Bullying is a common adversity affecting many children and adolescents. It has been shown to negatively impact the psychological well being not only of targets of bullying, but also that of bullying perpetrators and those witnessing bullying. Bullying is linked to depression and poorer mental health and functioning among children and adolescents. Given the high prevalence of bullying among children and adolescents and the negative mental health sequelae of bullying, this is an area of urgent public health concern. This narrative review brings forth recent research findings in this arena, which could help shape public health policies for addressing and preventing bullying.
Recent findingsRecent findings demonstrate an association of bullying among children and adolescents with depression, nonsuicidal self-injury, sleep loss, reduced health-related quality of life, poorer rates of graduation from high school and later mental health problems. A recent systematic review also showed an association of peer-victimization among children and adolescents with activation of amygdala, left parahippocampal gyrus and fusiform gyrus, and alterations in other brain areas.
SummaryEvidence indicates that bullying in childhood and adolescence is associated with higher odds of developing mental health problems; therefore, early identification and timely intervention is crucial.
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