A Squeezed Vacuum State Laser with Zero Diffusion from Cavity Losses

A method for building a squeezed vacuum state laser with zero diffusion from cavity losses is proposed. The method results from the introduction of a particular reservoir engineering technique into the laser theory, with the construction of an effective atom-field interaction. By building an isomorphism between the cavity field operators in both the effective and the Jaynes–Cummings interactions, the equations of the effective laser are then derived directly from conventional laser theory. The distinctive characteristic of the laser method is that the required nonlinearity for light squeezing, usually achieved through a χ(2) crystal, is here replaced by the atom-field effective interaction itself; the same nonlinearity needed for achieving a nonequilibrium steady state. The method can be extended for the construction of other nonclassical state lasers, and the present squeezed vacuum laser can contribute to the newly emerging field of gravitational wave interferometry.

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