Prognostic Biomarkers in Kidney Transplantation: a Systematic Review and Critical Appraisal

1Université de Paris Cité, INSERM, PARCC, Paris Institute for Transplantation and Organ Regeneration, F-75015 Paris, France

2The First Affiliated Hospital of Sun Yat-Sen University, Guangzhou, China

3Department of Nephrology-Dialysis-Transplantation, University Hospital of Liège, Liège, Belgium

4Université Paul Sabatier, INSERM, Department of Nephrology and Organ Transplantation, CHU Rangueil & Purpan, Toulouse, France

5Thomas E. Starzl Transplantation Institute, University of Pittsburgh School of Medicine, Pittsburgh, PA, USA

6Kidney Transplant Department, Tenon Hospital, Assistance Publique – Hôpitaux de Paris, Paris, France

7Lille University, CHU Lille, Nephrology Department, F-59037, Lille, France; INSERM U1190, Translational Research for Diabetes, Lille, France

8Department of Cardiac, Thoracic, Vascular Sciences and Public Health, University of Padua, Padua, Italy

9Evidence-Based Practice Center, Mayo Clinic, Rochester, Minnesota, USA

10Nephrology Department, Hospital de Vall d'Hebron, 08035 Barcelona, Spain

11Department of Microbiology, Immunology and Transplantation, Nephrology and Renal Transplantation Research Group, KU Leuven, Leuven, Belgium

12Division of Transplantation, Feinberg School of Medicine, Northwestern University, Chicago, IL, USA

13Kidney Transplant Department, Saint-Louis Hospital, Assistance Publique - Hôpitaux de Paris, Paris, France

14Schuster Family Transplantation Research Center, Renal Division, Brigham and Women's Hospital, Harvard Medical School, Boston, MA 02115, USA

15Center for Statistics in Medicine, NDORMS, Botnar Research Center, University of Oxford, Oxford, UK

16Departments of Medicine, of Epidemiology and Population Health, of Biomedical Data Science, and of Statistics and Meta-Research Innovation Center at Stanford (METRICS), Stanford University, USA

aCorresponding author: Alexandre Loupy Paris Translational Research Epidemiology and Biostatistics department, 56 rue Leblanc, 75015, Paris, France Phone: (33) 1 53 98 00 00 E-mail: [email protected]

*These authors contributed equally

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