dataset accessThe dataset is available as raw files stored in Mirax MRXS format compatible with OpenSlide ( Annotations used for the evaluation stage are available as XML files compatible with ASAP. The dataset is pseudonymized and access can be requested via BBMRI-ERIC European Research Infrastructure ( by following its access policy; the request should be placed via BBMRI-ERIC Negotiator platform to Masaryk Memorial Cancer Institute.
Automated alignment of cytokeratin mask on H&E slidesSoftware packages and libraries used in this study are provided in the supplementary material. Automated generation of the cytokeratin mask was performed as follows: (1) the H&E and the re-stained slides are split into individual tissue cores from the TMA (Figure 3); (2) cores are registered (aligned) using one of the two methods described below; and (3) the resulting mask is created using adaptive thresholding with subsequent noise filtering. The registration method developed for step (2) utilizes a specific property of the re-staining procedure to achieve robust results: cell nuclei centroids act as reference points and are visible in both the H&E and the re-stained tissue due to the repeated hematoxylin staining, which is standard procedure for IHC using DAB and other commonly employed chromogens. The developed method was then compared to the previously used state-of-the-art registration systems for alignment of consecutive slides [6, 7] and was found both more robust and more accurate.
Automatic alignment of consecutive slides using different staining was tackled by the ANHIR challenge in 2019 ( [12] and evaluated using landmark validation [13]. This competition did not provide any additional assumptions on staining and was based on consecutive slides being stained with the different methods and not the same slide being stained with both methods, as described here. Hence, the methods had to be more general without being able to use the presumptions that we were able to make for matching cell nuclei. One of the top three ranking methods, and the only one that has been published as open source [14], was used as the basis for comparison with the method proposed in this paper.
The algorithm combines several methods and proceeds in two stages. First, the initial alignment based on rigid or similarity transformations is computed, and then non-rigid transformations finish the registration. For the initial alignment, the system automatically selects between the two methods. The first uses feature detection algorithms (SURF, SIFT, and ORB) followed by RANSAC for calculating similarity transformations between features. The second method, related to our algorithm, computes centroids in binary versions of both images (obtained by Li thresholding) and uses them to iteratively compute the desired rotation. For nonrigid transformation, the system automatically chooses between the four methods: local affine transformation with local brightness and contrast corrections, two methods based on Thirion's Demons algorithm [15], and a thin plate interpolation applied to all the good matches from the initial alignment procedure.
Automation of cytokeratin mask generationWe tested various methods of thresholding, and the isodata [16, 17] and minimum methods [18, 19] provided the best results based on comparison with the pathologist's expert knowledge, which is consistent with surveys of thresholding methods [18, 20, 21].
Perhaps surprisingly, the tissue areas in WSIs after immunohistochemical staining are slightly larger than the corresponding regions in the scans of the original H&E section (Figure 4). We presume that this is caused by the antigen retrieval step, involving exposure to an aqueous solution at high temperature and high pH, which produces partial hydrolysis resulting in swelling of the tissue. As part of our nuclei-based registration method, we therefore subtracted areas of the mask where they overlay white background in the H&E-stained image (i.e. areas of the slide without tissue, thereby demarcating the boundary of the tissue). The resulting binary mask is filtered for objects smaller than the fixed threshold (smaller than 10.32 μm/area for our images), which are considered noise.
Two representative areas of two different cores were selected and the border of the epithelium was marked by an experienced pathologist in the H&E image as a series of precisely placed points – these became the reference points. The ℓ2 distance between the nearest border point of the automatically computed mask from each of the reference points was taken as a metric of alignment. Pairing of the nearest point and the reference point was also inspected visually.
Automation of stroma/epithelium detection in H&E-stained tissuesTo show the feasibility and utility of the automated annotation generation procedure, we developed a simple AI pipeline to detect cytokeratin-rich regions in H&E slides. We used 120 TMA cores to train a segmentation network: 102 colon cores and 18 breast cores. Dimensions of the tissue core images ranged from 2496 to 7104 px, with a median of 4096 px measured as the smallest of the two sides. We used a window slide technique with a step size of 128 px to divide the images into 512 × 512 px patches.
To avoid extraction of patches from background areas of the image, we filtered out the background. First, we converted the image from RGB (red, green, blue) to HSV (hue, saturation, value/brightness) representation and applied an Otsu's thresholding on the saturation channel of the image. We then applied closing followed by an opening morphological operation using a disk of size 10 [22-24].
Before the patches are passed to the network input, image augmentations are applied randomly on each patch. The following augmentations were used: horizontal and vertical flips with 50% probability each; random 90° rotation; perturbations to brightness in the range (−64; 64); perturbations to contrast in the range (0.7; 1.3); and perturbations to hue and saturation in ranges (−64; 64) and (−10; 10), respectively. As there is no canonical orientation for the tissue samples, we can use the flips to artificially increase the training dataset and thus prevent overfitting. The random perturbations serve as a preventative measure against the network relying on a specific color palette of a slide [25].
We selected U-Net [26] as our architecture of choice. The minimum number of channels was 64 and the maximum was 1024. The Adam optimizer with a combination of dice and binary cross-entropy loss [27] was used to train the network. We initialized the learning rate to 3 × 10−05. During the training procedure, the learning rate was reduced by a factor of 10 after every 5 epochs with no improvement. The network was trained with a batch size of 1 for 30 epochs. In addition to image augmentations, ℓ2 regularization with parameter 1 × 10−05 was used to prevent overfitting. All hyperparameter values were tuned on a validation set.
ResultsWe measured both the accuracy and the computational performance of cytokeratin mask generation/registration for both the nuclei-based registration and the whole-tissue-based registration on four selected areas of four distinct cores.
Generation of masks AccuracyTo allow numeric assessment of the masks generated by the automated workflow, we used regions of tissue cores 2, 5, 7, and 13, which were manually annotated by the pathologist with reference points on the border of the epithelial region in the H&E scan. An example is given in supplementary material, Section S3 and Figure S3.1. The numerical accuracy of the generated mask was computed by finding the nearest point on the mask edge to each of these reference points using ℓ2 distance. The evaluation was manually examined to check if the measurements had caused mismatch of the nearest mask edge point for non-convex mask shapes; no evidence was found for this. The ℓ2 distance is taken as the measure of error.
As mentioned above, we found that a WSI of cytokeratin DAB after re-staining extends beyond the tissue area of the original H&E WSI. This is directly visible in the results of nuclei-based registration shown in Figure 4A, as this method only uses nuclei as reference points and does not attempt to align the border of the DAB staining to the edges in the H&E image. The whole-tissue-based registration method performs this alignment with inconsistent results (Figure 4B) – sometimes this process succeeds for part of the given region, while it fails for other parts of the same region. However, these issues are handled correctly for both nuclei-based registration and whole-tissue-based registration by subtraction of the mask where it overlaps with the white region on the H&E-stained WSI, as demonstrated in Figure 4C.
Resulting errors are shown in Table 3 and the accuracy of both methods is equivalent, with mean errors of 0.344–0.516 μm. Given that the typical cell size is 15–20 μm and nuclear size is 5.16–6.88 μm, these errors are a fraction of the size of a nucleus. As our goal is to identify groups of epithelial cells, this level of error does not compromise the method's accuracy for its intended purpose.
Table 3. Evaluation of registration and mask generation for NBR and WTBR. TC Method Mean error (px) Median error (px) MSE 2 NBR 2.51 2 11.19 WTBR 2.23 2 8.83 5 NBR 2.21 1.41 53.31 WTBR 2.21 1.41 54.12 7 NBR 3.36 1.41 46.88 WTBR 3.21 1.41 48.14 13 NBR 3.09 2 25.47 WTBR 2.75 2 21.27 Results are provided individually for tissue cores 2, 5, 7, and 13 (denoted as TC in the table header). MSE, mean squared error; NBR, nuclei-based registration; WTBR, whole-tissue-based registration.The nuclei-based registration procedure is relatively straightforward compared to more sophisticated nonlinear methods. Hence, it is also consistent and robust. Even if tissue damage occurs during cytokeratin re-staining, nuclei-based registration works well as long as there are sufficient numbers of nuclei distributed throughout the tissue. On the other hand, whole-tissue-based registration truly aligning the tissue borders is more problematic if tissue lifting, folding, or loss occurs (supplementary material, Section S3 and Figure S3.7).
For a more detailed comparison of the two methods, see Figure 4. The whole-tissue-based registration method is able to align a mask over the tissue with high accuracy in a well-separated object; nuclei-based registration is agnostic to separation of borders and thus cannot take advantage of clearly demarcated borders. However, if borders are fuzzy (as at the top of Figure 4A,B), the error of nuclei-based registration stays consistent, as opposed to whole-tissue-based registration, which incorrectly distorts the mask. However, both these problems are corrected by subtraction of the mask on the white background in the H&E-stained image. This simple (but unexpected) correction aids precise delimitation of the original and re-stained section areas, and consequent alignment of registered nuclei between the two. Thus, distortion within the body of the tissues is also accounted for by consecutive alignment of registered nuclei across the entire tissue images, based on minimal distance between each registered nucleus in the two sets of registered points in the two images.
Results of H&E-stained tissue segmentationTo evaluate the network, we chose pixel-level sensitivity and specificity. We combined all the patches to reconstruct the full mask. The overlapping regions of the patches were combined using arithmetic mean so that the resulting inter-patch borders are smoother. The full maps were thresholded at 0.5. For testing, we used seven TMA cores, five colorectal (TC-CRC) and two breast (TC-MBC), which were annotated using DAB-stained tissues. The results are found in Table 4. Furthermore, we also tested the network on 34 manually annotated colon tissue cores (KOS01), two manually annotated breast biopsies (C-MBC), and two manually annotated full-face breast resection slides (R-MBC). The results are summarized in Table 5 for colon samples and Table 6 for breast samples. In view of the complexity of the annotation process, only one subregion within each test core (colon) or three subregions in each full-face WSI (breast) were selected, representing the predominant tissue pattern and avoiding section artifacts. For breast tissues, we retrained a U-Net model using only the 18 training breast tissue cores (MBC only) and compared the results with the model trained on a combination of colon and breast tissue cores (CRC + MBC).
Table 4. Results for tissue cores annotated using a registration method and DAB staining. TC Sensitivity Specificity Average sensitivity Average specificity TC-CRC-1 0.9648 0.9627 0.931 ± 0.056 0.91 ± 0.12 TC-CRC-2 0.9694 0.9756 TC-CRC-3 0.8894 0.9248 TC-CRC-4 0.8535 0.9624 TC-CRC-5 0.9753 0.7011 TC-MBC-1 0.8386 0.9459 0.794 ± 0.063 0.937 ± 0.013 TC-MBC-2 0.7498 0.9282 Table 5. Results for manually annotated colon tissue cores. TC Sensitivity Specificity KOS01-1 0.8828 0.5138 KOS01-2 0.8567 0.669 KOS01-3 0.9279 0.9139 KOS01-4 0.932 0.9361 KOS01-5 0.9293 0.9437 KOS01-6 0.9286 0.8953 KOS01-7 0.9263 0.6678 KOS01-8 0.9197 0.8093 KOS01-9 0.9363 0.7651 KOS01-10 0.8364 0.8889 KOS01-11 0.933 0.8777 KOS01-12 0.9404 0.8694 KOS01-13
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