Coronary Microvascular Disease: The “Meeting Point” of Cardiology, Rheumatology, and Endocrinology

Exertional chest pain/dyspnea or chest pain at rest are the main symptoms of coronary artery disease (CAD), which are traditionally attributed to insufficiency of the epicardial coronary arteries. However, 2/3 of women and 1/3 of men with angina and 10% of patients with acute myocardial infarction have no evidence of epicardial coronary artery stenosis in X-ray coronary angiography. In these cases, coronary microvascular disease (CMD) is the main causative factor.

The pathophysiology of CMD includes impaired microvascular vasodilatation, which leads to inability of the organism to deal with myocardial oxygen needs and, hence, development of ischemic pain. CMD has been also observed in inflammatory autoimmune rheumatic and endocrine/metabolic disorders, bringing together Cardiology, Rheumatology and Endocrinology. Causative factors in these diseases include persistent systemic inflammation and endocrine/metabolic abnormalities that influence directly the coronary microvasculature.

In the past, the evaluation of microcirculation was feasible only with the use of invasive techniques, such as coronary flow reserve assessment. Currently, the application of advanced imaging modalities, such as cardiovascular magnetic resonance (CMR), can evaluate CMD non-invasively and conclusively, without exposing the patient to ionizing radiation.

Although both classic and new medications have been used in the treatment of CMD, there are still many questions regarding both the pathophysiology and the treatment of this disorder. The potential effects of anti-rheumatic and endocrine medications on the evolution of CMD need further evaluation.

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