Front Cover: Asymmetric Total Syntheses, Stereostructures, and Cytotoxicities of Marine Bromotriterpenoids Aplysiol B (Laurenmariannol) and Saiyacenol A (Chem. Asian J. 1/2022)

Total assignments of stereostructures of marine cytotoxic bromotriterpenoids, aplysiol B (laurenmariannol) and saiyacenol A derived from a sea hare or red alga, have been accomplished through their asymmetric syntheses from the known epoxide to elucidate their ambiguous stereostructures. The two molecules reflected on the water surface in the cover image represent the proposed structures for aplysiol B and laurenmariannol, respectively, and the highlighted asymmetric centers show revised and elucidated positions. The escaping fish are illustrating the feeding deterrence property of aplysiol B. More information can be found in the Communication by Keisuke Nishikawa, Yoshiki Morimoto et al.image

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