Supracondylar elbow fracture management (Supra Man)

Specialist Registrar

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Supra Man Collaborative: Robin Jones (Torbay and South Devon NHS Foundation Trust), Christopher Hutton (Royal Devon and Exeter NHS Foundation Trust), Matthew Jones (North Devon Healthcare NHS Trust), Alexander Berry, Christopher Marusza (Royal Cornwall Hospitals NHS Trust), Patrick Reynolds (University Hospitals Plymouth NHS Trust), Jamie A’Court, Joann Lum (Bolton NHS Foundation Trust), Oliver Flannery, Thomas Knapper (University Hospitals Bristol NHS Foundation Trust (Bristol Royal Hospital for Children)), Nina Dela Cruz, David Flaherty (Chelsea and Westminster Hospital NHS Foundation Trust), Mohsen Raza, Charles Godavitarne, Sebastian Ho (Croydon Health Services NHS Trust), Andrew Brunt (NHS Fife (Victoria Hospital Kirkcaldy)), John Hardie, Ali Taha, Sarmad Kazzaz (Frimley Health NHS Foundation Trust (Frimley Park)), Anita Sri, Kartik Logishetty, Gaurang Shah (Frimley Health NHS Foundation Trust (Wexham Park)), Simon Woods (Harrogate and District NHS Foundation Trust), Jennifer Barwell (James Paget University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust), Zaid Marhoon, Tasmina Qaiyum, Shahid Punwar (Lewisham and Greenwich NHS Trust), Ignatius Liew, Aaron Rooney, Daniel Watts (Norfolk and Norwich University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust), Silvester Kabwama (North West Anglia NHS Foundation Trust (Peterborough City Hospital)), Adam Townson, Dinnish Baskaran (Cambridge University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust (Addenbrooke’s)), Olivia Vernon, David Bryson (Nottingham University Hospitals NHS Trust), Thomas Stringfellow, Pranai Buddhdev (Mid and South Essex NHS Foundation Trust (Broomfield Hospital)), Hamez Gacaferi, Christopher Bretherton, Stevan Jordan (Oxford University Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust (John Radcliffe Hospital)), Gajendiran Thiruchandran, Qamar Mustafa, Zeid Morcos, Kizzie Peters, Christopher Wilson (Portsmouth Hospitals NHS Trust (Queen Alexandra Hospital)), Leanne Dupley (Lancashire Teaching Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust), Alexander Thomas (Salisbury NHS Foundation Trust), Rakan Kabariti, Tahir Khaleeq (The Shrewsbury and Telford Hospital NHS Trust), Kaveh Davoudi, India Cox (Somerset NHS Foundation Trust (Musgrove Park Hospital)), Rory Cuthbert, Onur Berber (Whittington Health NHS Trust), Omar Javed, Ahmed Hafez, Vipul Garg, Sanjay Kumar (Gloucestershire Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust), Jamie O’Calloghan, Paul Stanier (Great Western Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust), Bhalchandra Bhalerao, Siddharth Lokanathan (The Pennine Acute Hospitals NHS Trust), Robert Sinnerton, Peter Davies (NHS Tayside), Anoop John (Hywel Dda University Health Board), Sachith Sreenivasan, John Ferns (University Hospitals of Morcombe Bay NHS Foundation Trust (Furness)), Akshdeep Bawa, Ahmed Mattar, Abhinav Gulihar (Kings Collage Hospital NHS Foundation Trust (Princess Royal University Hospital)), Jonathan Yates, Mohammad Al-Faqih, James Kennedy (Manchester University NHS Foundation Trust), Ian Baxter (The Rotherham NHS Foundation Trust), Cathering Gilmore, Andrew Crone, Gavan McAlinden (South Eastern Health and Social Care Trust (Ulster)), Ahmad Al-Sukaini, Shoaib Syed, Ishan Raj Tiwari (East Suffolk and North Essex NHS Foundation Trust (Colchester General Hospital)), Patrick Black (Cumbria, Northumberland, Tyne and Wear NHS Foundation Trust (Cumberland Infirmary)), Hean Wu Kang, Richard Napier (Belfast Health and Social Care Trust (Royal Belfast Hospital for Sick Children)), David Ferguson, Rachel Lim, Cameron Dott (Barts Health NHS Trust).

Torbay and South Devon NHS Foundation Trust, Torbay Hospital, Torquay, UK

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