Quality Improvement Practices and Resources Targeting Firearm Injuries: A Survey of U.S. Pediatric Trauma Centers

Nationwide Children's Hospital, Columbus, Ohio (Ms Wurster); St. Louis Children's Hospital, St. Louis, Missouri (Ms Herndon); Children's Mercy Kansas City, Kansas City, Missouri (Mr Seastrom); Children's National Hospital, Washington, District of Columbia (Ms Fritzeen); Emergency Department, Phoenix Children's Hospital, Phoenix, Arizona (Ms Mitchell); Operations Network at Medically Home, Atlanta, Georgia (Ms Schmid); and Bon Secours Mercy Health, St. Francis Medical Center, Midlothian, Virginia (Dr Rumsey).

Correspondence: Lee Ann Wurster, MS, RN, CPNP-PC, TCRN, Nationwide Children's Hospital, 700 Children's Drive, Columbus, OH 43205 ([email protected]).

Dates: Submitted May 04, 2023; Revised August 21, 2023; Accepted August 24, 2023.

Kara Mitchell was previously the Trauma Program Manager for Phoenix Children's Hospital. Moe Schmid was previously the Trauma Program Manager for Children's Healthcare of Atlanta, Georgia. Kelley Rumsey was previously the Pediatric Trauma Program Manager for Children's Hospital of Richmond at VCU.

This study was presented at the 8th annual Pediatric Trauma Society meeting on November 4, 2022, in Portland, Oregon.

The authors declare no conflicts of interest.

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