Is Childhood Immune Thrombocytopenia Associated With Acquired Toxoplasmosis? An Unusual Case of Infection That Led to Acute ITP in a Greek Male Toddler and Implications for Guidelines

From the *RDI Statistics Department, National Documentation Centre, Greece

†Maternity Department, Rea Maternity Hospital, Greece

‡Pediatric Department, Euroclinic Children’s Hospital, Greece

§Department of Obstetrics and Gynecology, Medical School, National and Kapodistrian University, Greece.

Accepted for publication July 12, 2023

The authors have no funding or conflicts of interest to disclose.

The article has been sufficiently de-identified to protect the patient. Moreover, the patient’s parents informed consent for the publication of this report was obtained as the patient was a toddler.

D.S. was responsible for the original draft preparation and was involved in the continued follow-up of the patient. E.T. was involved in the initial treatment, in the management of the case, in the continued follow-up of the patient and reviewed the article. K.B. and M.T. were involved in the management of the case and reviewed the article.

The authors declare that all results and data presented in this case report to support the findings of this study are accurate, original, not fabricated and are available upon request.

Address for correspondence: Dimitris Stogiannis, MSc, PhD, RDI Statistics Department, National Documentation Centre, 56 Zefyrou Street, GR 17564, Palaio Faliro, Greece. E-mail: [email protected].

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