Factors influencing mortality in ICU hospitalized patients with severe sepsis: A systematic review and meta-analysis

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metadata.dc.identifier.doi: https://doi.org/10.56042/ijeb.v61i08.4373Title: Factors influencing mortality in ICU hospitalized patients with severe sepsis: A systematic review and meta-analysisAuthors: Wu, Keke
Luo, Yun
Qin, Jie
Xu, XiaxiaKeywords: Comorbidity;Multiple organ dysfunctionIssue Date: Jul-2023Publisher: NIScPR-CSIR,IndiaAbstract: Sepsis is one of the primary causes of mortality in the world. When the sepsis develops into acute organ dysfunction it is considered severe. Severe sepsis increases the economic burden by means of potential treatment for inflammatory responses and multiple organ failure. Several factors, including age, inappropriate use of antibiotics, comorbidities, multiple organ dysfunction, and site of infection, are considered to increase mortality risk in severe septic patients. This systematic review analyses various factors influencing mortality in ICU-hospitalized patients with severe sepsis. A systematic search for relevant articles up to September 2022 was carried out on 6 electronic databases, including Scopus, MEDLINE, PubMed, ScienceDirect, Embase and Google Scholar. Of 1078 articles, only nine studies were reviewed after meeting the inclusion criteria. Meta-analysis of three studies reveal significantly more fatality in older patients than the younger (OR; 2.28: 1.65, 3.15: 95% CI: I2 = 11%, P Page(s): 597-605ISSN: 0975-1009 (Online); 0019-5189 (Print)Appears in Collections:IJEB Vol.61(08) [August 2023]

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