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—Average vCRP (with SD bars = 1 SD) of the first 30% of the stride for each incline. The significant differences from the SPM analysis occurred during the first 30%; thus, this region was chosen to evaluate vCRP. (A) 15% was significantly different from 0% (P = .023, *) and 15% (P = .028, ⊕). (B) 0% was significantly different from 15% (P = .035, *) and 25% (P = .020, ø). 10% was significantly >15% (P = .049) and 25% (P = .029). (C) There were no significant differences between any incline pairs (P > .05). SPM indicates Statistical Parametric Mapping; vCRP, CRP variability.
Citation: Journal of Applied Biomechanics 39, 6; 10.1123/jab.2021-0263
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