Ophthalmologic Emergencies: Assessment and Management

THERE ARE AN ESTIMATED 2–3 million emergency department (ED) visits in the United States for eye complaints, with estimates projected to increase due to a declining ophthalmology workforce and challenges in access to care resulting in more emergency department (ED) visits for eye complaints (Kim et al., 2022; Lee et al., 2019; Patel et al., 2023). Most patients who present to the ED have nontraumatic eye complaints (Channa et al., 2016); however, an analysis of the National Emergency Department Sample data set found that approximately one third of ED visits for eye complaints are related to eye trauma, which is more common during the summer months, in males, and in patients between the ages of 20 and 60 years (Kim et al., 2022; Ramirez et al., 2018). Approximately one third of all eye-related ED visits in the United States annually are for traumatic eye injuries (Channa et al., 2016; Go et al., 2022; Kim et al., 2022). Ocular trauma, which is often preventable, is a leading cause of unilateral blindness and vison impairment (Cheung et al., 2014; Go et al., 2022). Ocular trauma is more prevalent in White males, ages 45–64 years, and the most common causes are motor vehicle accidents, followed by fall-related accidents, and infection (Cheung et al., 2014).

Given the prevalence of eye-related ED visits, it is important that ED providers understand how to recognize and treat eye complaints to rapidly identify urgent and emergent eye conditions requiring prompt referral and treatment to promote optimal visual outcomes and prevent disability (Channa et al., 2016). This article: (1) reviews eye anatomy and physiology, (2) discusses the approach to the eye examination (i.e., external, internal, and slit lamp), and (3) provides selected common nonemergent and emergent eye complaints within the broad categories of traumatic injuries, red eye, and acute vision loss. For each complaint, a review of essential history questions, examination techniques, differentials to consider, and ED management has been presented.


This section covers ocular and adnexal structures. Bony structures have also been described herein.

Ocular and Adnexal Structures

Figure 1 shows the adnexal structures, the tissues surrounding the eye, and the inner eye anatomy. The internal ocular structures are protected by the thick protective cornea. Blunt force or penetrating trauma, foreign bodies, chemical splashes, abrasions, or perforations can damage the cornea as well as the anterior and posterior ocular structures. Injuries to the cornea and deeper structures can result in pain and vision loss. Some injuries require emergent referral whereas others can be managed with close outpatient follow-up.

F1Figure 1.: Eye anatomy. Illustration from Anatomy and Physiology, by Connexions (http://cnx.org/content/col11496/1.6/) and Search media, by Wikimedia Commons (https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?search=human+eye+anatomy&title=Special:MediaSearch&go=Go&type=image). Creative Commons Attribution 3.0.Bony Structures

Figure 2 shows the orbital bony structures that surround the eye. The orbital bony ridge is composed of the frontal and the thin, fragile maxillary, ethmoidal, sphenoid, lacrimal, palatine, and zygomatic bones. Blunt force trauma can fracture the delicate bones that make up the orbital floor entrapping the inferior rectus and inferior oblique muscles limiting movements and causing diplopia.


This section discusses the approach to the eye examination including the external, internal, and slit lamp examinations. Table 1 lists the basic steps in the eye examination.

Table 1. - Components of an eye examination Explain the examination to the patient because eye complaints are anxiety provoking and may be painful
Be systematic in your history and physical examination
Wash hands and apply gloves
Obtain visual acuity, the vital sign of the eye, first unless penetrating foreign body, globe rupture, or chemical/biological splash to eye
Administer anesthetic eye drops to reduce pain if there is no history of a penetrating foreign body (FB), globe rupture, or enucleation.
Pain may also cause pupillary myosis making the examination more difficult for the patient and for adequately assessing the problem. In this case administer a cycloplegic ophthalmologic agent to dilate the eye to assess anterior and posterior ocular structures.
Assess the external eye and facial structures
Evert the lids looking for retained foreign bodies.
Check extraocular eye movements, visual fields, pupillary shape, and responses. Abnormally shaped or unequal pupils may be a normal finding, anisocoria, or be the result of a penetrating foreign body or a neurologic disorder, Horner's syndrome.
Include the “swinging flashlight test” if complaint of acute vision loss. The swinging flashlight test is discussed in detail in the Acute Vision Loss subsection of this article.
Examine the fundus with an ophthalmoscope inspecting the retinal vasculature and optic disc.
Use adjunctive methods to examine the cornea, if available, by applying fluorescein stain to the cornea and using a slit lamp to magnify and examine the cornea and posterior chamber structures.
The slit lamp is the gold standard for eye evaluation in the emergency department. If you do not have a slit lamp, scan the cornea with an ultraviolet light source and magnification (Wood's lamp) to identify and magnify corneal defects.
If the patient has a red eye that is associated with headache, nausea, or vomiting or if a hyphema is present, perform tonometry to assess intraocular pressure. If you do not have a tonometer, refer the patient emergently for this evaluation. Increased intraocular pressure is an emergent condition, and if unrecognized and treated can result in blindness.

Note. Created by D. Evans.

Obtain visual acuity first unless the patient had a biological or chemical splash, has an abnormal pupil, history of a penetrating eye injury, or if exposed to riot control agents (tear gas). If the provider is unable to obtain visual acuity, perform a gross estimate of the patient's vision. See Table 2.

Table 2. - Gross estimate of vision Description Abbreviation Definition Counting fingers CF Ability to count fingers at a given distance Hand motion HM Ability to distinguish a hand whether it is moving or not in front of the patient's face Light perception LP Ability to perceive any light No light perception NLP Inability to see any light—total blindness

Note. Created by K. Hoyt.

External Examination

Examine the external and adnexal eye structures. This includes pupillary response, extraocular movements, visual fields, eyelids, conjunctiva, and cornea. Evert the lid to inspect for possible foreign bodies. Gently palpate the bony orbit if you suspect a fracture. Palpation of the closed eye with comparison to the unaffected eye can be used as a gross assessment of intraocular pressure (IOP) if tonometry is unavailable. Examine extraocular movements especially in patients complaining of visual disturbances.

To differentiate between optic and neurologic causes of vision loss, perform the swinging flashlight test used to assess for optic nerve neuropathy. To perform this test, examine the patient's pupils in ambient lighting. They should be equal in size. Next, darken the room and begin alternately shining a light into the patient's right and left eyes. Normally, the light will cause constriction in the stimulated eye along with consensual constriction in the other eye; however, if the optic nerve is damaged, direct light stimulation will cause dilation rather than constriction (Graves & Galetta, 2012). This abnormal pupillary response is referred to as a Marcus Gunn pupil.

Visual field testing is also an important aspect of checking optic nerve function, lesions in the brainstem or cerebellum, or paralysis or palsy of cranial nerves III, VI, and IV in patients complaining of visual disturbances or vision loss. If the damage is limited to one optic nerve, vision loss will be unilateral. If the damage occurs in the optic chiasm where the two optic nerves meet, vision loss will affect the outer peripheral visual fields of both eyes. If the visual pathway is damaged between the optic chiasm and the visual cortex of the occipital lobe, vision loss will affect the same visual fields in both eyes. For example, if the damage is in the right visual cortex, the patient will have vision loss in the left visual fields of both eyes.

Internal Examination

Examine the posterior chamber structures including the retina and optic disc with the ophthalmoscope. Check the red reflex and retinal vessels for nicking and pulsations. Note any abnormalities such as cotton wool spots or hemorrhages on the retina.

Slit Lamp Examination

After directly inspecting the external and internal eye structures, the cornea should be stained with fluorescein to check for defects. Do not apply fluorescein if suspicion of a penetrating foreign body, which can also cause an abnormal pupillary response. If after instilling fluorescein stain a Seidel sign, or leakage of aqueous fluid from the cornea, is noted, obtain an emergent computerized tomography (CT) scan of the orbits to assess for a penetrating foreign body that has torn through the cornea into the anterior or posterior chamber.

Next, assess the eye with a slit lamp, an ophthalmologic biomicroscope, to further examine the external eye structures, cornea, anterior chamber, and posterior chamber structures including the retina. Slit lamp assessment is the gold standard for examining eye complaints in the ED (DelMonte et al., 2023). Use of a slit lamp is a core clinical competency for ED clinicians but requires specialized training and practice for accurate assessment of eye trauma and disease (American Academy of Emergency Nurse Practitioners & Emergency Nurses Association, 2021). For an excellent resource on using the slit lamp and what to look for, refer to Dr. Timothy Root's book and video lecture series (Root, n.d.). If a slit lamp is not available, use a Wood's lamp to examine the cornea for defects after instilling fluorescein stain. Figure 3 shows a Wood's lamp and Figure 4 shows a slit lamp.

F3Figure 3.:

The Wood's lamp. Photograph taken by Dian Evans.

F4Figure 4.:

Slit lamp. Photograph taken by Dian Evans.

Intraocular Pressure Measurement

Obtaining IOP measurements using tonometry is indicated in patients presenting with blunt eye trauma, a hyphema, or if a red eye associated with pain to rule out acute narrow-angle glaucoma. There are two types of tonometers used in the ED, the iCare (iCare Finland Oy, Vantaa, Finland) device and the Tono-Pen (Reichart, Inc, Depew, New York). Figures 5 and 6 show these different devices.

F5Figure 5.:

iCare tonometer. Photograph taken by Dian Evans.

F6Figure 6.:

Tono-Pen. Photograph taken by Dian Evans.

The iCare instrument uses a lightweight magnetic probe that lightly taps the cornea to obtain a rebound measure of IOP. This allows for a painless assessment that does not require anesthetizing the eye prior to the examination. In contrast, eye anesthetization is required when using a Tono-Pen because the probe of the device is placed directly on the cornea to obtain pressure readings. Both devices are easy to use, correlate well, but require practice to ensure accurate readings (Lee et al., 2019). Table 3 reviews the steps in using a tonometer to obtain IOP readings with indications for emergent and urgent ophthalmologic referral.

Table 3. - How to obtain intraocular pressure with a tonometer When using the Tono-Pen, calibrate the device, apply a disposable cover to the tip
Anesthetize the eye
Place the device on the cornea four times and average the pressure readings
When using the iCare, obtain three readings, the device provides the average (no need to anesthetize the eye before obtaining the readings because the probe only lightly touches the cornea)
Normal pressure reading is ≤20
If pressure reading of 21–30, refer urgently (next day) for evaluation
If ≥30, refer for emergent ophthalmologic evaluation
Contraindications: globe rupture

Note. Created by D. Evans.


The next section covers eye trauma including the etiology of eye trauma across the lifespan, external structure injuries, corneal injuries, ocular burns, blunt eye trauma, and penetrating foreign bodies. Red eye and vision loss are also discussed.

Eye Trauma

Table 4 summarizes the history questions to include when assessing a patient with a traumatic eye injury.

Table 4. - History questions for orbital/ocular trauma Obtain a complete medical history and review of systems
Last tetanus vaccination?
Time of injury or exposure
Type and mechanism of injury (penetrating or blunt trauma)
Any loss of consciousness?
Other associated injuries?
If chemical/biological exposure what agent? Consult Poison Center!
Use of contact lens? When were they last changed?
Any visual change or decreased acuity? Any diplopia (occurs with orbital floor fractures)?
Is there pain? If so, describe it.
Any other associated symptoms such as headache, nausea, vomiting, and epistaxis?
Any visual disturbances? Bilateral diplopia suggests lesions in the brainstem or cerebellum. Unilateral diplopia with the other eye closed suggests problems with the cornea or lens.
Moving specks or strands? (floaters/defects, scotomas suggest retina or visual pathway problems.)
Were you struck by lightning? (Lightning injury can result in traumatic cataract development. Amnesia is common following a lightning strike. Refer all suspected victims for ophthalmologic follow-up)

Note. Created by D. Evans.

Table 5 lists the trauma-related eye examination steps. Traumatic eye injuries can be classified according to where they occur within the eye or surrounding structures.

Table 5. - Eye examination components for orbital/ocular trauma Wash hands and apply gloves
Administer anesthetic eye drops if the patient is in pain and there is no history of a penetrating foreign body (FB), globe rupture, or enucleation
Obtain visual acuity first unless a penetrating FB, globe rupture, or chemical/biological splash to eye s
Directly inspect eye structures and evert lids. Do not force eyelids open or manipulate the eyelid if you suspect a globe injury.
Do not press on the globe if a foreign body or rupture is suspected.
Check extraocular eye movements (if impaired, consider orbital floor fracture and order an orbital CT)
Check visual fields and pupillary responses (decreased reaction to light can indicate optic nerve injury and requires emergent referral). Check the red reflex (absence or dulling of the red reflex can indicate bleeding in the anterior chamber, vitreous hemorrhage, or cataract)
Perform the swinging flashlight test to assess for optic nerve damage
Palpate the head, facial bones, and cervical spine for tenderness and assess for bony defects or crepitus
Use tangential lighting to examine for corneal defects or foreign bodies
Examine the fundus with an ophthalmoscope
Apply fluorescein stain, and if you see a Seidel sign indicative of a penetrating FB, obtain an immediate CT scan and consult ophthalmology
Examine the cornea with a Wood's light or slit lamp
If the patient has associated headache, nausea, or vomiting, or if a hyphema, perform tonometry to assess intraocular pressure
Consider use of ultrasound to assess internal eye structures in cases of hyphema or suspected orbital hematoma or retinal detachment
If head injury or if altered mental status, complete a full neurological examination and consider a CT of the head

Note. Created by D. Evans.

Table 6 depicts injury type by eye structure and urgency of referral to ophthalmology for definitive care. Patients with ocular trauma require tetanus prophylaxis if their immunization status is not up to date.

Table 6. - Types of eye injuries and selected management Injury condition/location Signs and symptoms Management Referral/complications Eye adnexa (eyelids, conjunctival sac, lacrimal gland, and drainage system)
Eyelid laceration unilateral
Contusion Eyelid laceration
Do not miss other trauma, e.g., head injury/facial fractures
Always be concerned for the ruptured globe Eyelid laceration
Close laceration only for simple horizontal and/or oblique partial-thickness lid lacerations Eyelid laceration
Consult ophthalmology
Urgent referral to ophthalmology
Low threshold to refer to oculoplastics
Especially with fat protrusion
Watch for lacrimal duct involvement Minor anterior chamber/segment (cornea, iris, and lens)
Corneal abrasion/foreign body (FB) unilateral
Intraocular foreign body—unilateral
Corneal/scleral abrasion
Subconjunctival hemorrhage/hematoma
Traumatic iritis/uveitis
Retained foreign body
Superficial burns Corneal abrasion/foreign body
Immediate pain
This is a superficial injury
Small corneal abrasions that cannot be seen with the naked eye are easily seen with fluorescent dye, which “lights” up the abrasions.
Small foreign bodies (FBs) embedded superficially in the corneal periphery
Intraocular foreign body
Severe pain Corneal abrasion/foreign body
Pain meds—analgesics
Applicator—remove foreign body if not in visual axis.
Safely remove the FB with Wood's/slit lamp
Cotton tip applicator
Small 25-gauge sterile needle
Ophthalmologic antibiotics
Intraocular foreign body
Pain meds
Stabilize object
Metal intraocular foreign body—order axial CT scan Corneal abrasion/foreign body
Home or refer to ophthalmology if FBs > 25% of the cornea
Follow up with PMD in 24– 48 hr
Refer to ophthalmology as needed next day
Intraocular foreign body
Immediate consultation
Emergent referral to ophthalmology
Surgery for removal of the object Major anterior chamber/segment (cornea, iris, and lens)
Traumatic hyphema
corneal/scleral laceration unilateral (deep structure injury) e.g., a metallic foreign body is noted in the cornea periphery
Anisocoria/traumatic mydriasis—unilateral
Lens dislocation—unilateral
Traumatic cataract—unilateral
Acid/alkaline burns
Unilateral or bilateral
Severe chemical injury may result in early corneal neovascularization Traumatic hyphema
Severe pain
Tearing, blurry vision
Blood in anterior chamber on slit lamp examination (larger hyphemas can be seen without slit lamp)
Traumatic/sickle cell
Most resolve on their own
Corneal/scleral laceration
Ocular pain
Decreased vision
Irregular pupil (e.g., peaked or teardrop pupil)
Intraocular foreign body
Prolapse of intraocular contents
Aqueous fluid leaking through the perforated cornea stained with fluorescein dye
Positive Seidel test
Ocular burns
Immediate pain
More common, more devastating
Liquefaction necrosis
Penetrates tissue until removed or neutralized
Can cause whitening > bad
Coagulation necrosis
Precipitation of proteins limits extent of injury
Use ophthalmologic anesthetic agent for pain relief
Obtain baseline pH
Do not wait for visual acuity (see Table 2 for V/A if cannot perform V/A)
Irrigation solution must contact the ocular surface
(e.g., Morgan lens) or a lid speculum.
Irrigation continued until pH ocular surface is neutralized 7.0–7.2, usually requiring 1–2 L of NS
Examine under eyelids for residual particles.
Long-term complications
Perforation, scarring, neovascularization, glaucoma, cataracts, retinal damage, adhesions Traumatic hyphema
Prevent straining
HOB >30
Stop bleeding
Sickle cell workup
Corneal/scleral laceration
Before attempting to remove, NP instilled anesthetic agent and fluorescein stained
NOTE: the change in the dye color
Ocular burns
Use ophthalmologic anesthetic agent for pain relief
Obtain baseline pH
Do not wait for visual acuity (see Table 2 for V/A if cannot perform V/A)
Irrigation solution must contact the ocular surface
(e.g., Morgan lens) or a lid speculum.
Irrigation continued until pH ocular surface is neutralized 7.0–7.2, usually requiring 1–2 L of NS
Examine under eyelids for residual particles
Long-term complications
Perforation, scarring, neovascularization, glaucoma, cataracts, retinal damage, adhesions Traumatic hyphema
Immediate consultation
Emergent referral to ophthalmology for (various options)
Corneal/scleral laceration
Immediate consultation
Emergent referral to ophthalmology
Tissue adhesive
Retinal detachment, infection, secondary glaucoma, phthisis bulbi, and/or vision loss
Ocular burns
Immediate consultation
Emergent referral to ophthalmology
FBs (<25% of the cornea) OR
Rust rings embedded deeply in the cornea or in the central visual axis should only be removed by an ophthalmologist Minor posterior cavity/segment (vitreous humor, retina, choroid, and optic nerve)
Posterior vitreous detachment—unilateral
Commotio retinae (traumatic whitening seen on the retina subsequent to blunt trauma) Posterior vitreous detachment
Blurred vision, sudden flashes of light (photopsia) and/or floaters (myodesopsia)
Induced by movement of the head or eye, more noticeable in a dim environment Posterior vitreous detachment
Slit lamp biomicroscopy
B-scan ultrasonography
Optical coherence tomography (OCT) Posterior vitreous detachment
Immediate consultation
Emergent referral to ophthalmology for
Pars plana vitrectomy Major posterior cavity/segment (vitreous humor, retina, choroid, and optic nerve)
Globe rupture unilateral
Retrobulbar hematoma
Retinal detachment
Vitreous detachment
Retinal hemorrhage
Retinal tear Globe rupture
Immediate pain
Irregular pupil
Deformed globe
Eyelid swelling
Conjunctival hemorrhage and swelling,
Hyphema (blood in the anterior chamber)
Absent red reflex of the pupil
Proptosis (exophthalmos)
Any full-thickness eyelid laceration Globe rupture
Immediate transfer
May use a patch for this injury
Broad-spectrum IV antibiotics
Update tetanus
Orbital CT to denote extent of injury
My use a Fox shield to protect eyes until surgery—decreased pain—patient can close the other eye to decrease pain from the eye “accommodation” Globe rupture
Immediate consultation
Immediate consult
Emergent referral to ophthalmology for surgery Orbital rim (sphenoid, frontal, zygoma, ethmoid, lacrimal, maxilla, palatine)
Roof (sphenoid, frontal)
Lateral wall (sphenoid, zygoma)
Medial wall (sphenoid, maxillary, ethmoid, and lacrimal)
Contusion Fracture
Orbital/facial pain
Bony tenderness
Open wounds Fracture
Trauma imaging/CT
Ice packs to reduce swelling
Sneezing with the mouth open, avoidance of nose blowing, or vigorous straw usage are necessary for several weeks to prevent further injury Fracture
Immediate consultation
Emergent referral to ophthalmology—may not need surgery Orbital floor (maxillary, palatine, and orbital plate of the zygoma)
Blow-out fracture Blow-out fracture
Obtain gross V/A
Orbital floor fractures and with these findings – pt needs further imaging (e.g., trauma/maxillofacial CT without contrast):
Diplopia (on upward gaze); limitation of upward gaze
Trigeminal assessment: Decreased sensation over the inferior orbital rim, extending to the edge of nose/ipsilateral upper lip
Tenderness, or step-offs of infraorbital rim
Subcutaneous emphysema = fracture of maxillary sinus
Oculomotor function: Entrapment of the inferior rectus muscle; often occurs between fragments of the lower orbit and is the cause of diplopia
Pupillary light reflex: Absent reflex may show damage to the afferent or efferent nerve system
Position of the globe with enophthalmos/swelling behind the globe, displaying exophthalmos
Chemosis/subconjunctival hemorrhage
Edema/periorbital ecchymosis Blow-out fracture
Early surgical intervention (within 24 hr)—other injuries threaten eyes (e.g., nerve incarceration, acute enophthalmos or hypoglobus, and limitation of gaze caused by extraocular muscle, or periorbital tissue entrapment) Blow-out fracture
Immediate consultation
Emergent referrals to otolaryngological (ENT) surgery, plastic surgery, facial plastic surgery, ocular plastic surgery, and/or oral maxillofacial surgery

Note. CT = computerized tomography; FB = foreign body; HOB = head of bed; IV = intravenous; NS = normal saline; PMD, primary medical doctor; V/A = visual acuity. Created by D. Evans and K. Hoyt.

Superficial injury of the cornea is the most common traumatic diagnosis across age groups, and males sustain most of the injuries (Kim et al., 2022; Miller et al., 2018; Ramirez et al., 2018). Other traumatic diagnoses include ocular contusions, anterior and posterior segment injuries, orbital fractures, and open globe injuries (Cheung et al., 2014).

Lacerations and contusions to the eyelids can typically be managed without the need for ophthalmology referral unless they involve the lacrimal gland and structures, which require prophylactic antibiotic medication and surgical repair with stent placement within 48 hr (Ducasse et al., 2016). Open globe injuries and eyeball lacerations require immediate ophthalmologic referral with repair within 6 hr (Ducasse et al., 2016). Patients experiencing these injuries will require analgesics and often antiemetic medications.

If there is bruising and abnormal extraocular movements, suspect a fracture, order an orbital and facial CT, provide prophylactic antibiotics, and consult an ophthalmologist or facial plastic surgeon emergently (Koenen & Waseem, 2022). Anterior and posterior segment injuries such as hyphema or retinal detachment also require emergent evaluation by an ophthalmologist.

Etiology of Eye Trauma Across the Lifespan

Pediatric eye injuries are typically nonemergent and include corneal abrasions, conjunctivitis, and foreign bodies (Miller et al., 2018). The most common pediatric eye emergencies include eyebrow and eyelid lacerations, contusions of the eye area, eye pain, and visual disturbances (Miller et al., 2018). Because eye injuries may result from child maltreatment, maintain a high degree of suspicion when assessing children with ocular injuries (Christian & Binenbaum, 2022).

Sports-related injury is a frequent etiology in pediatric eye trauma among children aged 10–17 (Kim et al., 2022; Miller et al., 2018; Patel et al., 2023). In a cross-sectional analysis of sports-related ocular trauma obtained from the U.S. Consumer Product Safety National Electronic Injury Surveillance System All Injury Program dataset, Patel et al. (2023) found that basketball (37.8%), baseball (12.8%), and football (12.3%) accounted for most sports-related ocular injuries. Corneal/scleral abrasions were more common with basketball injuries, contusions with baseball, and major anterior and posterior ocular injuries occurring more often from nonpowder guns (paintball, BB, and pellet) and soccer. Although the frequency of eye trauma is more common in boys, dance, gymnastics, and cheerleading are the sports activities associated with most eye injuries in girls (Miller et al., 2018).

In adults, use of workshop tools accounts for most cases of product-related ocular trauma in those older than 20 years whereas sports activities account for most cases of ocular trauma in those younger than 20 years (Go et al., 2022). Injury from falling on home furniture causes most ocular injuries in adults older than 80 years (Go et al., 2022).

Corneal Injuries

Minor anterior chamber/segment injuries include corneal/scleral abrasions and foreign bodies that can be managed with oral or topical analgesic medication, such as ketorolac drops, topical antibiotic drops, and ophthalmology reevaluation within 24 hr (Fusco et al., 2019). Patients with corneal abrasions from contact lens should be seen the next day and be treated with fluoroquinolone topical antibiotics (Gilani et al., 2017).

Providing patients with topical anesthetics for pain relief at discharge, such as tetracaine, is controversial. One systematic review found that brief use of topical anesthetics does not impair corneal healing if used for 24 hours or less (Puls et al., 2015). However, another review cited this practice is not without risks because use may mask a worsening condition that could lead to possible permanent visual impairment (Fraser et al., 2019). Use of prophylactic topical antibiotics is also controversial for management of corneal/scleral abrasions. One systematic review found that topical antibiotics did not reduce infection or accelerate healing when compared with a placebo (Algarni et al., 2022). Eye patches for corneal abrasions are not recommended because they have not been found to improve corneal healing or reduce pain (Lim et al., 2016).

Ocular Burns

Ocular exposure to chemical or biologic agents requires rapid decontamination with copious irrigation using water, saline, or lactated Ringer's (LR) until the normal eye pH returns (approximately 7.5) (Slovin, 2015). LR is the preferred irrigation solution because it is closest to the pH of the eye and is less likely to cause corneal edema and endothelial damage than either tap water or normal saline (Rihawl et al., 2006). However, if rapid irrigation is needed, use whatever solution is available.

Patients who have been exposed to riot control substances (tear gas) will need body decontamination before entering the clinical area for eye irrigation. Although referred to as tear gas, riot control agents are aerosolized dry particles that burn and irritate the eye and respiratory mucosa. These particles adhere to clothing as well as the skin. To avoid provider exposure and contamination, patients exposed to these agents should carefully remove clothing outside of the care setting and wash the skin before being evaluated because the particles will continue to aerosolize if decontamination is not performed (Rothenberg et al., 2016). Visual acuity should be obtained following decontamination and eye irrigation.

Patients with corneal burns require tetanus prophylaxis, analgesic medication, topical antibiotics, and next-day ophthalmologic follow-up (Soleimani & Naderan, 2020). Although corneal burns are typically mild, all chemical burns require emergent irrigation and ophthalmologic management because alkaline agents can cause devastating damage with complications to internal structures that can even occur following initial treatment (Soleimani & Naderan, 2020).

Most chemical burns result from alkaline agents, such as ammonia, found in fertilizers and household and industrial cleaning agents (Soleimani & Naderan, 2020). Alkaline substances cause liquification necrosis of tissues resulting in severe damage that may require surgery to manage the structural, functional, and cosmetic effects (Soleimani & Naderan, 2020). In contrast, acid burns, such as sulfuric acid found in batteries or industrial agents, cause a coagulation necrosis that, unlike alkaline agents, prevents penetration to deeper structures (Soleimani & Naderan, 2020). The Roper-Hall and Duas Classification systems are used to grade injuries and predict outcomes resulting from chemical burns. The most severe physical examination findings from ocular burns include opacification of the cornea that obscures the iris and pupil. Table 7 shows components of the Roper-Hall Burn Classification system with predicted prognoses based on findings.

Table 7. - Roper-Hall classification for ocular chemical surface burns Grade Cornea Conjunctiva/limbus involvement Prognosis I Some epithelial damage No limbal ischemia Good II Corneal haze, iris details visible Less than one-third limbal ischemia Good III Total epithelial loss, haze, iris details obscured, pupil visible One-third to one-half limbal ischemia Guarded IV Cornea opacity, pupil and iris obscured More than one-half limbal ischemia Poor

Fireworks-related ocular injuries may cause ocular burns, but they can also result in superficial and penetrating ocular foreign bodies, conjunctival irritation, and globe rupture (Shiuey et al., 2020). Bottle rockets are associated with the most severe injuries, and young White males are most frequently affected (Shiuey et al., 2020). Ocular burns can also occur from welding when protective eye shields are not used properly (Yan et al., 2022).

Blunt Eye Trauma and Penetrating Foreign Bodies

Penetrating high-velocity foreign bodies can result from hammering, metal cutting, chiseling, or from firearms. These injuries can often damage the posterior structures of the eye including vitreous detachment, retinal hemorrhage, tears and detachment, or globe rupture resulting in permanent vision loss (Gupta & Tripathy, 2023). A rapidly obtained CT scan of the orbit is needed to accurately evaluate these injuries with emergent ophthalmology referral for management.

Patients with traumatic hyphemas from blunt force trauma also require an orbital CT to evaluate for coexisting bony trauma and tonometry to assess IOP. Patients with hyphemas and increased IOP require emergent ophthalmology referral because they will require medical or possibly surgical treatment to reduce the risk of blindness (Chen & Fasiuddin, 2021). Until seen by ophthalmology, patients with hyphemas should rest with the head of the bed elevated to improve vision and help with resolution (Chen & Fasiuddin, 2021). Steroids and cycloplegic medications are frequently used to improve comfort and reduce inflammation (Chen & Fasiuddin, 2021).

Ocular Trauma Red Flags

In summary, red flags in orbital/ocular trauma include fractures, acute vision loss, abnormal pupillary response or shape, large hyphemas, globe rupture, enucleation, penetrating foreign bodies, proptosis, and complex lid lacerations. These conditions all require emergent ophthalmology consultation. Proptosis, resulting from blunt force trauma, suggests a retrobulbar hemorrhage or orbital compartment syndrome. Management of this condition requires an emergent lateral canthectomy to prevent blindness (Park et al., 2021). Orbital compartment syndrome may also entrap the eye muscles causing abnormal extraocular movements.

Red Eye

The differential diagnoses of red eye presentations range from infectious etiologies to environmental irritants, trauma, and acute narrow-angle glaucoma. Table 8 summarizes the key history questions for red eye presentations.

Table 8. - History questions for red eye presentations Obtain a complete medical history and review of systems (autoimmune disorders can present with ocular manifestations). Medication history (antihistamines and antipsychotics can increase intraocular pressure)
Any recent eye surgery? (risk factor for retinal detachment, endophthalmitis/hypopyon, and postoperative infection)
Last tetanus vaccination (consider foreign bodies, corneal abrasions)
Was the onset sudden, chronic, or gradual and progressive? Are symptoms intermittent or constant?
Ask about the duration of symptoms: hours, minutes, or days?
Any exposure to someone with similar symptoms?
Has there been trauma? Known foreign body exposure? Any chemical exposures? (tear gas or toxic splash)
Do you wear contacts? When were they last changed? (consider bacterial keratitis)
Do you have any upper respiratory symptoms? (Think allergic, viral–adenovirus, or bacterial conjunctivitis)
Any facial rashes? (Think herpes zoster ophthalmicus or herpetic keratitis)
Do you have a history of a sexually transmitted disease or associated symptoms including genital lesions/discharge, and swollen, painful red joints? (Reiter's syndrome, syphilis)
Any visual change or decreased acuity? (giant cell arteritis)
Do you have floaters, scotomas, or spotty areas of vision loss? (Consider visual pathway or retinal problem)
Any diplopia? (unilateral suggests cornea or lens problem; bilateral consider brainstem or cerebellum lesions)
Is the eye painful (conjunctivitis, temporal arteritis, iritis, uveitis, acute narrow-angle glaucoma) or painless (subconjunctival hemorrhage)? If painful, describe it.
Any discharge from the eye? Itching? Photosensitivity?
Any other associated symptoms such as headache, nausea, vomiting, facial or scalp discomfort, or facial rash? (Associated symptoms are more likely with herpes zoster, giant cell arteritis, and acute narrow-angle glaucoma.)
Have you used any over-the-counter eye medications? (Consider infection)

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