Quality indicators in radiotherapy

Authors Ana Perpar Onkološki inštitut Ljubljana Barbara Šegedin Onkološki inštitut Ljubljana; Univerza v Ljubljani, Medicinska fakulteta DOI: https://doi.org/10.25670/oi2023-001on Keywords: healthcare system, healthcare services, breast cancer radiotherapy, oncology, quality indicators, internal quality control Abstract

Zagotovitev kakovosti v zdravstvu postaja pomembnejša dejavnost plačnikov in ponudnikov zdravstvenih storitev, prav tako mednarodne organizacije uspešno akreditacijo pogojujejo z izvajanjem programov nadzora kakovosti. Za analizo pomanjkljivosti v zagotavljanju storitev se uporabljajo kazalniki kakovosti, ki analizirajo strukture, procese in izide v zdravstvenem sistemu in s tem omogočijo načrtovanje in izvedbo izboljšav zdravstvenih storitev. V radioterapiji je tradicija nadzora kakovosti, ki se razvija vzporedno s tehnološkimi in metodološkimi spremembami na tem področju. Pri analizi izidov zdravljenja, ki so najbolj poveden kazalnik kakovosti onkoloških zdravstvenih storitev, se velikokrat srečujemo z nezanesljivostjo podatkov oz. zapletenim dostopom do njih, kar zmanjšuje ažurnost in verodostojnost rezultatov. Namen tega članka je pregled kazalnikov kakovosti v radioterapiji in onkologiji.

Abstract (Eng)

Providers and payers alike are increasingly committing themselves to ensuring the quality of healthcare services. Moreover, international organizations condition the awarding of accreditations with the implementation of a quality control programme. Quality indicators are tools used to analyze weaknesses in the provision of healthcare services. They are used to analyze the structure, process and outcomes of healthcare systems; they also aid in the planning and implementation of improvements in healthcare services. There is a tradition of quality management in the field of radiotherapy which is evolving along with technical and methodological changes in the field. Analyzing treatment outcomes, the most important quality indicator of oncological patient care, is often complicated by the unreliability or inaccessibility of patient data; this reduces the timeliness and credibility of the results. The purpose of this article is to provide an overview of quality indicators in radiation oncology.

How to Cite

Perpar, A., & Šegedin, B. (2023). Quality indicators in radiotherapy. Onkologija : A Medical-Scientific Journal, 27(1), 6–11. https://doi.org/10.25670/oi2023-001on

Issue Section

Scientific Review Article


Copyright (c) 2023 Ana Perpar

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