Initiation of ART early after HIV-1 infection results not only in viral suppression but in the preservation of a functional immune system as well. Despite prolonged viral suppression during ART, autologous neutralizing antibody (anAb) responses evolve and mature [1▪]; an indication that both the B and T cell components of the immune system are functional during this period and can mount and sustain an anti-Env response. During subsequent analytic treatment interruption (ATI), anAbs exert pressure to the emerging virus, forcing it to mutate and escape their action. That is, viral variants expressing envelope glycoproteins (Envs) that have accumulated amino acid mutations that minimize the binding of anAbs eventually predominate the viral population during ATI. Re-initiation of ART within weeks, or months in certain cases, of ATI is required to blunt viral replication once again. During ATI not only the virus evolves, but the anAbs evolve as well [1▪]. Nevertheless, broadly neutralizing antibodies (bnAbs) do not develop during the period of ATI. This could be due to a combination of factors, including a) the fact that the short period of ATI is inefficient for the complete maturation of broadly neutralizing antibody responses, which takes many months to years during chronic infection [2–8], b) the rarity of bnAb precursor B cells in humans [9–16], and c) the rarity of viruses expressing Envs with features required to optimally engage germline bnAb precursors [12,17,18]. Env-derived proteins have been designed de novo to optimally engage germline B cell receptor (glBCR) precursors of several known bnAbs [12,19–23]. These novel immunogens, termed ‘germline-targeting’, can efficiently activate naïve B cells that express glBCR bnAb precursors in vivo[24–30]. Combining germline-targeting immunizations during ART with ATI, could be a way to facilitate the maturation of anAb responses towards their broadly neutralizing forms.
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BROADLY NEUTRALIZING HIV-1 ANTIBODIES DEVELOP DURING HIV-1 INFECTIONAn effective HIV-1 vaccine will be one that elicits diverse antiviral immune responses at mucosal sites of HIV-1 entry [31,32]. These responses will include bnAbs of diverse epitope specificities, as escape variants exist for every bnAb specificity. The preventive potential of HIV-1 bnAbs has been demonstrated in passive antibody-administration studies conducted in nonhuman primates prior to SHIV-exposure or in humanized mice actively producing bnAbs prior to HIV-1 exposure [33–35]. Importantly, one HIV-1 bnAb, VRC01, prevented HIV-1 acquisition from sensitive tier 2 viruses in two phase 3 clinical trials (HVTN 703/704) [36]. In addition, initial viral escape from bnAbs is associated with viral fitness costs [37].
Cross-neutralizing HIV-1 antibody activities are detectable in HIV-1 sera and several factors have been associated with their development [5]. Their breadths and potencies vary widely but only a small fraction of chronically infected individuals develop exquisitely potent and broad anti-HIV-1 neutralizing antibodies [2–8]. Generally, bnAb responses become detectable after several years of infection [4]. Over the past decade, numerous new broadly neutralizing monoclonal antibodies (mAbs) have been isolated from HIV-1-infected subjects and were extensively characterized [38–58]. Structural information of such mAbs bound to Env, combined with information of their ontogenies (i.e., their VH/VL derivation) and maturation pathways, vastly improved our understanding of how bnAbs emerge and evolve during HIV-1 infection. This new information led to the development of new hypotheses on how to elicit bnAbs by immunization [31,59–63] and of their potential roles as therapeutic agents [59,64].
THERAPEUTIC USE OF BROADLY NEUTRALIZING mAbsAlthough ART suppresses HIV-1 replication and has beneficial effects on morbidity and mortality, it does not lead to viral eradication. Thus, to avoid viral rebound, ART has to be maintained for life which is associated with short- and long-term side effects. bnAb administration has been proposed as an alternative strategy to maintain low viral load for extended periods of time during ATI [64–66]. Indeed, bnAb-administration, concomitant with ATI, can maintain viral loads at very low/undetectable levels for extended periods of time, sometimes months, but eventually viral variants capable of escaping from individual bnAbs emerge [67]. During ART re-initiation, viral loads will again decrease but viral variants that can escape from both anAbs and from bnAbs are now present. Nevertheless, several studies clearly show that bnAb-administration during ATI delays viral rebound, even when the concentrations of bnAbs drop to very low levels. The underlying mechanisms for this interesting observation remain unclear, but CD8+ T cell responses could be involved [68,69]. It is also possible that bnAb-treatment during ATI leads to the development of more effective anti-Env B cell immune responses, as virion-bnAb complexes may be more effectively cross-presented to T cells by antigen-presenting cells [70]. Thus, both the virus and the anti-Env B cells evolve to counter each other during ATI.
IMMUNIZATION DURING ARTThe observation that ART initiation during acute or early infection can preserve the functionality of the immune system and limit viral diversification, led to the proposal that vaccination during ART (therapeutic vaccination) may result in the development of antiviral immune responses capable of delaying viral rebound during ATI. Unfortunately, although diverse immunization strategies have been evaluated so far, no real benefit in delaying viral rebound by the vaccine-elicited antiviral responses has been reported [1▪,71,72]. However, these studies either did not include an Env component, or the Env employed was not optimal for the elicitation of bnAbs, so the poor outcome could be due to the lack of generation of bnAbs by these vaccines.
CURRENT EFFORTS TO ELICIT BNABS THROUGH VACCINATIONThree general bnAb-elicitation immunization approaches are being currently pursued in the HIV-1 vaccine field. One approach is the ‘lineage approach’ during which one attempts to reproduce by vaccination the maturation pathway of a specific bnAb clone (‘lineage’) that occurred in an HIV-1-infected individual, by sequentially immunizing healthy individuals with Envs isolated from that infected individual and which are believed to be responsible for that maturation. This is the case for example for bnAbs targeting the apex region of the viral Env [73–75], or those that target the N332 glycan patch of Env [76]. In the lineage approach, the Env immunogens and the order of their administration are believed to be known. Another approach is the ‘germline-targeting approach’ which is based on the observation that not one but a group of glBCRs with similar ontogenies matured in multiple HIV-1+ subjects (infected with different viruses) and produced bnAbs of different amino acid sequences but with similar structural features and identical epitope specificities. This is the case for the anti-CD4-binding site bnAbs belonging to the VRC01-class [50,52]. Here, Envs that activated these glBCRs and the Envs that induced their maturation remain unknown and Env immunogens capable of doing so must be developed de novo[12,19–21] and validated experimentally [24,27,30,77,78]. Therefore, the lineage and germline approaches aim to activate and guide the maturation of specific BCRs that target specific Env epitopes. A third immunization approach can be characterized as ‘agnostic’ as no particular glBCR is targeted, but a specific epitope on Env is targeted [79,80].
ACTIVATING BNAB PRECURSORS THROUGH IMMUNIZATIONOnce activated, the glBCR precursors of bnAbs will have to undergo affinity maturation through the accumulation of specific mutations in order to adopt their broadly neutralizing forms [56,74,76,81–84]. This maturation process takes 1–2 years to complete during natural infection during which period virion-associated Envs serve as ‘booster’ immunogens. Virions expressing ‘germline-targeting’ forms of Env initiate this process by activating naïve B cells that express the glBCR precursors of bnAbs. The B cells then enter the germinal center (GC) reaction where their BCRs accumulate mutations (in a mostly random manner). Some of these mutations are conducive to the development of bnAbs, while others are not. It is hypothesized that GC B cells expressing the former BCRs receive secondary stimulatory signals by viral Envs with specific features that allow them to bind these mutated BCRs. This process is repeated until the BCRs have accumulated the entire set of mutations required for their broadly neutralizing forms.
Thus, to elicit bnAbs through immunization, appropriate prime-boost immunizations strategies must be developed (Fig. 1). Here, the first immunogen will activate the glBCR of interest (‘germline-targeting’ immunogen) and heterologous immunogens (‘booster’ immunogens) will be administered, in a specific order, to select and further activate those daughter BCRs that have accumulated mutations conducive with their broadly neutralizing forms [24,25,26,27,29,85–87].
Guided maturation of a bnAb precursor during prime-boost immunizations. To elicit bnAbs through immunization, the first immunogen will activate the glBCR of interest (‘germline-targeting’ immunogen) and heterologous immunogens (‘booster’ immunogens) will be administered, in a specific order, to select and further activate those BCRs that have accumulated appropriate mutations (green).
Env-derived proteins have been designed to optimally activate naïve B cells that express glBCRs of anti-CD4-BS bnAbs [12,19,21], anti-Env apex bnAbs [22,88], or bnAbs that target the N332 neutralization site on Env [23,25]. These germline-targeting Env immunogens activate the targeted B cells in animal models (see above). Importantly, a glVRC01-class germline-targeting immunogen was recently shown to activate germline VRC01-class BCRs in a phase 1 clinical trial [89▪▪].
Although ‘germline-targeting’ immunogens have been designed for a diverse set of bnAbs, the optimal booster immunogens and the order and timing of their administration have not yet been determined. As a result, in only a handful of cases the complete maturation of a bnAb precursor was achieved and this occurred in knock-in mice expressing unphysiologically high frequencies of a single, well defined human glBCR, or after numerous immunizations over a period of ∼2 years [26,86]. In part, this could be due to a less than optimal BCR-activation potential of the booster immunogens used, but other factors are also likely involved.
COMBINING GERMLINE-TARGETING IMMUNIZATIONS WITH ATIThe availability of germline-targeting Env immunogens, gives us the opportunity to evaluate them in combination with ATI. HIV-1-infected subjects on ART would first be immunized with ‘germline-targeting’ Env immunogens and then undergo ATI (Fig. 2). It is expected that during infection, a broad range of nonneutralizing B cell responses would have developed and that viral Env diversity is present. The germline-targeting Env will activate naïve B cells that express the targeted glBCR precursors (Fig. 2a) which will then enter GCs and accumulate somatic mutations. During the subsequent ATI stage (Fig. 2b), emerging viral variants that express Envs with specific features will engage these partially mutated BCRs and provide the necessary booster signals to support and guide their maturation towards their broadly neutralizing forms, similar to what occurs during natural infection. Because of the transient nature of ATI it is not expected that bnAb responses will have enough time to fully develop, although antibodies with some degree of cross-neutralizing potential may develop. Deep sequencing of BCRs from activated Env + B cells, during immunization and during ATI, will confirm the expansion and maturation of glBCR bnAb precursors. Similarly, emerging cross-neutralizing serum antibody activities, and their epitopes, could be detected with the use of specific viruses [90]. Importantly, the parallel sequencing of env from the emerging virus during ATI could lead to the identification of those Envs that guide the maturation of the desired glBCR bnAb precursors. Such Envs could then be employed as booster immunogens in immunization studies of uninfected subjects.
Combining germline-targeting immunization with ATI. (a) B cells expressing BCRs of diverse Env epitope specificities that give rise to nonneutralizing antibodies become activated following HIV-1 infection, but B cells expressing germline BCR precursors of broadly neutralizing antibodies (white B cells) are not activated by the replicating virus, despite the gradual increase in viral Env diversity. (b) Immunization with specifically-designed germline-targeting Env-derived immunogens will lead to the activation of the latter B cells which will enter the germinal center reaction where their B cell receptors will accumulate mutations (Light blue B cells). These B cells will become further activated by specifically viral variants that emerge during ATI and will accumulate additional mutations and become broadly neutralizing (red B cells).
CONCLUSIONThe development of ‘germline-targeting’ Env immunogens, the knowledge recently gained on how bnAb responses develop during chronic HIV-1 infection, the information gained on how the anti-HIV-1 immune responses evolve during ART and ATI, along with information on the evolution of HIV-1 Env prior, during and following ATI, and following the administration of broadly neutralizing mAbs, provide us with a unique opportunity to combine germline-targeting Env immunization approaches with viral evolution during ATI. Such studies would inform on whether germline-targeting Env immunogens can activate bnAb precursors in a milieu where preexisting nonbroadly neutralizing antibody responses have been established (i.e., chronic infection + ART); if this activation is as efficient as the one taking place during germline-targeting immunizations of uninfected subjects; whether the antibodies elicited by germline-targeting Env immunogens have any effect on the virus during ATI; whether viral evolution during ATI can further promote the maturation of bnAb precursors towards their neutralizing forms; and, potentially, the identification of natural Envs that can be used as immunogens to promote the maturation of bnAb precursors during immunization of uninfected individuals.
AcknowledgementsI would like to thank Dr Parul Agrawal for any helpful comments and suggestions.
Financial support and sponsorshipNone.
Conflicts of interestThere are no conflicts of interest.
REFERENCES AND RECOMMENDED READINGPapers of particular interest, published within the annual period of review, have been highlighted as:
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