Undoubtedly the complexity of Antibody Drug Conjugate (ADC) molecules where three components (monoclonal antibody, cytotoxic drug and appropriate linker) are involved poses a challenge for biosimilar development. As with all biomolecule development, both novel and biosimilar, it is important to choose orthogonal analytical techniques to interrogate Quality Attributes, particularly for Higher Order Structure (HOS) studies and investigations into possible aggregates. Examples of suitable techniques are described.
Submitted: 27 June 2023; Revised: 1 August 2023; Accepted: 23 August 2023; Published online first: 5 September 2023
Introduction: ADCs – The promise of precisely targeted drug deliveryAntibody Drug Conjugates (ADCs) are antibody-based anti-cancer therapeutics consisting of monoclonal antibodies attached to a cytotoxic drug via a linker of some kind. These highly targeted delivery systems offer the promise of lower cytotoxic drug levels in the patient and, as a result, potentially reduced drug side-effects [1].
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