CRediT roles
Sunny M. MANON: Conceptualization, methodology, investigation, data curation, writing – original draft Jonathan M. PHUONG: Conceptualization, data curation, writing – review & editing Rebekah J. MOLES: Conceptualization, writing – review & editing, supervision Ayano KELLY: Writing – review & editing Jacqueline R. CENTER: Writing – review & editing Kate LUCKIE: Writing – review & editing Chris WHITE: Writing – review & editing Stephen R. CARTER: Conceptualization, formal analysis, writing – conceptualization, review & editing, supervision.
Funding: This research did not receive any specific grant from funding agencies in the public, commercial, or not-for-profit sectors.
Disclosure of conflicts of interest: The authors declare no relevant conflicts of interest or financial relationship.
Previous presentations of the work: This work has been previously presented as part of coursework for PHAR4815 at The University of Sydney School of Pharmacy.
Acknowledgements: The authors wish to acknowledge the assistance of Yulia Ulyannikova (Librarian) for their assistance with the development of the preliminary search strategy.
Key Points
•Pharmacists have a potential role in helping to reduce gaps in osteoporosis management through the identification of high-risk patients.
•Community-based osteoporosis screening services are considered a cost-effective approach in preventing osteoporotic fractures.
•Participants feel satisfied partaking in community osteoporosis screening services and primary care physicians regard community osteoporosis screening services as useful
•It has been demonstrated that community pharmacists have a role in delivering screening, education and medication management-based interventions for osteoporosis to patients
•In the studies reviewed, all had a positive impact on one or more patient-reported outcomes. However, whether this translated into down-stream clinical outcomes such as reduced fracture incidence remains undetermined
•Participants involved in community pharmacist interventions for osteoporosis overall reported a positive experience
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