Erratum to " Celastrus paniculatus oil ameliorates synaptic plasticity in a rat model of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder"
Year : 2023 |
: 13
Issue : 4 |
Page : 184
Erratum to " Celastrus paniculatus oil ameliorates synaptic plasticity in a rat model of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder"
Date of Web Publication27-Apr-2023
Correspondence Address:

Source of Support: None, Conflict of Interest: None
DOI: 10.4103/2221-1691.375087
How to cite this article:. Erratum to " Celastrus paniculatus oil ameliorates synaptic plasticity in a rat model of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder". Asian Pac J Trop Biomed 2023;13:184
How to cite this URL:. Erratum to " Celastrus paniculatus oil ameliorates synaptic plasticity in a rat model of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder". Asian Pac J Trop Biomed [serial online] 2023 [cited 2023 Apr 27];13:184. Available from:
In the article “Celastrus paniculatus oil ameliorates synaptic plasticity in a rat model of attention deficit hyperactivity disorder” published on pages 105-114, Issue 3, Volume 11 of Asian Pacific Journal of Tropical Biomedicine,
[Figure 5] was incorrectly published. The correct
[Figure 5] is provided below:

Figure 5: Histopathological examination results. Neuronal damage was assessed by H&E staining (Magnification: 40×). A: normal histoarchitecture; B: significant reactive gliosis (red arrows), mild degeneration (black arrows) and vascular proliferation (yellow arrow); C, D: decreased reactive gliosis (red arrows), mild degeneration (black arrows) and vascular proliferation (yellow arrow); E: reactive gliosis (red arrows) and mild degeneration (black arrows); F: reactive gliosis (red arrows), spongiotic degeneration (grey arrows) and inflammatory infiltration (blue arrows); G, H: decreased reactive gliosis (red arrows), spongiotic degeneration (grey arrows) and inflammatory infiltration (blue arrows). A: normal control; B: normal control treated with lead acetate; C: normal control animals treated with lead acetate & atomoxetine; D: normal control animals treated with lead acetate & Celastrus paniculatus oil; E: social isolated; F: socially isolated animals treated with lead acetate; G: socially isolated animals treated with lead acetate & atomoxetine; H: socially isolated animals treated with lead acetate & Celastrus paniculatus oil.
Click here to view
[Figure 5]
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