“They need to see breastfeeding so that they know how to do it”: the construction of motherhood through Instagram brelfies

Brelfies and visual representations

The first, more subjective content analysis found three types of #brelfies (breastfeeding portrait (BP), breastfeeding selfie (BS), and breastfeeding baby portrait (BBP). The three image representations of brelfies were related to different visual content, however this also could be conceptualised on a spectrum. They scaled from BPs being taken far away from the breastfeeding pair to the BBPs close ups of babies. From the public outdoor space of the BP to private indoor space with the BSs and then further to unidentifiable space around the BBP. From mother’s face and head visible in the BP, to slightly occluded in the BS and absent in the BBP, and from mother’s gaze at baby in the BP, to camera in the BS, to absent in the BBP. See Fig. 1 for a visual representation of this spectrum.

Fig. 1figure 1

Image representations in reference to categories of content analysis

Each brelfie photo was coded under one of the three distinct types of visual content. Mothers that incorporated more than one photo in their post sometimes used different combinations of the three image representations.

The subsequent content analysis of the photos provided data around the three types of image representations. Seven areas of content were analysed in relation to the three types of image representation. Counts and percentages can be found in Table 3.

Table 3 Frequencies of content analysis relations to the image representations

When focus was considered (mother, baby, equal), chi square analyses indicated significant differences in the counts between the focus of the BBP and the other two types of image representation χ2 (1, N = 199) = 136.83, p < 0.001, φ = 0.83. Almost all BBPs were focused on babies rather than mothers or both. BPs and BSs did not differ in their focus.

Self/other was analysed finding that 95.6% of the BPs were taken by another, 98.6% of the BSs were taken by the self, and in 73.8% of the BBPs it was unclear who was capturing the image. There were four cells with counts below five, so a chi square analysis was not undertaken.

Out of the 25 tree of life brelfies, 24 (96%) were coded as BBPs zero (0%) were coded as BSs, and one (4%) was coded as a BPs. Tree of life brelfies constituted (39.34%) of the total 61 BBPs.

Content analysis also looked at location (public, private). Chi square analyses found that BPs were associated with outside photos while BSs were not χ2 (1, N = 133) = 5.63, p = 0.018, φ = -0.21. More BPs were taken in a public place χ2 (1, N = 133) = 18.13, p < 0.001, φ = -0.37. BBPs were not included in these analyses, as there were no clues as to where they were taken.

Face visibility (visible, not visible) also differed between types of photo. BBPs had less counts of face visibility than BSs and BPs χ2 (2, N = 199) = 134.19, p < 0.001, φ = 0.83. Thus, when parent gaze (on baby, on camera) was considered, BBPs were not included. BPs were associated with gaze on the baby, whereas in the BSs the parent’s gaze was on the camera χ2 (2, N = 112) = 44.17, p < 0.001 φ = 0.63.

Thematic analysis of captions

A thematic analysis of the text accompanying the brelfies was performed and three main textual themes were developed. These themes were; breastfeeding as a natural and magical journey, breastfeeding as female empowerment, breastfeeding as a struggle with the desire for support and normalisation. The visual representations are abbreviated at the end of each extract (BP, BS, BBP). Please refer back to Fig. 1 for examples.


Breastfeeding as a natural and magical journey.

This theme encapsulates the idea that breastfeeding is natural. Women described how breastfeeding would and does fit into their everyday lives, as a “natural” process.

I nurse her to sleep every night. I feel her small body relaxing against mine ☐ She stops playing with her hair, she lets go of my hand. Sometimes she will release the grip she has on me. Otherwise I gently wet my finger and slide it between her lips to stop the incredible suction that nature has given her.

- One BBP and three BP: Photo group 71

Here, the poster initially describes the bedtime routine which is a typical parenting experience, subsequently emphasising the way that her baby is imbued with the “power” of suction which all babies will naturally possess.

Breastfeeding was also described as ‘magical’. However, magical did not always mean easy for these women, and this was voiced.

It is difficult, magical, exhausting, primal, time consuming, etc. But, never for a second would I consider not taking this path when I was blessed with the ability to do so.

-BP: Photo 165

This poster highlights the mixed intense emotions that comprised their experience of breastfeeding. Magic was sometimes described as a dissociative state of exhaustion and elation. This mixed feeling is echoed below.

I adore having his sweet peach fuzzy head just under my chin, easily accessible for kisses and snugs. My mind is in a fog from lack of sleep, my breast has a patch of eczema under the nipple from being moist with milk all the time, my to-do list is never done, yet I feel oh so happy to be here.

-BS: Photo 51

All of these sentiments described breastfeeding as a part of a mother’s autobiographical passage into the role of motherhood, and the idea of breastfeeding as being a transitional, magical, and transformational stage of not just their life, but the life of the child also.

A child is brought into the world and a mother and child may begin their breastfeeding journey (some for a short time, some for a long time.) A mother may nurse her child, watching them go from newborn, infant, to toddler.

-Two BBPs and one BP: Photo group 1

Many mothers posted about memories of the past, where they are now in their journey and how this fitted into their new future as a mother. The transitional nature of breastfeeding and it being fleeting was also used in conversations about moments and how these moments make the women feel.

Resistance, closeness and love in one .. it's just our time  ☐. Daughter fed 14 months, the duchess will be shorter (assuming 6 months, unless she extends a little bit). I remember weaning as the worst adventure with motherhood ... Seriously ... We endured it terribly ... At the same time, pampered 1.5-year-old child is a pick. I have to enjoy this time while I can .(Polish translation).

-BBP: Photo 129

This moment of transition was also something that was anticipated with wonder.

Long live feedings on demand and galore  What will I miss when our milky adventure is over. (French Translation). -BS: Photo 189

2) Breastfeeding as female empowerment.

Breastfeeding was also constructed as a form of empowerment for women exclusively:

To understand the real power of human milk means that you are really empowering women. They have something that is really unique that men don’t have.

-Two BSs: Photo group 14

This was linked to gender issues more broadly where breastfeeding was positioned as something unique that women have over men and as a form of empowerment that should be exploited in the interests of women.

Many of the women in this theme posted messages of solidarity, togetherness, and support which were positioned as being not only empowering to the poster, but also to the viewers of the post. There was a sense of being in a group of women with similar experiences, and the solidarity these women felt and wanted to share with others as a result of their breastfeeding experiences.

Here’s a snapshot of an ordinary moment feeding my 31 month old.

Solidarity to mamas here with me, and hope this opens the mind of even

1 person ☐☐☐ 

-BS: Photo 76.

Many of these messages were aimed to inspire other mothers, focusing first on the woman’s personal experience, and then moving to an in-group message usually calling to all mothers (whether breastfeeding or not) explaining that they are worthwhile, doing the right thing, and most prolifically, are understood.

But most of all I would learn to enjoy and cherish my own company so when those late nights appear to be the hardest time of my life.. I can stand up as I sway my baby back to sleep, look in the mirror and smile…. Because either way at the end of the day with all the ‘I could of and I would of’ We as mothers do it anyway, we feel like we are barely surviving but really Mummas, we are striving! ☐☐☐ 

-Two BPs and two BBPs: Photo group 70

3) Breastfeeding as a struggle with the desire for support and normalization.

In these captions parents articulated what breastfeeding was for them, challenging the idealised notion of how breastfeeding is presented to the general public. Posting a brelfie for some women also amounted to a challenge to the stigma and a means of normalising breastfeeding.

BREASTFEEDING IS NATURAL ❤ Not only to highlight the beauty of breastfeeding, but also to reduce the outdated stigma associated with breastfeeding in public, and thus reduce prejudice around the subject.(Portuguese translation).

-BBP: Photo 86

For some posters normalising breastfeeding also meant looking to the community and the next generation to literally and figuratively make breastfeeding seen.

Women need to see brelfies. They need to see breastfeeding so that they know how to do it. Children need to see this so that they know that it is normal for a baby to breastfeed.(Portuguese translation).

-Four BSs: Photo 196

Some positioned breastfeeding as natural in order to rebuff any criticism. In many messages women talked about help and hindrance to their breastfeeding through support systems or the lack thereof. Women would talk about the shame that society is making them feel by simply feeding their children and how they hope other parents don’t feel this lack of support. Often for this theme, women were asking broader society to accept breastfeeding. For some women, posting a brelfie may enable them to obtain the support and endorsement for breastfeeding that is missing from the wider public space.

Society’s idea of acceptable crept in and made me feel a little shame. I kicked it to the curb though because this beautifully soft and worn body has nursed that little lamb for 14 months. So instead of shame, I’m celebrating this brilliant body that has not only carried me through 30 years of life but also created 3 miracles. -BP: Photo 128

This narrative was about parenting usually and life with a child. Negative breastfeeding moments touch on different types of breastfeeding stress and pain.

Breastfeeding was a difficult journey for me. I thought that because it was natural, it would also be easy. It's not…I know my story is not the same as other women's stories, some are easier and some are a lot harder. At times I just had to quit because of lack of knowledge or support and with my last baby I was 100% successful.⁠ This isn't to take away from formula feeding moms, I was one as well, but rather to say that it took real dedication, education and a little bit of Grace for me to finally exclusively breastfeed.

-BP: Photo 24

It also focused on positive breastfeeding experiences. For example, I love to feed, when she cuddles up to me sucks looking at my eyes and then often falls asleep sweetly (Polish Translation; BS, Photo 92). Usually when a negative was mentioned, it would be followed directly by a positive.

I stuck it out—through the cracked, bloody, sometimes infected, sometimes low producing, excruciatingly painful first 3-4 months of our time together. It definitely wasn’t how I envisioned the first months of motherhood to be. BUT we made it. And now at 6 months postpartum, we are breastfeeding champs ☐☐  So shout out to all the women who have turned mothers who fought to make a dream come true-no matter how big or small.

-BBP: Photo 13

This poster emphasises the considerable struggles that she experienced breastfeeding, but also describes her success through perseverance. She calls other mothers in a similar situation who may have had similar or different parenting challenges, highlighting perseverance as commendable.

Themes were sometimes overlapping, so that one post could be categorized as incorporating one, two or all three of them.

Relations between themes and visual image representations

The three types of brelfie (BP, BS, BBP) did not relate to the themes of the natural magical journey χ2 (2, N = 173) = 0.46, p = 0.796, or the struggle for support χ2 (2, N = 168) = 4.43, p = 0.109, however the types of brelfie did differ in terms of the theme of female empowerment. BPs were more likely to talk about female empowerment than BSs or BBPs χ2 (2, N = 168) = 6.04, p = 0.049, φ = 0.19.

Relations between language, themes and visual image representations

The three types of brelfie (BP, BS, BBP) were not associated with language (English/Not English) X2 (2, N = 173) = 2.56, p = 0.278, the theme of the natural magical journal X2 (2, N = 173) = 1.84, p = 0.175, or female empowerment X2 (2, N = 167) = 2.60, p = 0.107, however there was an association between not using the English language and using the theme of the struggle for support more often Fisher’s Exact p = 0.011.

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