Muscle synergies is extensively studied to understand how the neuromusculoskeletal system deals with abundancy. The synergies represent covariant muscles that acts as building blocks for movement production. Nevertheless, little is known on how those synergies evolve following training, learning and expertise. This study reports the influence a 4-weeks submaximal training of arm-cranking on novice participants' muscle synergies. Methods. 12 participants performed 8 sessions of submaximal training for 4 weeks. One session consisted in two 30-second-maximal power tests followed by six 2-minutes-bouts at 30% of maximal recorded power. Cranking torque and EMG of 11 muscles were recorded during the entire protocol. After EMG normalization, muscle synergies were extracted using NNMF. Similarity was computed using cross-correlation and cosine similarities and statistical evolution across training was tested using repeated measured ANOVA. Results. While maximal power increased across training days nor torque management, EMG or muscle synergies were significantly affected by submaximal training. Nevertheless, results suggest slights modifications of muscle synergies across day despite to non-significant differences. Discussion. Despite the strong complexity of the upper limbs anatomy, our results showed that training didn't induce significant changes in movement realization (mechanical and coordination level). A low-dimensional organization of muscle synergies is selected from the first day and kept through the following training days, despite slight but non-significant modifications.This study supports the hypothesis that motor control for movement production could be simplify using low-dimensional building blocks (muscle synergies). Such building blocks allow stability in movement execution and are slightly adjusted to fit movement requirements with training.
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