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Neilson D.E., Adams M.D., Orr C.M.D., Schelling D.K., Eiben R.M., Kerr D.S., Anderson J., Bassuk A.G., Bye A.M., Childs A-M., Clarke A., Crow Y.J., Rocco M.D., Dohna-Schwake C., Dueckers G., Fasano A.E., Gika A.D., Gionnis D., Gorman M.P., Grattan-Smith P.J., Hackenberg A., Kuster A., Lentschig M.G., Lopez-Laso E., Marco E.J., Mastroyianni S., Perrier J., Schmitt-Mechelke T., Servidei S., Skardoutsou A., Uldall P., der Knaap M.S.V., Goglin K.C., Tefft D.L., Aubin C., de Jager P., Hafler D., and Warman M.L. 2009. Infection-triggered familial or recurrent cases of acute necrotizing encephalopathy caused by mutations in a component of the nuclear pore, RANBP2. Am. J. Hum. Genet. 84(1): 44–51.
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