Last week, we received the sad news that Steffen Bülow had passed away at December 29th 2023. He was surgeon and Associate Professor at the Hvidovre University Hospital in Copenhagen, Denmark. Bülow held a deep interest in patients with familial adenomatous polyposis. In the 1980’s, he took a pioneering step by establishing a registry for families affected by this disease. His groundbreaking thesis—the “little blue book”—not only documented the creation and results of the Danish registry but also served as an invaluable guide for countless doctors, navigating the complexities of setting up similar registries.
Utilizing the extensive patient collection of the registry, Bülow conducted numerous studies that addressed fundamental clinical questions related to the management of the disease including surveillance of the upper GI-tract and the optimal surgical treatment of polyposis of the colorectum. His collaborative efforts extended across borders, reaching registries in other Scandinavian countries, the Netherlands, United Kingdom, and other countries. Through these studies, he made significant contributions to our collective understanding of polyposis ultimately enhancing the care of patients grappling with this challenging disease.
Collaborating with Bülow was not only professionally rewarding but also a source of pleasure thanks to his friendly and calm demeanor. I extend my heartfelt condolences to his wife, children, family, friends and colleagues. May you find solace in the profound impact Bülow had in medicine and the countless lives he touched.
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