Zhang M, Zhu W, Haeryfar M, et al. Onco Targets Ther. 2020;14:4415–4426.
We, the Editor and Publisher of the journal OncoTargets and Therapy wish to notify readers that the office for the Vice-Dean of Research and Innovation, at the Schulich School of Medicine & Dentistry, Western University contacted the journal. They have confirmed that the co-author, Dr Mansour Haeryfar, has demonstrated he had no role in the research included in this publication, nor was he informed of its submission.
Furthermore, his communications with the remaining co-authors prior to the paper’s retraction received no response. In addition, the journal wishes to advise readers that the Email address provided for Dr Haeryfar at submission was not associated with Dr Haeryfar and was used to confirm his authorship without his consent.
This correction has been issued to uphold the integrity of academic authorship.
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