DWP UNS Provides Educational Fund Grant to 173 Children through Foster Parent Movement

UNSDharma Wanita Persatuan (DWP) of Universitas Sebelas Maret (UNS) Surakarta has distributed educational fund grants through the Foster Parent Movement (GOTA, or Gerakan Orang Tua Asuh) to 173 children. The total amount of funds provided was IDR 67.250.000. The aid was handed over during the regular DWP UNS meeting held at the Nurul Huda Mosque Auditorium, UNS, on Tuesday (6/8/2024).

The Acting Chairwoman of DWP UNS, Arlin Dwi Pawestri Kuncoro Diharjo, S.E., expressed hope that this assistance would help alleviate the educational expenses of the recipient children. “The GOTA educational assistance distributed today amounts to IDR 67.250.000 from 15 implementing units (UP) of DWP at UNS. This total represents the accumulated educational aid for 173 children across 15 UPs,” Arlin explained.

This grant is specifically aimed at the children of UNS employees in need. It is expected to reduce their educational financial burdens. “We hope this assistance will be beneficial, and that the children receiving aid will grow to be useful for religion, the nation, and the country,” Arlin added.

The breakdown of the grant is as follows: DWP UP Faculty of Cultural Studies (FIB) received IDR 2.100.000 for 5 children, UP Faculty of Teacher Training and Education (FKIP) IDR 5.900.000 for 15 children, UP Faculty of Law (FH) IDR 5.800.000 for 14 children, UP Faculty of Economics and Business (FEB) IDR 5.400.000 for 18 children, UP Faculty of Social and Political Sciences (FISIP) IDR 4.550.000 for 11 children, UP Faculty of Medicine (FK) IDR 5.000.000 for 10 children, UP Faculty of Agriculture (FP) IDR 4.400.000 for 11 children, UP Faculty of Engineering (FT) IDR 8.050.000 for 23 children, UP Faculty of Mathematics and Natural Sciences (FMIPA) IDR 4.400.000 for 11 children, UP Faculty of Arts and Design (FSRD) IDR 3.000.000 for 10 children, UP Faculty of Sports (FKOR) IDR 2.250.000 for 5 children, UP UNS Hospital IDR 5.000.000 for 10 children, UP Central Office (KP) IDR 7.200.000 for 18 children, UP Graduate School IDR 2.400.000 for 6 children, and UP Vocational School (SV) IDR 1.800.000 for 6 children.

In addition to the GOTA educational fund grant, the regular DWP UNS meeting also included the handover of photo albums documenting activities during the transition period from each UP DWP at UNS to the Acting Chairwoman of DWP UNS. “As the Acting Chairwoman of DWP UNS, I extend my gratitude to all the board members and staff who have worked hard for the progress of DWP UNS. I also apologize for any shortcomings or mistakes during my leadership. I hope that under Mrs. Hartono’s leadership, DWP UNS will advance even further. We also congratulate Prof. Hartono on his election as the Rector of UNS for the 2024-2029 term,” Arlin concluded.


Editor: Dwi Hastuti

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