Transferring With TACT: A Novel Tool to Standardize Transfer Decisions From a Level IV NICU: Erratum

In the article “Transferring With TACT: A Novel Tool to Standardize Transfer Decisions From a Level IV NICU,” the authors acknowledge several errors were made in the presentation of the ICU CAMEO III Acuity Tool.

Page four of the article states “Next, the study team added characteristics that could affect patient transfer including surgery, patient Complexity Assessment and Monitoring to Ensure Optimal Outcomes (CAMEO) scores, 17 and changes to narcotic or benzodiazepine regimens.” This sentence instead should state “ICU Complexity Assessment and Monitoring to Ensure Optimal Outcomes Classifications.”© 2022 Boston Children's Hospital. All Rights Reserved.

The authors have also acknowledged that the CAMEO classifications in Figure 2 were incorrectly labeled.

Please see updated Figure 2 on next page.

F2AF2B Armstrong A, Engstrand S, Kunz S, Cole A, Schenkel S, Kucharski K, Toole C, DeGrazia M. Transferring With TACT: A Novel Tool to Standardize Transfer Decisions From a Level IV NICU. Adv Neonatal Care. 2022;22(6):E217–E228. doi: 10.1097/ANC.0000000000001030.

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