Remember me
Conceptualization: PFH, SAB
Field investigation: PFH, SAB, FAM, RSH
Geochemical interpretation: RSH, JBW
Isotopic analysis: FAM, JR, RB
Resources: SAB, FAM
Writing – original draft: PFH
Writing – review & editing: PFH, FAM, RSH, JR
Funding InformationSampling of the Compton laccolith on Stark Lake in 1979 was supported by the University of Kansas general fund, United States National Science Foundation grants 79-19544, 81-18234, and 83-03110 to W.R. Van Schmus, and by W.A. Padgham of the Department of Indian and Northern Affairs Canada in Yellowknife, NWT. Stratigraphic studies in 1966–67 and 1972 and geological mapping of the Great Slave basin in 1976 were authorized and supported by the Geological Survey of Canada.
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