
Magnesium (Mg) is a low-density material, which is frequently used in different applications, such as bio, defense, space, 3C-industry, and automotive. Mg metal is of great interest in those applications due to its machinability, strength, and toughness properties. In addition, depending on the production method, Mg alloys with different properties can be achieved. While pure Mg has insufficient properties for the mentioned applications, it can be alleviated when it is alloyed with other metals such as Al, Si, Zn, Mn, and rare elements.
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https://doi.org/10.1021/acsbiomaterials.1c01429 The Mg alloys can undergo different reactions in the presence glucose, salt, and albumin in the blood and tissues. Therefore, these affect the release and corrosion rates of the Mg alloys seriously.
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https://doi.org/10.3390/ma10070725 Gluconic acid (GA) (C6H12O7) is formed as a result of the oxidation of glucose with water or free oxygen, and GA changes the pH of the environment.
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https://doi.org/10.3390/ma10070725 There may be thermodynamic obstacles in the formation of GA. During the formation, the acidic structure is reached after the reaction of glucono-lactone. Apart from GA, the formation of acetic acid (CH3COOH) and formic acid (CH2O2) can also be expected in this process. In this case, a catalyst structure may be needed.
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In this study, the WE43 alloy was prepared using the powder metallurgy method and subsequent sintering treatment. After the sintering, essential examinations were made of the sample’s microstructure, chemical composition, and hardness. In addition, a reciprocating wear test was applied to the WE43 alloys in dry and corrosive environments. Hanks’s solution (HS) and glucose-added HS (HSG) solution were used as corrosive solution. It was observed that the pH value of the solution decreased with the formation of GA, produced from the oxidation of glucose. Thus, the wear resistance of the sample in the glucose-added solution is the highest in corrosive wear. Our results indicated the potential use of WE43 alloys in body parts that come into contact with simulated body fluids.

In this study, WE43 powder was purchased from Nanografi Co. located in Türkiye. According to the catalog information provided by the company, this powder does not contain any other product (99.9% WE43) and the D90 value is at the level of 18 μm. WE43 powder was analyzed with a scanning electron microscope (SEM) (Carl Zeiss Ultra Plus) before use. The EDS analysis (Gemini FESEM) module coupled to the Zeiss brand SEM system was implemented for microstructural analysis. In addition, an x-ray fluorescence (XRF) (Rigaku ZSX Primus II) device was used to determine the chemical composition of the samples.
The SEM-EDS results obtained from the commercial WE43 powders are given in
Fig. 1, and the chemical composition determined by the XRF method is listed in
Table I.

TABLE I. XRF analysis of WE43 powders (%wt.).
AlloyAlSiCaMnNiZnYZrNdGdMgWE430.040.150.550. powders were pressed in a mini mold made of 1.0718 quality steel. This mold was purchased from Güvenal Kalıp company in Türkiye with the product number “G16316036.” The inner surface in contact with the powder has a surface quality of Ra0.8. The powder compacting punch was purchased from the same company with the product number “SBZAPM216071.” The surface quality of the press punch is reported as Ra0.5. Approximately 2 g of WE43 powder was weighed into the mold, and then, a pressing force of 20 N/mm2 was applied to form the specimens uniformly. A manual hydraulic press was used as a press with a stroke length of 50 mm. A schematic representation of the molding process is illustrated in
Fig. 2.
After pressing, the samples were sintered at 450 °C for 6h by wrapping them in aluminum foil. The samples were sintered in a Protherm brand oven. A value of 100 °C/h was used as the heating rate. After 6 h, the oven was switched off and the samples were allowed to cool freely to room temperature. The cooling time was approximately 12 h.
The sintered samples were cut into approximately 2 mm plates using a precision cutting device, and the samples were molded using a hot Bakelite (about 90 °C) device. The surface of the samples was then prepared for metallographic examinations using wet sandpaper up to 2500 mesh (grain size). The polishing of the sample surface was carried out using a methanol solution containing alumina powders with a particle size of 1 μm (grain size). Finally, it was washed in methanol (high purity) and took its final form. For the metallographic examinations, no etching process was applied. After metallographic processes, the sintered samples were examined by taking SEM images at different magnifications (2k×, 5k×, and 15k×). The microstructure was subjected to EDS analysis from multiple points. X-ray diffraction (XRD) analysis was also applied to the sintered samples. Cu-based Rigaku Ultima XRD (10–90°, 2° /min) test device was used to detect phases in produced alloys. Afterward, the sintered and 2 mm thick samples were broken by a hammer blow. Thus, fracture surface images were taken to follow the details of the powder metallurgy production method (point arc, neck, joint, etc.). Finally, the primary examination is completed with volumetric and point hardness measurements (five independent measurements per sample). The hardness of the samples was measured using a micro Vickers (Qness Q10 A+) device under 1000 g (for volumetric or specimen hardness) and 10 g loads (for grain and grain boundary).
The abrasion was performed with a reciprocating motion using an AISI 420 grade ball pushed onto the moving specimen under a fixed arm and a load of 1019.72 g (10 N) (F). Each step applied a total of 100-m sliding distance (sd) at 10 mm displacement movement. Wear tests are illustrated in
Fig. 3.The abrasion test was applied in two different environments: dry and corrosive environments. The composition of Hanks’s solution is given in
Table II.
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TABLE II. Chemicals and proportions in Hanks’s solution.
ChemicalsHanks solution (HS) (g/l)Hanks solution + glucose (HSG) (g/l)NaCl88KCl0.40.4Na2HPO4 + 2H2O0.060.06KH2PO40.060.06MgSO4 + 7H2O0.20.2CaCl20.140.14NaHCO30.350.35Glucose—2Distilled waterBalanceBalanceAfter the wear test, SEM images were taken from the worn surfaces. In addition, trace depths and types were scanned (the depth of abrasion) with the help of a profilometer (Mitutoyo SJ-410). The total eroded surface volume (WSV) was calculated with the help of the trace depth area (ta) and the amount of reciprocating movement (RMA). “Wear rate” (WR) (mm3/Nm) was calculated by applying other variables based on the equation given as follows:
3939. Z. Xie, F. Guo, X. Huang, K. Li, Q. Chen, Y. Chen, and F. Gong, Vacuum
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WR(mm3/Nm)=WSV(mm3)F(N)×sd(m),(2)where WSV is the worn surface volume, ta is the trace area, RMA is the reciprocating motion amount, WR is the wear rate, F is the load, and sd is the sliding distance.

The SEM images of pristine WE43 powder show the homogeneous particle size distribution [
Fig. 1]. The presence of Mg, Y, Gd, and Nb elements with no external oxide phases and residues is confirmed by the EDS analysis. The microstructure of the sintered WE43 is displayed in
Fig. 4.Even at the low magnification of the SEM overview image of the high-temperature sintered WE43 sample, the grain boundaries are clearly visible. At medium magnification, the state of the powder grains in the microstructure can be followed and a certain porosity can be observed. By using high magnification, the phase distribution in the powder grains of the WE43 alloy presented here can be seen well. It should also be mentioned here that the porosities, which are shown enlarged in
Fig. 4(d) as an example, can be seen to a small extent in all SEM images. The degree of porosity in the high-temperature sintered WE43 presented here is rather low.Images taken from the sintered WE43 sample at high magnifications were examined by EDS analysis. EDS analyses from grain, grain boundary, and phase structures are shown in
Fig. 5.When
Fig. 5 was examined, 4.22 wt. % oxygen was detected at the grain boundary. However, this ratio has decreased below 1 wt. % on grain areas (Zone-1 0.85 wt. % and Zone-3 0.15 wt. %). EDS analyses were taken from the white phases seen in the grains. Since the elements were identified, it was known that Mg–Y (diagonal Mg24Y5 is the phase most likely to occur in Mg-rich alloys
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https://doi.org/10.1007/s11669-007-9117-7) were likely to occur between these two elements (high magnification details taken from a clearly tracked powder). In addition, the Mg–Y phase diagram contains three intermetallic compounds. Phases called MgY, Mg2Y, and Mg24Y5 can be formed. These structures crystallize with a similar variant of the α-Mg type cubic structure.
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Fig. 6. In addition, the phases determined according to the catalog number (JCPDS numbers) are shown.According to the XRD peaks, all phases likely to be found in the WE43 alloy were found. XRD signals or peaks marked with a black filled square in
Fig. 6 are α-Mg characteristic (JCPDS card No. 35-0821
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https://doi.org/10.1016/j.colsurfa.2017.11.055). XRD peaks or peaks marked with a black filled triangle correspond to the Y2O3 phase (JCPDS card No. 72-0927
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https://doi.org/10.1016/j.addma.2018.12.015To complete the analysis of the polished surfaces of the high-temperature sintered Mg alloy WE43 using SEM, EDS, and XRD, a typical fracture surface SEM overview and a cross-sectional magnification are shown in
Fig. 7.SEM image should be examined under two headings. First, the amount of load (20 N/mm2) applied during molding did not change the spherical form of the powder grains. No fragmentation or breakage occurred in the powder grains. Adhesions were formed between the powder grains by a bonding with mechanical force. Thus, the molded sample was not deformed during sintering. Second, when the fracture surface images were examined, it was observed that the expected “neck” and “joint” structures were formed in the powder metallurgy samples. The “neck” mechanism can be called the step of connecting the powder grains from the contact surfaces to each other. The “joint” mechanism is the beginning of a grain boundary formed between powders.
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https://doi.org/10.1016/j.powtec.2018.01.036Hardness measurements taken from the produced WE43 alloy are given in
Fig. 8. Volumetric hardness, grain boundary hardness, and grain hardness are important processes in the powder metallurgy product after sintering. In addition to the hardness measurements, the stinging tip trace images are included in
Fig. 8.
According to the hardness test results, the sample’s average hardness was found to be 53 HV in volumetric measurement. While the hardness was 65 HV at the grain boundary, it reached 71 HV in the grain.
Finally, the results obtained in the abrasion test applied to the WE43 sample are shown in
Fig. 9.
When the worn surface images were examined, it was observed that abrasive structures were formed in dry wear. In dry wear (a), microcracks were formed at the grain boundaries. In the corrosive wear (b) in HS, fragment rupture occurred with corrosion progression at the grain boundaries. In HSG corrosive wear, (c) the layers formed on the grain surfaces formed an adhesive structure on the wear surface.
When the amount of worn surface trace area was examined, it was measured as 0.413 mm2 in dry wear. In HS and HSG, 0.558 and 0.349 mm2 eroded field depth measurements were determined, respectively.
WR was calculated over the trace depth field values measured after the wear test [formulas
(1) and
(2)]. According to these results, the graph of wear rates is given in
Fig. 10.
According to the WR levels obtained after the test, the least volume loss occurred in the experiment performed in HSG. In the experiment performed in HS, the highest wear rate was measured.

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Fig. 1).
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