ChooseTop of pageABSTRACTINTRODUCTION <<RESULTSDISCUSSIONMETHODSSUPPLEMENTARY MATERIALTABLE I. Relevant in vitro studies focused on LIPUS stimulation of macrophages. Gene and protein symbols are in capital letters. ATP = adenosine triphosphate; CCL3 = chemokine (C-C motif) ligand 3; DC = duty cycle; ERBB2 = v-erb-b2 erythroblastic leukemia viral oncogene homolog 2; ESR1= estrogen receptor 1; ERK = extracellular signal-regulated kinase; F = frequency; HMOX1 = heme oxygenase (decycling) 1; I = intensity; IKBα = nuclear factor of kappa light polypeptide gene enhancer in B-cells inhibitor, alpha; ITGB1 = integrin beta 1; IL= interleukin; LIPUS = low-intensity pulsed ultrasound; LPS = lipopolysaccharide; MAPK = mitogen-activated protein kinase; PKM = pyruvate kinase muscle; PRF = pulse repetition frequency; SQSTM1 = sequestosome 1; t = exposure time; TNF = tumor necrosis factor; VIN = vimentin. N/A = not applicable.
ReferenceStimulation parametersCell lineBio effects1616. L. B. Feril, T. Kondo, Z. G. Cui, Y. Tabuchi, Q. L. Zhao, H. Ando, T. Misaki, H. Yoshikawa, and S. I. Umemura, Cancer Lett. 221, 145 (2005). = 1 MHz; PRF = 0.1 kHz; I = 100–1000 mW/cm2; DC = 10 %; and t = 1 min.U937Optimal apoptosis with minimal lysis was attained 12 h after sonication at 300 mW/cm2.1717. Y. Tabuchi, I. Takasaki, Q. L. Zhao, S. Wada, T. Hori, L. B. Feril, K. Tachibana, T. Nomura, and T. Kondo, Cancer Lett. 270, 286 (2008). = 1 MHz; PRF = 0.1 kHz; I = 300 mW/cm2; DC = 10 %; and t = 1 min.U937Six hours after LIPUS treatment, apoptosis without cell lysis was observed. LIPUS downregulated 193 genes and upregulated 201 genes (associated with cellular movement and cell death).1818. X. Zhang, B. Hu, J. Sun, J. Li, S. Liu, and J. Song, J. Ultrasound Med. 36, 2419 (2017). = 1.5 MHz; PRF = 1 kHz; I = 10, 30, 60, and 90 mW/cm2; DC = 20 %; and t = 2 h.U937LIPUS at 60 mW/cm2 was more effective in reducing IL-8 expression. LIPUS reduced the protein expression of IL-6 and IL-8 at both gene and protein levels.LIPUS primarily suppressed the degradation and phosphorylation of IKBα and the translocation of p65 into the nuclei.1919. X. Zhao, G. Zhao, Z. Shi, C. Zhou, Y. Chen, B. Hu, and S. Yan, Sci. Rep. 7, 45779 (2017). = 1.5 MHz; PRF = 0.25 kHz; I = 200 mW/cm2; DC = 20 %; and t = 20 min.RAW 264.7LIPUS was found to inhibit inflammation and decrease the levels of IL-1β, IL-33, IL-6, and IL-8.2020. C. Zheng, S. M. Wu, H. Lian, Y. Z. Lin, R. Zhuang, S. Thapa, Q. Z. Chen, Y. F. Chen, and J. F. Lin, J. Cell. Mol. Med. 23, 1963 (2019). = 1 MHz; PRF = 0.1 kHz; I = 100 mW/cm2; DC = 20 %; and t = 20 min.RAW 264.7LIPUS treatment on RAW 264.7 inhibited the expression of pro-inflammatory cytokines (TNF-α and IL-6), activated caveolin-1, and suppressed p38 MAPK and ERK signaling.2121. B. Zhang, H. Chen, J. Ouyang, Y. Xie, L. Chen, Q. Tan, X. Du, N. Su, Z. Ni, and L. Chen, Autophagy 16, 1262 (2020). = 1.5 MHz; PRF = N/A; I = 30 mW/cm2; DC = 20 %; and t = 20 min.THP-1 and RAW 264.7LIPUS inhibited the production of IL-1β. In addition, LIPUS upregulated the autophagy level and accelerated the formation of an SQSTM1-PKM complex in the LPS-ATP-treated macrophages. In addition, LIPUS downregulated the level of PKM2 in LPS-ATP-treated macrophages.However, in all the above-mentioned studies, a systematic screening of the different possible LIPUS parameters was not performed. Consequently, the optimal parameters producing anti-inflammatory effects are not known. Moreover, the LIPUS setups adopted did not guarantee precise control of the energy dose delivered to the target, thus, producing undesired acoustic artifacts, such as wave attenuations and reflections, which can hamper the repeatability of the experiments and can produce errors in the dose of energy delivered up to 700% with respect to the expected value.22,2322. J. J. Leskinen and K. Hynynen, Ultrasound Med. Biol. 38, 777–794 (2012). M. Snehota, J. Vachutka, G. Ter Haar, L. Dolezal, and H. Kolarova, Ultrasonics 107, 106167 (2020). this work, we investigated the anti-inflammatory bioeffects induced by LIPUS treatment on a human macrophage-like cell model by using a custom-made in vitro LIPUS stimulation system, with high control of the US dose transmitted to the cells.2424. A. Cafarelli, A. Marino, L. Vannozzi, J. Puigmartí-Luis, S. Pané, G. Ciofani, and L. Ricotti, ACS Nano 15, 11066–11086 (2021). We assessed the effects of LIPUS on lipopolysaccharide (LPS)-induced U937 cells by exploring different frequencies (F: 38 kHz, 1 MHz, and 5 MHz), intensities (I: 25, 100, 250, and 450 mW/cm2), duty cycles (DC: 10%, 20%, 30%, and 40%) and stimulation times (t: 30, 60, 90, and 120 min) and measuring the release of pro-inflammatory cytokines (IL-1β, IL-8, and TNF-α). At the optimal LIPUS conditions, we also investigated more in-depth metabolic activity and ROS production. Moreover, we assessed the role of Piezo-Type Mechanosensitive Ion Channel Component 1 (PIEZO1), Transient Receptor Potential Cation Channel Subfamily V Member 1 (TRPV1), NF-κB signaling pathway, actin polymerization pathway, and modulation of gene expression pathways downstream of MAPK in the LIPUS-triggered cell response.RESULTS
ChooseTop of pageABSTRACTINTRODUCTIONRESULTS <<DISCUSSIONMETHODSSUPPLEMENTARY MATERIALPhenotypic differentiation of U937 induced by PMA and selection of LPS concentration
As shown in Fig. S1(a), the exposure to PMA for 48 h led U937 mononuclear monocyte-like cells to differentiate into a M0 phenotype. The cells showed a flat morphology and were attached to the polystyrene (PS) surface. Moreover, as shown in Fig. S1(b), an increase in CD14 gene expression for all PMA-stimulated samples compared to the control sample (U937 without PMA) was observed. M0 cells were further skewed toward an M1-like phenotype by increasing concentrations of LPS for 24 h. The phenotype was confirmed by the increase in CD80 and CD86 markers (both characteristic of M1-like macrophages). As shown in Fig. S1(b), there was a statistical difference in the expression level of TNF-α between control and LPS experimental groups when the LPS concentration was above 1 μg/ml. In addition, no morphological changes were observed in M1-like macrophages induced with 1 μg/ml LPS. Thus, this concentration was used in all the subsequent experiments.
Optimization of stimulation with US
Two custom-designed LIPUS setups,2525. F. Fontana, F. Iberite, A. Cafarelli, A. Aliperta, G. Baldi, E. Gabusi, P. Dolzani, S. Cristino, G. Lisignoli, T. Pratellesi, E. Dumont, and L. Ricotti, Ultrasonics 15, 106495 (2021). dedicated to low and high F, respectively, were adopted in this work to perform highly controlled LIPUS stimulations. The low-F system [Fig. 1(a)] allowed to stimulate biological samples at 38 kHz. The high-F system [Fig. 1(b)] allowed to perform stimulations at 1 MHz and 5 MHz, by also exploring different I, DC, and t values.By means of the above-mentioned systems, different LIPUS conditions were explored, taking into account three experimental groups [Fig. 2(a)]: in M0, cells were not treated with LPS or LIPUS (i.e., negative control); in LPS, cells were treated with LPS for 2 h but they were not treated with LIPUS (i.e., positive control); in LPS+LIPUS, cells were treated with LPS for 2 h and then they were subjected to LIPUS stimulation.At first, three values of F were explored: 38 kHz, 1 MHz, and 5 MHz. In this experiment, I, DC, and t were kept fixed at 250 mW/cm2, 20%, and 120 min, respectively (chosen as quite broadly used values in the literature). The results are shown in Fig. 2(b). It can be observed that LPS treatment increased the level of all the three cytokines (i.e., TNF-α, IL-1β, and IL-8) with respect to the M0 group. With regard to the exploration of different F, 38 kHz considerably decreased the level of all the analyzed pro-inflammatory cytokines, both at protein and gene expression levels, thus, resulting in more effectiveness than other stimulation conditions. Differently, 5 MHz was never able to downregulate IL-1β, IL-8, and TNF-α production both at protein and gene level, compared to the LPS group; a F of 1 MHz, instead, was able to lower only IL-8 production at a protein level. Therefore, 38 kHz was selected and fixed for the following screenings.Then, a similar protocol was used, but exploring four values of I: 25, 100, 250, and 450 mW/cm2 (F was set at the optimal value of 38 kHz found in the previous experiment, whereas DC and t were set at 20% and 120 min, respectively). The results are shown in Fig. 2(c).Concerning the definition of optimal I, 250 mW/cm2 was found to significantly downregulate cytokines release with respect to other I values. The I of 450 mW/cm2 had no remarkable effect, whereas 25 and 100 mW/cm2 were able to lower only IL-8 production at the protein level. Therefore, the I of 250 mW/cm2 was selected for further analyses.
With F fixed at 38 kHz and I fixed at 250 mW/cm2, the role of DC was explored, considering 10%, 20%, 30%, and 40% values. The results are shown in Fig. 3(a). A DC of 20% resulted in the most effective lowering of the inflammatory level, with respect to the other conditions; 10% was also effective but only on IL-8 and TNF-α protein releases, whereas 30% lowered only the IL-8 protein release. So, together with a F of 38 kHz and an I of 250 mW/cm2, a DC of 20% was chosen among the selected parameters for the following investigation, where t was varied between 30, 60, 90, and 120 min. The results are shown in Fig. 3(b). We found that the treatment efficacy reached a plateau behavior starting from a t of 90 min, so this value was chosen as the minimum optimal t.Overall, the following combination of parameters was found to be the most effective in decreasing pro-inflammatory cytokine production: F = 38 kHz; I = 250 mW/cm2; DC = 20%, and t = 90 min.
Effects on cell viability, metabolism, and intracellular ROS
Two experimental groups were defined [Fig. 4(a)], named (i) LPS, where M0 cells were treated with LPS for 2 h but were not treated with LIPUS (i.e., positive control), and (ii) LPS+LIPUS (Optimal), where M0 cells were treated with LPS for 2 h and then stimulated at the optimal stimulation conditions for all the US parameters (i.e., F = 38 kHz, I = 250 mW/cm2, DC = 20%, and t = 90 min; PRF =1 kHz).As shown in Fig. 4(b), the maximum temperature increase recorded during LIPUS stimulation was around 1 °C, which is in line with previous reports.26,2726. L. B. Feril and T. Kondo, J. Radiat. Res. 45, 479 (2004). A. R. Salgarella, A. Cafarelli, L. Ricotti, L. Capineri, P. Dario, and A. Menciassi, Ultrasound Med. Biol. 43, 1452–1465 (2017). Therefore, the treatment can be classified as non-thermal.Concerning cell viability, representative images of LPS and “LPS+LIPUS (Optimal)” groups are shown in Fig. 4(c). No significant differences were observed between control and stimulated samples, up to 72 h post-stimulation. These qualitative results were in agreement with dsDNA analyses at the same time point [Fig. 4(d)], in which no statistically significant differences were observed between all the conditions.The results of metabolic activity and ROS production are reported in Figs. 4(e) and 4(f), respectively. The outcome of both these tests was normalized with respect to dsDNA amount. An increase in cell metabolic activity was clearly observed in the LPS+LIPUS (Optimal) group with respect to the LPS one, for all the time points.Concerning ROS, no statistical difference was found between LPS and LPS+LIPUS (Optimal) groups from 24 to 72 h post-stimulation. However, LIPUS at the optimal stimulation condition was able to considerably reduce ROS production immediately after stimulation.
Temporal evolution of pro-inflammatory cytokines release
Five experimental groups were defined [Fig. 5(a)], named as follows: (i) LPS, where M0 cells were treated with LPS for 2 h but not treated with LIPUS; (ii) LPS+LIPUS (Optimal), where M0 cells were treated with LPS for 2 h and then stimulated with LIPUS at the optimal stimulation conditions found during US parameter screening (i.e., F = 38 kHz, I = 250 mW/cm2, DC = 20%, and t = 90 min); (iii) LPS+Blocker+LIPUS groups, where M0 cells were treated with LPS, then treated with selective ion channel blockers [with (iii) PIEZO1 blocker, (iv) BCTC blocker or (v) both of them] and then stimulated at the optimal stimulation conditions found during US parameter screening (i.e., F = 38 kHz, I = 250 mW/cm2, DC = 20%, t = 90 min, and PRF = 1 kHz).Multiple cytokine production by LPS-induced M0 cells over 72 h post LIPUS treatment at the optimal stimulation conditions were analyzed. The results are shown in Figs. 5 and 6. IL-6 production appeared relatively late, in line with previous studies on human monocytes,2828. J. Abrams, C. G. Figdor, R. De Waal Malefyt, B. Bennett, and J. E. De Vries, J. Exp. Med. 174, 1209–1220 (1991). while an increase in IL-6-encoding mRNA levels was detected 6 h post-stimulation. For IL-6, both at protein and gene expression levels, the LPS+LIPUS (Optimal) group was statistically lower than the LPS group and the three “LPS+Blocker+LIPUS (Optimal)” groups.Concerning IL-1β, the behavior was the same as that of IL-6, both at protein and gene expression levels: the LPS+LIPUS (Optimal) group was significantly different from the LPS group for all the time points, and the three LPS+Blocker+LIPUS (Optimal) groups were statistically different from the LPS+LIPUS (Optimal) group for all time points.
As regards IL-8, the LPS+LIPUS (Optimal) group and the “LPS+TRPV1 Blocker+LIPUS (Optimal)” group showed lower values than the other experimental groups, for all considered time points, at protein level. Interestingly, at gene expression level, also the “LPS+PIEZO1 Blocker+LIPUS (Optimal)” group and the “LPS+PIEZO1&TRPV1 Blocker+LIPUS (Optimal)” group were significantly different from the LPS group, up to 6 h post-stimulation. From 12 h post-stimulation, the trend at gene level followed the same kinetics of the protein release.
Regarding TNF-α, all experimental groups were significantly different from the LPS group, at each time point, both at protein and gene levels. For IL-12p35 gene expression, the “LPS+LIPUS” group was significantly different from the LPS group starting from 12 h after stimulation, whereas 24 h post-stimulation, all the LIPUS-stimulated groups were statistically lower with respect to the LPS group. Interestingly, the IL-12p40 subunit exhibited different kinetics, in which the LPS+LIPUS (Optimal) group remained at lower levels than the other groups, up to 12 h post-stimulation. At 24-h time point, only the gene expression of the LPS group was detectable.
Regarding IL-12p70 cytokine production, similar kinetics as IL-12p40 were observed up to 6 h post-stimulation. At the 12-h timepoint, the trend was also identical, with the difference that no protein release was detected in the LPS+LIPUS (Optimal) group. After 24 h, only the LPS group was detected: this latter result was likely due to the additive effect of the anti-inflammatory LIPUS stimulation and the upregulation of IL-4, which, according to the literature, was able to independently suppress IL-12p70 in in vitro monocyte-derived macrophages.2929. C. S. Bonder, J. J. Finlay-Jones, and P. H. Hart, Immunology 96, 529 (1999). Regarding IL-4, a decrease over time was observed in the LPS+LIPUS (Optimal) group at both protein and gene levels; gene expression of IL-10, on the other hand, decreased from 12 h post-stimulation.Inhibition of NF-κBp65 and modification of actin organization
Two experimental groups were defined [Fig. 7(a)], named (i) LPS, where M0 cells were treated with LPS for 2 h but were not treated with LIPUS (i.e., positive control), and (ii) LPS+LIPUS (Optimal), where M0 cells were treated with LPS for 2 h and then stimulated at the optimal stimulation conditions found during US parameter screening (i.e., F = 38 kHz, I = 250 mW/cm2, DC = 20%, t = 90 min, and PRF = 1 kHz).The LPS treatment induced the nuclear translocation of the p65 subunit. LIPUS treatment significantly reversed this process, as clearly visible in Fig. 7(b); on the left, a purple nuclear halo is visible, resulting from the superposition of blue (chromatin) and red (p65) signals; on the right, the red signal is cytoplasmic. Moreover, the formation of microspikes was evident 30 min after the stimulation [Fig. 7(c)], suggesting that the LIPUS treatment was capable of rearranging the actin cytoskeleton and appeared as a trigger capable of accelerating phagocytosis.LIPUS induce the overexpression of genes involved in the p38 MAPK Pathway
To determine whether the LIPUS stimulation could affect the MAPK pathway, we performed a transcriptome analysis comparing the LPS group with the LPS+LIPUS(Optimal) group. We used RT2 profiler PCR arrays that analyzed 83 specific genes involved in the MAPK pathway. MAPK cascades are key signaling pathways that regulate a broad variety of cellular processes, including proliferation, differentiation, apoptosis, and stress responses. The MAPK pathway includes three main kinases: MAPK kinase kinase, MAPK kinase, and MAPK, which activate and phosphorylate downstream proteins.3030. Z. Wei and H. T. Liu, Cell Res. 12, 9 (2002). The MAPKs in mammals include c-Jun NH2-terminal kinase (JNK), p38 MAPK, and extracellular signal-regulated kinase (ERK). Studies have shown that the JNK and p38 MAPK pathways are mainly related to stress (oxidative, genotoxic, and osmotic stress as well as by proinflammatory cytokines) and apoptosis of cells, while the ERK/MAPK signaling pathway, which is one of the most studied, is closely related to cell proliferation and differentiation.3131. J. M. Kyriakis and J. Avruch, Physiol. Rev. 92, 689 (2012). We found an upregulation of 17 out of 83 genes, while none was downregulated by the treatment (see Table II and Fig. S4). Therefore, the transcriptomic analysis suggested a general activation of p38 MAPK pathways (genes such as TP53, MAPK9, MAPK14, and MAPK12 were all upregulated).TABLE II. Transcriptome analysis related to MAPK pathway. Deregulated genes in LPS+LIPUS(Optimal) samples, compared to “LPS” samples with a fold change at least of ±2 and a p-value less than 0.05 are listed. The geometric mean of two housekeeping/reference genes (B2M and RPL0) was used to normalize the raw data. The p-values were calculated based on a Student's t-test of the replicate 2̂ (−ΔCT) values for each gene in the control group (LPS) and treatment group (LPS+LIPUS). The p-value calculation used is based on parametric, unpaired, two-sample equal variance, and two-tailed distribution. ATF2 = Activating transcription factor 2; CCND2 = Cyclin D2; CREBBP = CREB binding protein; ELK1 = ELK1, member of ETS oncogene family; FOS = FBJ murine osteosarcoma viral oncogene homolog; HRAS = V-Ha-ras Harvey rat sarcoma viral oncogene homolog; HSPB1 = heat shock 27 kDa protein 1; LAMTOR3 = late endosomal/lysosomal adaptor, MAPK and MTOR activator 3; MAP2K7 = mitogen-activated protein kinase kinase 7; MAP3K1 = mitogen-activated protein kinase kinase kinase 1; MAPK12 = mitogen-activated protein kinase 12; MAPK13 = mitogen-activated protein kinase 13; MAPK14 = mitogen-activated protein kinase 14; MAPK8IP2= mitogen-activated protein kinase 8 interacting protein; MAPK9 = mitogen-activated protein kinase 9; MAPKAPK2 = mitogen-activated protein kinase-activated protein kinase 2; TP53 = tumor protein p53.
Gene nameFold changep-valueATF22.230.0075CCND22.730.0129CREBBP4.020.0223ELK111.220.0236FOS14.390.0140HRAS3.130.0322HSPB17.320.0365LAMTOR33.190.0107MAP2K73.210.0299MAP3K12.450.0225MAPK123.380.0206MAPK133.810.0416MAPK143.230.0477MAPK8IP23.220.0119MAPK92.570.0469MAPKAPK22.930.0264TP534.650.0097This is an interesting result since the p38 MAPKs pathway plays an important role in the cascades of cellular responses evoked by a wide range of external signals (such as mechanical stress) and responds appropriately by generating a plethora of different biological effects leading to direct activation of transcription factors.32–3832. M. Mayr, C. Li, Y. Zou, U. Huemer, Y. Hu, and Q. Xu, FASEB J. 14, 261 (2000). T. T. Chowdhury, D. M. Salter, D. L. Bader, and D. A. Lee, Inflamm. Res. 57, 306 (2008). L. Yuan, N. Sakamoto, G. Song, and M. Sato, Stem Cells Dev. 21, 2520 (2012). J. Wang, H. Chen, A. Seth, and C. A. McCulloch, Am. J. Physiol.-Hear. Circ. Physiol. 285, H1871 (2003). Y. Kanazawa, J. Nomura, J. Himeta, T. Suzuki, N. Suzuki, S. Yoshimoto, and M. Ichinose, Biol. Sci. 18, 148 (2004).37. I. M. Hdud, A. Mobasheri, and P. T. Loughna, Am. J. Physiol.-Cell Physiol. 306, C1050 (2014). S. H. Hook, H. J. Lee, W. T. Chung, I. H. Hwang, S. A. Lee, B. S. Kim, and J. C. Lee, Mol. Cells 25, 479 (2008).DISCUSSION
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