A clinical comparison of the effects of six disposable cardiopulmonary bypass circuits on bleeding and coagulation: a quality assurance project

Author contributions

Sunpreet Takhar, Brian Beairsto, Cyril Serrick, Stuart A. McCluskey, and Keyvan Karkouti contributed to all aspects of this manuscript, including study conception and design; acquisition, analysis, and interpretation of data; and drafting the article. Selene Martinez-Perez and Raphael Derman contributed to the analysis and interpretation of data and drafting the manuscript. Margarita Otalora-Esteban contributed to interpretation of data and drafting the manuscript. Cielo Bingley contributed to study design, data acquisition and analysis, and drafting the manuscript. Justyna Bartoszko contributed to study design; acquisition, analysis, and interpretation of data; and drafting the article.


Justyna Bartoszko is in part supported by a merit award from the Department of Anesthesiology & Pain Medicine, University of Toronto (Toronto, ON, Canada); has received honoraria from Octapharma; and has received research support from Grifols and Canadian Blood Services. Keyvan Karkouti is in part supported by a merit award from the Department of Anesthesiology & Pain Medicine, University of Toronto (Toronto, ON, Canada) and has received research support, honoraria, or consultancy for speaking engagements from Octapharma, Instrumentation Laboratory, and Bayer.

Funding statement

Peter Munk Cardiac Centre, Toronto General Hospital Quality Improvement Grant; Department of Anesthesia and Pain Management, Toronto General Hospital-University Health Network (all, Toronto, ON, Canada).

Editorial responsibility

This submission was handled by Dr. Philip M. Jones, Deputy Editor-in-Chief, Canadian Journal of Anesthesia/Journal canadien d’anesthésie

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