Directed Versus Nondirected Standing Postures in Adolescent Idiopathic Scoliosis: Its Impact on Curve Magnitude, Alignment, and Clinical Decision-Making: Erratum

In the October 1, 2023 issue of Spine in the article by Cheung et al, “Directed Versus Nondirected Standing Postures in Adolescent Idiopathic Scoliosis: Its Impact on Curve Magnitude, Alignment, and Clinical Decision-Making”, both authors Prudence Wing Hang Cheung and Jason Pui Yin Cheung had the role of fund acquisition. In Table 4, the first footnote should read: Shaded boxes are significant relationships that are found in one group but not the other. In Table 5, the footnote “Gray box Significant are relationships are found in one group but not the other.’ should not be there, and the row with texts ‘Directed position with major curve Cobb angle >40°” and “Nondirected major curve Cobb angle <40° but>40° at directed position” should be in bold.

Cheung PWH, Wong HL, Lau DSL, Cheung JPY. Directed versus nondirected standing postures in adolescent idiopathic scoliosis: its impact on curve magnitude, alignment, and clinical decision-making. Spine. 2023;48:1354–1364.

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