Statistical Analysis: Data were reported as mean and standard deviation for quantitative variables, and absolute and relative frequency values for qualitative variables. Since the normal distribution of WL data was ensured by the Shapiro-Wilk test, the accuracy of the five techniques in measurement of WL was compared by the repeated measures ANOVA and paired t-test. All statistical analyses were carried out using R software version 4.0.4. at the 0.05 level of significance.
3. ResultsThe mean actual WL (gold standard) was 12.24 ± 1.81 mm. The mean WL was 12.32 ± 1.83 mm as measured by Woodpex V, 12.49 ± 1.84 mm as measured by Woodpex III, 12.38 ± 1.84 mm as measured by Root ZX, and 12.29 ± 1.83 mm as measured on digital radiographs.
The maximum mean WL was reported by Woodpex III, and the minimum mean WL was measured on digital radiographs. Table 1 presents the frequency of differences > ±0.5 mm and >±1 mm between the measured values and the actual WL. Accordingly, the accuracy of Woodpex III, Woodpex V, Root ZX, and digital radiography was 87.93%, 89.66%, 100%, and 84.48%, respectively, for WL measurement within ±0.5 mm from the apical constriction. These values were 100%, 100%, 100%, and 96.55%, respectively, for WL measurement within ±1 mm from the apical constriction. All the measured values by the three apex locators were within ±1 mm distance from the apical constriction (100% agreement).Table 2 presents pairwise comparisons of the accuracy of five modalities regarding WL measurement. As shown, Woodpex V (p = 0.039), Woodpex III (p = 0.001), and Root ZX (p = 0.001) significantly over-estimated the WL. The WL measured on digital radiographs was not significantly different from the actual WL (p = 0.213). Additionally, the mean WL measured by Woodpex III was significantly greater than that measured by Root ZX (p = 0.002). The mean WL measured by Root ZX was also significantly greater than the value measured on digital radiographs (p = 0.026). The mean WL measured by Woodpex III was significantly greater than the value measured on digital radiographs (p = 0.001). The mean WL measured by Woodpex V was significantly lower than that measured by Woodpex III (p = 0.001) (Figure 3).Table 3 presents the effect of position of the apical foramen (central/lateral) on the accuracy of WL measurement by different instruments. The position of the apical foramen had no significant effect on the accuracy of WL measurement by different instruments (p > 0.05).Comparison of relative error (deviation from the actual value) of the four measurement instruments compared with the actual value in teeth with the central apical foramen using the formula [abs (test − gold)/gold] × 100 revealed that the Root ZX apex locator was the most accurate for WL measurement in roots with the central apical foramen, with 1.155% error compared with the actual WL. Digital radiography had the lowest accuracy, with a 2.127% error rate compared with the actual WL (Figure 4).The most accurate tool for measurement of WL in teeth with the lateral apical foramen was the Root ZX apex locator, with a 1.739% error rate compared with the actual WL, while Woodpex III had the lowest accuracy, with a 2.398% error rate compared with the actual WL (Figure 5).In total (irrespective of apical foramen position), Root ZX was found to be the most accurate tool for measurement of WL, with a 1.447% error rate, and Woodpex III was found to be the least accurate tool for measurement of WL, with a 2.184% error rate, followed by digital radiography, with a 2.182% error rate compared with the actual WL.
4. DiscussionThis study assessed the accuracy of Woodpex III (third generation) and Woodpex V (fifth generation) apex locators in comparison with Root ZX (third generation) and digital PSP radiography for determination of WL in maxillary premolars.
As mentioned earlier, Nasiri et al. [8], in their meta-analysis, showed no significant effect of the generation of apex locators on their accuracy. Thus, in the present study, the generation of apex locators could not serve as a confounding factor. The results showed that all modalities overestimated the WL. Pairwise comparisons showed significant differences between the actual WL and the values measured by Woodpex V, Woodpex III, and Root ZX.A search of the literature by the authors yielded no study on the accuracy of Woodpex V and Woodpex III apex locators. Nahidi et al. [15] only mentioned using a Woodpecker apex locator and did not disclose its model/generation. In addition, Suprastiwi and Meidyawati [16] used Woodpex I, which was different from the apex locators used in the present study. Thus, the present results could not be compared with their findings. In the present study, Root ZX significantly overestimated the WL (p = 0.001). Cianconi et al. [17] and Guise et al. [18] found a significant difference between the WL measured by Root ZX and the actual WL. Cianconi et al. [17] evaluated 101 extracted teeth of different types and reported that Root ZX overestimated the WL, which was in line with the present findings. Nahidi et al. [15] found no significant difference in the WL measured by Root ZX and the actual WL in single canal maxillary incisors. Although it has been reported that Root ZX overestimates the WL, it should be mentioned that the margin of error within 1 mm is clinically acceptable because evidence shows that apical constriction is located within this range [17,19,20,21]. Difference in the results of the two studies may be due to differences in sample size, type of tooth, and method of measurement of the actual WL (use of histological sections in the study by Nahidi et al. [15]). Mahmoud et al. [22] evaluated 35 mandibular first premolar teeth and mounted them in a mold to simulate the intraoral environment. They found no significant difference in the mean WL measured by Root ZX and the actual WL, which was different from the present findings probably due to differences in tooth type, sample size, and medium used for the measurement of WL by the apex locator.The present results indicated that digital radiography overestimated the mean WL but it was not statistically significant. Yadav et al. [1] indicated that both digital and conventional radiography overestimated the WL. Similarly, Faraj [5], Elshinawy [23], and Mahmoud et al. [22] showed that the conventional and digital radiography overestimated the WL. It should be noted that the majority of the available studies on this topic reported the mean WL of the canals [1,22,24], which is not highly accurate because the presence of a large difference between the measured and the actual WL in even one tooth can significantly affect the calculated mean value. To overcome this problem, in the present study the relative error (error rate relative to the actual WL) was calculated in addition to the mean difference to more precisely assess the accuracy of the methods. To calculate the relative error, each individually measured WL was subtracted from the actual WL, and the percentage of error compared with the actual WL of the canals was calculated using the respective formula. The results showed that among the four modalities, digital radiography yielded values closer to the actual WL, while according to the calculated percentage of relative error, the Root ZX apex locator had the maximum accuracy (1.447%) among the tested modalities. This finding was in agreement with the results of Yilmaz et al. [25] and Elshinawy et al. [23]. The minimum accuracy belonged to the Woodpex III apex locator (2.184%) and digital radiography (2.182%).A ±0.5 mm difference between the measured and the actual WL is acceptable in endodontic treatment [26]. According to the present results, digital radiography, the Root ZX apex locator, the Woodpex V apex locator, and the Woodpex III apex locator determined the WL within a ±0.5 mm difference from the actual value in 84.48%, 100%, 89.66%, and 87.93% of the cases, respectively. All measurements made by the three apex locators had a ±1 mm difference from the actual value. This finding was in agreement with the results of previous studies reporting 73% to 98% accuracy for apex locators for WL determination within a ±1 mm distance from the apical constriction [27,28]. In the present study, the accuracy of Root ZX for WL determination within a 0.5 and 1 mm distance from the apical constriction was 100%; this value was 96.2% in the study by Shabahang et al. [19]. Mahmoud et al. [22] reported the accuracy of Root ZX to be 71.43% for WL determination within a 0.5 mm distance from the apical foramen. The difference between the value reported in their study and the value obtained in the present study may be due to different environments where the measurements were made, or differences in sample size, applied statistical methods, and type of teeth. The accuracy of Root ZX was 76.7% and 100% for WL determination within a 0.5 and 1 mm distance from the apex, respectively, in the study by Nahidi et al. [15], which was different from the value reported in the present study due to different types of teeth, sample size, and method of measurement of the actual WL. The position of the apical foramen, canal obstruction, diameter of apical foramen, pre-flaring of the coronal third, dry/moist root canal environment, and size of file are among other factors that can cause variations in the accuracy of apex locators reported in the literature [29].The effect of the position of the apical foramen (central and lateral) on the accuracy of WL determination by different modalities was also evaluated in the present study. The lateral position is the most common position of the apical foramen in maxillary first and second premolars. The results showed that the mean measured WL in teeth with the lateral apical foramen was greater than that in teeth with the central apical foramen for all modalities; however, no significant correlation existed between the position of the apical foramen and the accuracy of WL determination. ElAyouti et al. [30] reported that radiography overestimated the WL when the position of the anatomic apex and apical foramen did not match. This more commonly occurs in teeth with the lateral apical foramen. Similarly, Pagavino et al. [31] reported that Root ZX overestimated the WL in teeth with the lateral apical foramen. The effect of the position of the apical foramen relative to the original axis of the root on the accuracy of apex locators has been previously confirmed [31,32]. It has also been reported that the diameter of the apical foramen and its lateral position may negatively affect the accuracy of apex locators [32].The present study showed that the percentage of error in all modalities was higher in teeth with the lateral apical foramen, which was in agreement with the results of limited studies available on this topic [31,32]. Pagavino et al. [31] reported significantly higher accuracy of Root ZX in teeth with the central apical foramen compared with those with the lateral apical foramen. Piasecki et al. [32] indicated a higher percentage of error of Root ZX and Apex Id apex locators in teeth with the lateral apical foramen; however, the position of the apical foramen had no statistically significant effect on the accuracy of apex locators. In the present study, Root ZX had maximum and digital radiography had minimum accuracy in WL determination in teeth with the central apical foramen while Root ZX and Woodpex III had the maximum and minimum accuracy, respectively, in determination of WL in teeth with the lateral apical foramen.This study had several strengths. According to Wrbas et al. [33], comparison of the accuracy of different apex locators in the determination of WL is only feasible if similar teeth are evaluated. Thus, this study evaluated single-rooted maxillary premolars with a root curvature 34]. Thus, all measurements were made by a #15 K-file in the present study. Furthermore, the testing conditions were the same for all teeth to minimize errors in measurements.Since this study had an in vitro design, the confounding effect of difficulty in taking the radiographs in the clinical setting and the superimposition of anatomical structures such as the zygomatic arch and the maxillary sinus on the roots could not be assessed. Therefore, generalization of the results to the clinical setting must be done with caution.
As mentioned earlier, no previous study has assessed the accuracy of Woodpex III and V, thus disallowing comparison of our results. Thus, further studies are required on this topic. Moreover, similar in vivo studies on teeth scheduled for extraction are required to obtain more reliable results. The accuracy of apex locators based on the size of the file, the correlation of the accuracy of apex locators and canal curvature, the accuracy of apex locators in teeth with periapical lesions or open apices, the effect of additional canals and their number on the accuracy of apex locators, and the effect of the presence of blood, chlorhexidine, or other irrigants instead of saline in the canal on the accuracy of apex locators are all interesting topics for further research in this field.
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