Indicators of the effectiveness of joint activity of open-source software developers (in Russian)
Kirill Panov
Fedor Vinokurov
Moscow Lomonosov State University, 11/9, Mokhovaya Str., Moscow, 125009, Russian Federation
Purpose is to identify criteria of the effectiveness of joint activity of open-source software developers. The research was carried out in the framework of a qualitative methodology. Methodology. Data collection method is semi-structured interview; data analysis method is thematic analysis. The purposive sample of the research is seven Russian-speaking maintainers of open-source software development projects. The main goal of the project maintainer is to develop new features and fix bugs constantly. To achieve the goal, he has an image final functionality of the product shared with the team. Staff turnover and knowledge sharing barriers can prevent from reaching the goal. Findings. The analysis suggests that the effective achievement of the goal is to deliver product features without reverting commits in the shortest possible time with maximum satisfaction of developers with joint activity. Theperformance is measured by the ratio of accepted and not canceled pull requests to all requests andthe average time of pull request review. The satisfaction with joint activity can be measured both by means of a survey, as well as by counting the manifestations of dissatisfaction with the actions of team members in the process of text communication. The results can be used for the future empirical study of the socio-psychological factors of effectiveness of joint activity of open-source software developers.
Panov K., Vinokurov F. (2024) Pokazateli effektivnosti sovmestnoy deyatel'nosti razrabotchikov otkrytogo programmnogo obespecheniya [Indicators of the effectiveness of joint activity of open-source software developers]. Organizational Psychology, vol. 14, no 1, pp. 158-172 (in Russian)
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